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Z pretenders.........ugh


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So, I am out in the garage, door open, "wrenching" on my Z. I have my Hybrid Z pinks shirt on as well as my Datsun Z hat. This older guy walking his dog, stops for a minute and says " nice old Jaguar you got there". I reply "thanks sir but it is a Datsun 280Z". He notices my attire and the emblems on the Z, " Oh, I guess it is a Z car".

I guess the Z does look like the old early 60's Jag, long nose, you know the one.

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So, I am out in the garage, door open, "wrenching" on my Z. I have my Hybrid Z pinks shirt on as well as my Datsun Z hat. This older guy walking his dog, stops for a minute and says " nice old Jaguar you got there". I reply "thanks sir but it is a Datsun 280Z". He notices my attire and the emblems on the Z, " Oh, I guess it is a Z car".

I guess the Z does look like the old early 60's Jag, long nose, you know the one.



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I forget which comic said this joke, aimed at "perceptive" people. George Carlin, I think.


He's on the subway, sitting on an old newspaper, and somebody comes over and asks "You reading that paper?" So the comic stands up, turn the page and sits back down, as he told it. :D


Ignorance is bliss. :wc:

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I walked into a Tire place to get tires for my SUV. I was wearing my "240Z" hat, and this guy walks out of the back and walks up and looks at my hat and says:

"Hey man, I've got one of those"


I said, "Oh yeah, cool man"


He asked, "You wanna see it?"


He then led me out the front door and pointed to... a bone stock '91 240SX...



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I usually ask these people if they know the difference between $100 and $!,000. "Of course" they answer. "But it's only a teeny, tiny decimal place though" I respond. People like that will never get it, I fear. With "DATSUN" spelled out on every side of the car too. Nearly on every PANEL!


"Nice Jag!"

"Oh, I had a supercharged one of those in the 60's"

"My Miata is a much better car than that piece of junk."


Then there's also the joke that ends with "Iceberg, Goldberg, what's the difference?" :D

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The car hobby seems to attract a lot of know-nothing knowitalls, and cars in general seem to attract a lot of well-meaning but empty comments.


I've had my Z mistaken for a Porsche, a Ferrari, a Honda, a Toyota, a 510, a B210, and people always seem to know something about the car that shows they know nothing at all. Occasionally you run across someone that DOES know what they're talking about, and it's refreshing.


It was worse with my first two cars, a '68 and later a '72 Plymouth Fury. The '68 seemed to get the most confusion thrown at it. 'Oh, Chevy made those, didn't they?' 'No, it's a Plymouth.' 'Yeah, and Chevy makes Plymouth.' 'No, Plymouth is a Chrysler brand, like Dodge.' 'I thought Chevy made Dodge.' *buries face in hands* '...just...stop.'


'Hey, nice Pontiac!'

'...uh. Thanks.'


'What is that, an Impala?'


The '72 drew a lot of attention, it was a cop car with 5 antennae, push bars, a spotlight, Mocom 70 police radio, CB, dogdish hubcaps, and it was all white. Nobody knew what to think of it, other than to make a LOT of Dukes of Hazzard and Blues Brothers references.

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I had this happened to me yesterday.


I was sitting at a Tim Horton's (Coffee chain up here in Canada), doing some tuning on the laptop.

A guy with his trailer trash looking family rolls in, and pretty quickly too, in the spot right next to me, and not straight into the spot, you know how it is, the car pulls into the spot on a turn, narrowly missing the side of your car. :o It seemed they were there to meet the people in the van in the next spot over.

Then the guy as he's getting out of his car, looks at me and says:

"Nice 280."

I say, "Thanks, but it's a 240".

His eyes open a little, and asks "What year?" At this point I think he might know a little about the lineage, realizing that the 240 was the earlier predecesor to the 260 and 280Z.

"1973" I replied.

He say's "Oh, an SX".

At this point I chuckle a little and say: "No, the SX wasn't until the mid to late 80's, this is a Z".

At that point he just got a confused look on his face, and walked away.

Then one of the kids that was with them, not sure if he was in the van or the car, came over to my window and said:

"Nice car, mister".

I just said "thanks" as he ran towards the store.

Still pretty cool overall, especially with the rust and mismatched colours of body parts on it now. :)

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there is this one guy in my town, he is so anoying. he talks to me about his twin turbo 280zx(I ask him if its stock, he says yes) that has 600 hp(meanwhile I never see it, and he drives a crappy accord). then asks if mine is a 6cylinder, I say yea, hes like inline 6, I say no v6, he said they are all the same LOL.


And surprisingly in my town people know what 280zs and all those are. but when im talking about 240zs people think im talking about sxs


and all the car guys around here hate the 350z, its all about the hondas here

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there is this one guy in my town, he is so anoying. he talks to me about his twin turbo 280zx(I ask him if its stock, he says yes) that has 600 hp(meanwhile I never see it, and he drives a crappy accord). then asks if mine is a 6cylinder, I say yea, hes like inline 6, I say no v6, he said they are all the same LOL.



I have a shirt that has a side view picture of my S30 on a shirt. I was with a buddy, and we had just parked my '93 300 vert at the food court entrance to the mall, and were walking in the front door.


As we walked in, this twitchy looking kid, who looked like he was barely 16 came running up and pointing to my shirt asked, "Is that a 300?"


I said, "No, but I have one of those too"


He said "oh cool" and then started talking about his Z31. He was trying to sell it because he kept spinning it out and messing up the back "Axle" in the rain, and he couldnt drive it anymore.


Then.... he started telling us that he used to have a 90 or 91 civic. He claimed he "took out the back (side I'm assuming) windows, and bondo'd over the holes, took out the motor, and managed to cut the engine bay a little stuck a turbo V6... put a Supra transmission in it" at this point my buddy and I were looking at each other like "riiiight"


He never exactly mentioned anything about a diff or a rear axle. He also claimed the car was between 600-700 horsepower.


Some of his friends came up, and then they all ran off. My friend and I figured he was pretty high on something. Kid was really twitchy.


If i had been in a mood to have a dumb conversation, I probably would have asked him some questions about his "Swap"

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