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My new custom plates (Woo hoo! ...Finally)


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Well, my "HI NRZ" plates were getting old...I got sick of being asked what it meant...so I ordered a new set (once you order vanity plates in Oregon, you can change them anytime you want, for the next two years, for a mere $20 extra). However, it takes about 2-3 months to manufacture).


For some reason, they quit using the holographic state of Oregon seals...I hope I don't get pulled over again and the popo thinking I made them. :icon31:


Let me know what you think...I'll probably go with some SP (special purpose) plates next time around since you only have to register once (~$20) and no DEQ. :P


Cheers, -hughdogz



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Hey Guys,


I had no idea that I'd get this much attention. :-D


Okay, I'll come clean now about what the heck they mean, hehe.


"HI NRZ": I came up with this idea from "HI NRG" (=high energy). Also, it was at that time when Dodge Neons had the advert campaign going where their slogan was "Hi" (because ??)....and I thought that was kind of cute. :P So, I was going to use "HI NRGZ" but then I thought that looked ugly, so I changed my mind to "HI NRZ" (substituted the "G" for a "Z") thinking people would get it...NOT! :icon_frow


So then I got a chance to change it again. Since Kurzals already has the Oregon plate "Turbo Z" I couldn't use that one. "TURBO ZX" or "ZX TURBO" wouldnt fit since Oregon only allows six digits (and a space or hyphen) and it was kind of too close to John's. I wanted "S130 ZXT" but that wouldn't fit either!


I settled for "S130 ZT" since S130=chasis code for a 280ZX, and Z (because it is a Z, or more specifically a ZX, and "T" since it is turbo).


Whew! All this and I'm probably going to go with SP plates eventually.


...I hope this made sense...

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Ill have to post mine up tonight I just got the tag for my 350z in the mail:




I couldn't believe it was available.


Haha!! That's Awesome Austin! :P


No one will understand a 350Z with a "DATSUN" plate unless they know the Z heritage.

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Hmm I don't know what I want for a custom plate, but I THINK I can do "XGP15A2" which no one would understand unless they knew the show Outlaw Star.

The new plates that are out now are REALLY annoying me. I noticed a car with it a few weeks ago and thought someone had badly printed out an Arizona license plate. but NOPE. it's like they're getting lazy and not stamping the letters/numbers. However, it still has teh little holographic stamp in the middle of the plate.

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