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Holset e-bay rebuild kit works!


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about 3 weeks ago I started my car one morning and it started smoking:sour: As soon as it warmed up it would stop. As I was changing my cam I put in new valve seals. That didn't do it. I checked the plugs they all looked good, not to mention my motor has about 3K miles on it after a fresh rebuild. So I turned to my 1 year old Holset HY35 turbo. When I bought it it had 17 miles on it so the e-bay seller said, but I believe him. When I got it it looked BRAND NEW!! no joke. Well I bought this kit for $45 http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=006&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWN%3AIT&viewitem=&item=160180207575&rd=1

installed it and my car no longer smokes when cold.


Now I ask myself, Turbo timer?? do I need one. I have shut the car off from time to time after some boosting to run into the store or what have you. The bearings looked fried, the shaft was blue in spot telling me it got way hot. And there was crusty burned oil build up just before the hot side blades. I cleaned it all up, put in the new stuff. It was quite easy. And seems to work. So there, take that info and go get yourself some more turkey.:cool:

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+1 on the turbo timer.


Especially if you are out running the Z hard ya need to cool those bearings down. It's a cheap investment that will add life to that rebuilt Holset.


I am a Blitz guy have there gauges and timer, none are in my Z at the moment but I have used them in the past. I had this same one on my Shiro. It's small enough I could tuck it inside the ash tray out of site. It measured my coolant temp as well the timer. You can set it for 1,3,5 and 10 minutes. On my Shiro it would sense how hot the motor was and if I did a short trip to the store it would run for a minute and if I was out running it hard it would run for longer. It has a kill switch built in and a single wire ties into the e-brake. If the e-brake handle drops the motor dies.



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I consider myself a very frugal person, but when it comes to something that may see 75 000 rpm, I would not skimp. I would suggest getting your turbo VSR balanced or even a low speed machine will do. Cost is only about $75 or so but the peace of mind is worth 10 times that. Just like balancing your car wheels, just my .02c


Good luck


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