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Exhaust legos??!!!

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There's this thing called a "search engine" and if you put in the words "smurf tubing" and press Enter, all will be revealed...


Or you could provide the requested info and look like less of a d&nk. :? Not everyone calls something by the same name and "Smurf tubing" definatly sounds like slang that probably wouldn't reveal the product that you are talking about. Not everyone has time to go through umpteen thousand results wondering "Is this what he was talking about?"


Still wouldn't work half as well as the product posted in this thread. The "header legos" use the same radius that is common to pre bent exhaust tubing AND has witness marks so that the measurements can be transfered to the tubing for a perfect (or very close to) fit, cutting fab time down quite a bit.


Like I said before, if it were half the price I'd likely buy a set, even if it was just enough to do one header on a V engine at a time.


One of the best ideas I've seen in a long time for a new tool, it's one of those "wish I had thought of it" deals.


There was mention of needing colectors and flanges, this would cause no extra expense, since you would use the actual flanges and collectors that you will be using in the end to make the template. ;)

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Or you could provide the requested info and look like less of a d&nk. Not everyone calls something by the same name and "Smurf tubing" definatly sounds like slang that probably wouldn't reveal the product that you are talking about. Not everyone has time to go through umpteen thousand results wondering "Is this what he was talking about?"


So I'm supposed to spoon feed you because you don't have the time to go through a result list from a search? I'm thinking you're posting on the wrong web site since we often ask our members to search.

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With all due respect John , its a matter of style, presentation and consideration. Please review the manner in which the response was made. It sounds very disrespectful.


You could have used the same amount of time and typed....


""Smurf tubing has been discussed in length. If you do a search you will find all you need to know"


instead of


"There's this thing called a "search engine" and if you put in the words "smurf tubing" and press Enter, all will be revealed..."


As you see the two examples come across with a very different tone.


The reason I support this forum is because of the strict guidelines the admins keep on content, behavior and overall direction of the discussions. Its a fun, clean, mature and informative forum.


As a supporter I trust the admins to keep "order" in these regards by enforcement and example.


It really has nothing to do with 'spoon feeding".







There's this thing called a "search engine" and if you put in the words "smurf tubing" and press Enter, all will be revealed...
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Actually, I did search "smurf tubing" and the only thing that I got was this thread. Searching smurf brought me one result from Grumpyvette.


I agree with the value of a predetermined bend, takes alot of guesswork out. I would love to build a downpipe with that stuff. It would save quite a bit of time and guarantee an almost perfect fit. I use mild steel though, so I can build about a dozen of em and screw them all up and still come out okay LOL.



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I thought it was funny because john and i had the same sentiments regarding the search function because I searched google, and then hit "images" and saw a lot of what looked like a familiar electrical tube which we've called "corr tube" in the passed (Corrugated Tube).


It's not a big issue.

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With all due respect John , its a matter of style, presentation and consideration. Please review the manner in which the response was made. It sounds very disrespectful.


You could have used the same amount of time and typed....


""Smurf tubing has been discussed in length. If you do a search you will find all you need to know"


instead of


"There's this thing called a "search engine" and if you put in the words "smurf tubing" and press Enter, all will be revealed..."


As you see the two examples come across with a very different tone.


The reason I support this forum is because of the strict guidelines the admins keep on content, behavior and overall direction of the discussions. Its a fun, clean, mature and informative forum.


As a supporter I trust the admins to keep "order" in these regards by enforcement and example.


It really has nothing to do with 'spoon feeding".









I'm not asking to be spoon fed, but you didn't even open the cupboard. :roll:


A term like "Smurf Tube" is obviously slang for some other product, and not everyone uses the same slang. Do some checking into dialect of different areas and you'll soon realize that what is being used to describe something in one area is completly foreign to another area.


Look at what has happened to this thread, many posts regarding the single post and how "humerous" it was. It was not, and now the thread is getting way too far off topic. Even more effort and time wasted, when a simple link or more information, maybe even just a proper name for the product in question, this could all be avoided.


You want to be stand up, there are improv clubs for that, or if you want to do it online, there's the "non-tech" forum.




Back on topic.....


I have thought of one minor inconvienence to the use of the "exhaust legos", and that is there are times when the raduis of bend that is being used, is not tight enough, or even wide enough for the header or pipe to clear an object and you must cut a pie shaped piece or just not square to the tubing, to create a tighter or wider radius. I know, I know, it's not ideal to do that, but sometimes there just is no other way to get the job done without maodifying the raduis of the bend. I've had to do this a few times, to get header primaries or downpipes to clear.


I'm sure this could be delt with by buying some extra pieces and cutting them apart, to modify them in a way that would mimic the not-square-to-the-pipe cuts, and just mark on the piece what the amount of extra cut is and how it is to be made.


I'm sure it's a only a matter time before someone else comes out with a cheaper version, I'll look at buying at that point. With my desire to go electric with at least one vehicle of mine, I probably won't be making too many headers for myself in the future, but using something like that for the new engine going in the 240, would be quite helpful, I know I've wasted a few pieces in the past, or as my uncle always used to say when something was cut wrong or bent wrong:


"I didn't screw up, I just made a part for something else, not sure what it is yet, but something else." :lol:

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What's really funny is that I'm probably the only person in this thread who's contacted the company and is discussing pricing for the blocks, the cutting jigs, and the plan software. Having built a couple headers for customers I KNOW how much time this can save me in my work.

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Now thats funny!!!!! :P



What's really funny is that I'm probably the only person in this thread who's contacted the company and is discussing pricing for the blocks, the cutting jigs, and the plan software. Having built a couple headers for customers I KNOW how much time this can save me in my work.
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For header builders that kit looks like it would be a life saver. No more wasting metal and having to cut welds and modify tubing to get them just right. just play lego's for a bit, pull it off, and there you go. you have your header all mocked up and now you can build just ONE header ONE time and it'll fit perfect. It does cost a lot, but say you build custom headers for 200 a peice and you sell 10 sets. you've now made a profit AND saved yourself a ton of time and materials.

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You guys ever seen this stuff http://www.clevaflex.com/


Cut six pcs all the same length and star laying out your design. Holds its shape pretty good. I was at this shop and saw them using it to mock up there designs http://www.stainlessworks.net/cart/index.php. I got some and it really helps to get your ideas figured out. I think it was like $100 for more than I needed as they had a minimum order amount



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"Now that's funny! A custom header for $200?"





JUST THE MATERIALS (especially stainless with merge collectors) CAN VERY EASILY COST $700-$1200 IN SOME CASES AND then IT GETS LABOR, INTENSIVE, in many cases modifying a standard set of production headers can save you a bunch of time an effort IF YOUR FAMILIAR WITH which headers ALMOST fit the application, that and your limited in many cases to 30,45,60, and 90 and 189 degree preformed bends to cut and modify of a standard radias, yeah, you can cut and fabricate but its never a cut to length, bolt on and weld deal with easy cuts a pipe cutter could cut, the edge weld circumferance distance is only consistant on 90 degree cuts, heres something that helps occasionally...







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