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Kinda freaky... I was in a bike shop 20 minutes ago buying some camelback bladders for our water packs and the shop ratt was mentioning this. Now I'm at my office waiting for Pete and his friend to come down and have dinner, and I see this thread...


And I'd have missed it, had I not been tipped off!!



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What if they're trying to be hidden... so they can come kill you? Or wait... same result... nevermind.

I wouldn't have missed it if it had been a Polar Bear. Don't wear dark colored clothes when cycling...or walking along the road. It always kills me to see people riding, running or walking, along the road at dusk wearing camo. :nono:
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Just yesterday there was a cyclist that was on the sidewalk and as I approcted him he moved to the street.

I was in the right hand lane pulling up to an intersection attemping to turn right.

I kept my eye on him as he starting moveing up on my right then stoped. After waiting for traffic I proceed with my right hand turn. He had moved back to the sidwalk to get into the crosswalk because just as I went the light turned green.

Looking in my rear view he was right on my bumper heading across the the crosswalk.

I have no problem with shareing the road, but please, oh plesase SAME RULES!!!!! Quit changing the game in split seconds!!

If your in the street stay there and move into center of the lane at intersections and wait your trun. If on the side walk, walk bike across crosswalk as the law states.

This only makes me mad cuse I don't want to kill or hurt anyone and I already have to watch traffic and people. An unperdictable cyclist scares me.

I do understand the dippy doos in cars do stupid stuff too. As a pedistran I think to my self, one to two ton car, I think I'll be more carefull then that driver because in the end "no soup for me"!

Anyhow off my soap box.

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I wouldn't have missed it if it had been a Polar Bear. Don't wear dark colored clothes when cycling...or walking along the road. It always kills me to see people riding, running or walking, along the road at dusk wearing camo. :nono:


Or like around where i live and some retarded people go out at like 11pm at night in freaking black clothing walking in the middle of the street and when you almost hit them they yell at you.......



Around here I never know how many pedestrians I pass in the night. At least once a week I pass a pedestrian who's black, wearing all black, walking down a 4 lane street that has poor lighting. Most of the time I don't see them until it'd be way to late to actually stop if anything happened.


As far as cyclists go, I'm usually not too worried about them, as most of the cyclists here stick to the many areas with broad shoulders and bike lanes. This commercial was done in england it seems, where they don't have a ton of room for cyclists, yet they have quite a few people, especially in the london area, that get around via bicyicle. But often people aren't looking out for bikers either.


As far as bikers go, I'm always looking out for them as much as I can. Every time I see some comming up between cars in high traffic times I edge over to give them some room, especially if I'm in a vehicle like a truck.


At least 90% of the time I seek a biker long before they're close enough to matter, but the times the surprise me and come out of no where it kinda scares me. I'm paranoid about tracking traffic I guess.

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I've been hit twice by cars over the years...


Educate yourselves to the laws in your state with regards to sharing the road. And for god's sake, if you're in my neck of the woods, give a wide berth. These days I pack heat when riding, and I'm not shy.



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Oh trust me, the scenario you described above is the reason some cyclists get hit. They clearly don't understand the laws either...


In Va. if you ride a bicycle on the road ALL Laws Apply to you, with some vairations. Bottomline is bicyclists aren't supposed to run stop signs or stoplights, and are supposed to flow WITH traffic. They're also supposed to follow the SAME TRAFFIC PATTERNS... Something that drives me nuts is watching some tool on a bicycle dodge into a deceleration lane, only to pop back out into the same traffic lane... if you're not planning to turn, STAY OUT OF THE TURN LANE!!!! You're only going to confuse those trying to figure out where you're going.




Ouch sir! Trust me as long as you are acting as a vehical, I always give a extra wide berth for those that do not have the advantage. (just in case someone is not shy:))
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There are a TON of cyclists in Madison. There are people around here who are commuting to work on recumbant bikes with studded snow tires in 8" of snow.


The good news? Because there are so many good riders, they have implemented a good bike path setup and everyone seems to be very courteous.


I have considered buying a bike, but I live way to far from work to ride. It would just be more for riding around for fun, but I don't really have time right now.



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