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Got pulled over last night..


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Yup! Busted in the Z. After 2 months on jacks I drove it and she rips! Must have done good job on the DS cause it's smoooth! Ok the story i'll keep it short lol. Drove over to a friends place, big party old friends show off the car etc. Take an old high school friend for ride and fry the tires up the street. A quick lap on the freeway and head back. So about two blocks away flying though some S turns out comes a cop chasing me. He's on my ass, lights, pull over, kill the motor. Asks for DL and ins. Asks do you know the posted limit of speed I say yes 35mph. Then askes how fast i was going, i said maybe 50? He says, you're going to give yourself that much of a cushin? I'm like oh ♥♥♥♥ im done. Asks me if i have full exhaust, Yes. Nitrous, No that's a fire ex. Do you race this this car? I said not yet but im working on it. Seat belt in use. Goes back to his car. Comes back... and lets me go! Said next time I will smear your perfect driving record. I learned my lesson.

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Every case is different.. Acting oblivious to your driving doesn't work. They will nail you every time for being an idiot. My thoughts are don't lie but don't admit full guilt. A very, very delicate balance. Hey it worked right?

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Every case is different.. Acting oblivious to your driving doesn't work. They will nail you every time for being an idiot. My thoughts are don't lie but don't admit full guilt. A very, very delicate balance. Hey it worked right?


Haha. yea it worked for you. but as a 19year old in a red car. nothing i say will save me. trust me on that one. But its the cost you pay, and its something that has unfortunately been on the back of my mind as i build my car. "will this attract cops?" "is there another legal way to do this?" blah blah blah blah.


the best way to get away from a ticket i have found out is to no get caught at all if possible haha. Limit your street outburst to a minimum. Chose where you will do something stupid wisely (haha that sounds funny). I know that people love to say that you should NEVER do anything on the street. But sometimes you just got to let a little out. (im not saying you let your outburst happen in traffic thou haha)


radar helps too, but if you do get caught with one on ur dash you can kiss any chance of a warning good bye.


this is all just my opinion anywho.

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that's why you mount it in a way where the cops can't see, and run an led to somewhere on your dash (maybe one of the dummy lights, like say, the low fuel light) lol.


i've been lucky with getting pulled over. i was taking a turn with no sign saying to slow down or anything, and took it at the speed limit (apparently there is a sign, but it's in a very bad spot, and can't be seen well) a cop pulls me over (in an undercover magnum) and tells me that i was going way to fast through the turn. this is in a '62 vw with the stock 1200. anyways, the cop lets me off after quizing me to see what i know about vw's. nice to know i got let off cause he liked my car i suppose (the posted sign apparently said 35, i was doing around 45-48)


ironic though. getting pulled over for SPEEDING in a bug with 40hp with a top speed of 70mph. I kind of miss that bug, but having the z is a whole new adventure.


as far as outburst go. mine occur at night on the freeway. i basically run laps around the north and southbound I-17 by my house, since the off ramps lead to u-turns to get back onto the freeway. I limit myself to 10 over though, and no higher than 70mph. 1st and 2nd gear are so much fun. I really do love the sound of a zed's l6 at high rpm.


I just hope i can keep my foot off the gas and not go for a top speed run -_- i did it in my broncoII in NC, it did 120mph (yeah, 1990 broncoII rated at like, 130-140hp pulling 120mph)

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Got hit the other day by a CHP using LIDAR. Coming down a 6% grade at 88mph. Gave him my info and he got halfway back to his patrol car, turned around and said "This is your lucky day. I just got a high priority call. Slow down."




Been on cruise control ever since...

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Actually, when he asked the speed limit, and then he responded with a definate range that 'was in excess' kind of limits what the cop can realistically write the ticket for... almost universally cops have a digital recorder running during a straffic stop, and if you deny any knowledge, they are open to write whatever speed you want. But if you state a speed, it becomes very difficult in court to defend a 'spontaneous utterance and admission of guilt'... Sure, if he had said 'It was 35mph, and I was going 35' it would be easy to know that the driver is mis-stating the obvious. But by saying he knows it was 35 posted, and that he was going 'around 50' he's admitting 50mph or thereabouts, and makes it very difficult for a ticket for 70mph (especially paced on a twisty road) to stand up in court should the ticket go that far.


