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vid of lambo doing 219mph on arizona freeway!!

FJ 280z

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I agree that this wasn't the brightest thing, but people do 160+ all day long on certain parts of the autobahn and there have been plenty cases of 200+ speeds on the non-speed restricted sections.


I'm 100% in agreement that this kinda action should be kept to the track, but I don't think doing 200+ should automatically mean it's a stupid thing to do.


If having sex was made illegal would we call sex addicts morons? The REASON that these kinda speeds should be kept to a track is that:


A) Our roads aren't designed and kept up to the quality that those speeds require


B) Any traffic out there will have NO clue to expect a lambo doing 200+ comming up on it.


C) If you cash on the street, there aren't paramedics there ready.


I DO agree that these guys aren't that bright. 1: Pulling multiple runs, that's just asking for trouble. 2: There WAS traffic out there, which is a big no no imo. 3: They posted it ONLINE. That's the kicker for me, they ARE dumb.


...but I don't think it's because they did 200mph on a public road.

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How are you supposed to get caught going 200+ mph? By the time the police sopt you would be several miles down the freeway. The only way they would be able to catch you and yes I realize that the lambo cannot maintain 200+ mph for long but it CAN maintain 160+ mph which would be more than enough to outrun a persuit. Anyway the only way to catch you would be to radio ahead to the next cop and have them intetcept or use helicopters. I think that you would have time if you noticed the cop that is, to quickly get off at the next exit and be gone forever.


It doesn't matter if you are going to get caught. Which is quite easy when you are driving a bright colored limited model car. Even in datsun doing 200mph (with out actually flying somehow) they can get a description of the car and find you later and if you can't prove you were somewhere else you will be fined or jailed. Its like the red light camera guilty untill proven innocent.


My mentality is that if you speed (25+ speed limit) then you should be prepared to either kill someone, kill yourself, ruin someones life, or go to jail. If you aren't ready to accept the consequences of your actions you shouldn't do it. I myself have seen 150+ on public roads so i'm not preaching about something I don't do myself. I do push the limit but I am always doing it in the safest manner (althought no speeding is safe) and I'm ready for the aftermath of my actions.


Taking the flame suit off bring it on:flamedevi Remember opinions are like assholes, everybody has one

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Damn. Liked hearing that thing rap out. Seemed like it was short shifting, at least it was going through the gears in a big hurry.


Get caught doing that and it is prison time. Plus good luck getting the car back.


Yepo he shifted at 7700rpms and redline looks to be around 8200.

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Based on the voices and age of those in the video, i'd have to say that was daddy's car. One reason my son will not drive the Z unless i'm in the car.


Son: "...ahh... dad i'm in Jail for doing 219 in your car..."

Father: "WTF, you did what!!!!"

Son: "...ahhh, yeah, by the way they confiscated your car and you won't be getting it back, sorry..."

Father: Sounds of sobbing heard over the phone, "My car, my car..." more sobbing....

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How are you supposed to get caught going 200+ mph? By the time the police sopt you would be several miles down the freeway. The only way they would be able to catch you and yes I realize that the lambo cannot maintain 200+ mph for long but it CAN maintain 160+ mph which would be more than enough to outrun a persuit. Anyway the only way to catch you would be to radio ahead to the next cop and have them intetcept or use helicopters. I think that you would have time if you noticed the cop that is, to quickly get off at the next exit and be gone forever.


there are more than one way to catch a speeder. radar is one. timing is another. on that road that they did that on (that i drive almost daily) there is timing marks on the shoulder for the helicopters. pacing is another. radio is by far faster than any car.


on break, the guy said that it was on a closed road. wrong. he started on the hawes rd exit that is closed but not the 202. retard. hope he rooms with bubba.



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if you can't prove you were somewhere else you will be fined or jailed. Its like the red light camera guilty untill proven innocent.


Haha, you have stupid laws (sorry)


I was doing 160kmh along a 110 highway here once (someone mentioned young and dumb?) and had a cop go past the other way. we both saw each other, but he was separated by a fairly long line of trees in the middle of the road, i jumped on the anchors, and did the speed limit.


within a few moments he came screaming up behind me and pulled me over.

i claimed it wasnt me, that some idiot in a white commodore (VERY common car round here) went screaming past a minute or so ago.

naturally he doesn't beleive me, and gives me a ticket, I go to court, and instruct my solicitor to ask the cop 2 questions.

Q1. "How many white commodores of that model would you suggest that there are on the road at any given time"

cop. "Probably a few thousand"


Q2."Did you, at any time from the start of the pursuit, to pulling over my client, lose sight of the vehicle in question?"

cop. (hesitates at question) "yes, i did. but i know it was him"


solicitor responds "so with out any reasonable doubt, how can you know that my client was speeding at all?"


the judge stopped it all there, as everyone realised the cop couldn't prove a thing. wooo, no big fine for me:mrgreen::mrgreen:

(i have slowed down a lot since then)


If that bloke is smart, and gets a good lawyer, there is quite a few angles he can use to get away with it.

nameley, how can you prove that a copy of the original video, from the internet, hasn't been digitally altered to include details to make it seem real?

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just watched the news. the retards posted on their my space page that they also broke into the track at bondurant raceway to test their skills. the bondurant people are NOT happy about that.




the police have launched a criminal investigation and are getting numerous leads as to who these are and they are going to press full charges. mmmm, bubba gunna have some fresh ones.



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Haha, you have stupid laws (sorry)


I was doing 160kmh along a 110 highway here once (someone mentioned young and dumb?) and had a cop go past the other way. we both saw each other, but he was separated by a fairly long line of trees in the middle of the road, i jumped on the anchors, and did the speed limit.


within a few moments he came screaming up behind me and pulled me over.

i claimed it wasnt me, that some idiot in a white commodore (VERY common car round here) went screaming past a minute or so ago.

naturally he doesn't beleive me, and gives me a ticket, I go to court, and instruct my solicitor to ask the cop 2 questions.

Q1. "How many white commodores of that model would you suggest that there are on the road at any given time"

cop. "Probably a few thousand"


Q2."Did you, at any time from the start of the pursuit, to pulling over my client, lose sight of the vehicle in question?"

cop. (hesitates at question) "yes, i did. but i know it was him"


solicitor responds "so with out any reasonable doubt, how can you know that my client was speeding at all?"


the judge stopped it all there, as everyone realised the cop couldn't prove a thing. wooo, no big fine for me:mrgreen::mrgreen:

(i have slowed down a lot since then)


If that bloke is smart, and gets a good lawyer, there is quite a few angles he can use to get away with it.

nameley, how can you prove that a copy of the original video, from the internet, hasn't been digitally altered to include details to make it seem real?


See you just gave your story away!! Same things going to happen to you, you'll have the po-lice at your door with this quote on a piece of paper. I dont think "it wasnt me" will work again.:mrgreen:

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Whats more fun, blowing something up in your back yard or at a controlled blast area that you are hiding in a bunker?


Its more fun if you do it where you arent supposed to.


But in your backyard you are more likely to kill yourself than anyone else. Opposite when you are on the street.

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