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Jmbranger Ebay Seller Warning


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Yeah thats what I found, he seemed super honest about it being a Datsun spoiler but I knew it wasnt and knew he couldnt have possibly taken it off a Datsun (without extensive modification). Im thinking he got it from someone that told him it was a Datsun spoiler and he took their word for it, but who knows....

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Yea, dangerous things can happen when you take a car/part based on someone's word.


If I actually listened to the seller I bought my car from I'd have a freshly rebuild, 250hp, 280Z with a T5 tranny...


But he honestly believed what he'd been told, and I knew it was all wrong.


I can't imagine selling something on ebay displaying full confidence in what I was TOLD.


Granted, that might not be the case here, just a scenario.


Overall good job Ron on taking care of it in a civil manner and killing the fire that could have spead quite a bit.


Maybe next time he'll take better pictures, as that's a HUGE DEAL when you're buying something online. You never know, if he'd had better pictures he might have been able to sell it for more money to a camaro owner.

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This thread really hasn't provided any proof that Jim has done anything wrong. So, let me share a couple facts...


Jim titled post 14 with...


enough is enough of these lies..derek


Jim said in post 16...


purchased a 3 piece spoiler that we removed from a early z parts car and cleaned it up and posted it for sale on ebay.


Jim told me in an email...


the spoiler was removed from the back of a datsun 240z that was bought to be scrapped and sell what ever good parts were on it.


This also in an email...





These pictures prove the spoiler could not have been removed from a 240Z....









The source of the lying seems pretty clear to me.



Jim and I have exchanged a large amount of email. In all our email correspondence' date=' Jim has never admitted any fault on his part. He has copies of these pictures and hasn't denied the spoiler pictured is the one he shipped.


He has not offered to refund Derek's money in full, or alternatively, provide him with a 3-piece spoiler that [i']will[/i] fit an S30.


The only thing I've gotten from him is threats, lies, and a bunch of math that shows Jim losing money if he provides a refund. We'll Jim, that's what happens when you misrepresent parts... someone loses money. You've decided to allow Derek to pay for your mistake.


I wont be buying any parts from Jim Brennan.

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Yes Ron has really handles this nicely and Im very thankful for the help he has provided. Its really a task talking to Jim, and it kind of drains you and ruins your day. Sorry you had to do this several times.. :(


Right now its up to him, Ron and I have sent him all the pictures and more than enough proof that he was wrong, but he doesnt really respond to reason. At some point hell have to be mad enough about making a fool of himself on a public Z car community full of his buyers. (previous page- didnt make him seem that bright) and want to work with me in exchange for deletion of posts/ebay feedback, etc. But I woulnt give those up easily.


Im just kind of glad I made this mistake for ~$200 rather than someone else for say $500+.


I told him I have all the time in the world. Ive been waiting 6 months for a refund, whats another few months till he gives in :) (hopefully).

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Yeah it would take a ton of work to make it fit.


Even if I was to get it to fit I probably wouldnt put it on. I bought the spoiler before the car was painting hoping to blend it in but wasnt able to. Now I dont have a spoiler period and the car is painted. :(

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This reminds me of an ebay incident i had.

Except i was on the seller side.


I sold a psp to someone in chile.

When he got it he said the screen was cracked and immediately got all mad and filed a complaint and stuff.

I talked to him and said it was properly packed and there was no reason for it to break but thankfully he did pay for shipping insurance.

So we filed it on our side and he was supposed to too but never did.

And its been half a year and never heard anything from him again.

But scary as he almost took back all the money and got a free psp.

I'm just glad paypal decided we were right and he needed to help work it out instead of get mad.


Not sure what this has anything to do with this thread but i guess the point i'm trying to make is seller or buyer, be careful not to get screwed.

Hope you get your refund or he gets some bad Karma.

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