But the old standard cop questions "Do you know how fast you were going?" is a clear fishing expedition for someone to lock-stock-and-barrel incriminate themselves...at that point it's best to keep your mouth shut. Or do what the cops do: Make Declarative Statements to be recorded on their digital recorder which will be taken at face value in the abscense of any other evidence to impeach them.


I have a Digital Recorder that I keep with me for notes on a jobsite...it's a matter of flicking it on when you get lit up and saying the date and time and quickly giving a synopsis of what you were doing "10/28/2007 1700hrs, just got lit up by DPS while going 45mph on Oro Grande Road Eastbound" and then just letting it roll during the traffic stop. Same thing the cop is doing. But when / if you go to fight any ticket... you can really help your odds by questioning the cop to know if he used a PVR to refresh his memory while writing his report after the fact. If he did, your PVR recording is likely to carry as much weight as his, and if he's clearly fibbing, you can usually get off really lightly if not scot-free from the offence.


The Yellow Speed Limit signs are also a good point, it's a cautionary speed, not a solid speed. I got nibbed in missouri by a cop trying to nail me for 81 in a 45 because I came up an off ramp at freeway speed. I told him sitting in the front seat of the cruiser that if that was what he was going to write it for, that I WOULD be back to fight the ticket, and that he should clear his calander for the court date, beause it was a yellow sign and not a white-and-black, meaning it was only a suggested speed, and not a (what california calls) prima-facaie speed limit. He wrote me for 81 in a 70 instead. Which was still B.S. but after that I refused to trust a Ford Speedo in ANY Hertz Rental. Matter of fact, I bought a GPS so I could verify the speedo before setting my speedo. I had told the cop "I know you guys ticket above 77mph, my speed was cruise set to 77, why would I set it at 81? I got all day to get to St. Joseph?" Which was the truth! Yeah, I was intending to exceed the posted speed limit by 7 mph...and I'd take a ticket reflecting that...but 81 in a 70? I was all set to fight it until I realized the fine was like $35 (and not the $200+ like in CA) at which point I said: "Meh!" and moved on... But I wasn't going to suck on an 81 in a 45, noway nohow!


"ironic though. getting pulled over for SPEEDING in a bug with 40hp with a top speed of 70mph. I kind of miss that bug, but having the z is a whole new adventure."

On that note, I was driving my 62 microbus (supposed to have the same 1200 as the bug!) up US23 south of Tawas Michigan when the Iosco County Sheriff pulled me over for 65 in a 45 up a hill. When he came up to me he says 'I got you at 65 coming up this hill back here!'


My response:

"IN THIS?!?!?!?!"


He stopped for a second...pushed his hat back slightly...kind of mumbled 'Yeah, you're right, I think I'm going to run the cal again. Have a nice day!' and went back to his cruiser!


Of course I had a dual weber 2110cc engine in there at the time and could bury the speedo at will... but the incredulousness of the reply "IN THIS?" must have been enough!


A stock 40 horse in a bus is maybe a 55mph vehicle with two people in it, 65 with a tailwind. Uphill? Hell, I could usually back up a hill faster than I could go up in 1st because it was a lower gear!!!


Ahhh, VW's. Good OLD VW's! LOL

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Got hit the other day by a CHP using LIDAR. Coming down a 6% grade at 88mph. Gave him my info and he got halfway back to his patrol car, turned around and said "This is your lucky day. I just got a high priority call. Slow down."


I got tagged in my Bus on the 57 Northbound just south of the I10 Overpass one early morning, heading to the Pomona Swap Meet. CHP had stopped beyond me and walked back to me along the shoulder. As the cop is looking at my information, a side by side Pantera and Corvette BLOW by me at WELL over 120. Open Exhausts on both of them, I swear! Cop literally THROWS my info back to me and says almost the same thing: "Small Potatoes, slow it down! Have a nice day!" That have a nice day was yelled as he was jumping OVER the hood of his car to get back to the driver's side, and he was GONE! Sprayed the front of my bus with all sorts of Debris.:evil:


Yeah, like he had a chance in hell to catch up. They were over the crest of the hill and into San Dimas by that time. And I'm sure they BOTH saw the CHP in front of my bus, and judging by the exhaust note did NOT decide lifting throttle was conducive to their license retention strategy. I figure they ducked down one of the next exits at the bottom of the hill and left the CHP wondering 'which way did they go-which way did they go?'

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