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Do cars have souls?


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I read years ago, and I don't remember the reference, that the Celts ( the "oldern people" as my mother used to say) believed that boats were the only non-human thing with a soul. That's why they were named, christened, and buried same as a person. You might laugh, but we still have these practices to this day - you splash her with fine drink at her birth, give her and lady's name and call her "she" or not at all, and decommission her with a prayer. No other object or animal is politely and correctly treated in this manner.

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The Lakota indians believed that everything had a "spirit" / "soul".

course that was before cars and most modern things.


my mother practices Lakota, she has taught me most of the things she knows, so that would probly make me Neo Lakota, it also might help that i'm 1/16 Native American

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idk about a soul literally, but I always say a badazz Z is a like a smokin hot chick that could beat the living sh!t out of you in a fist fight.

My Z deff. has a personality.


My riding mower named Loyd and my 50cc Honda MB-5 sport bike have personality... laugh.gif


Door was wide open, couldn't resist... cool.gif

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Really what it all boils down to is this


Is a car more, than the sum of its parts?


just like the human mind, all it is, is a 3lb lump of tissue.

but some how with all the nerons firing and recepters catching the signals, the human mind finds a way for us to have not only the basic functions, but also to have the capacity for abstract thought.

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I've always been a believer that "Ones man trash is another mans treasure".


Just because someone doesnt "feel", doesnt "understand" how you are connected to your car, doesnt mean that it doesnt exist, the connection between man and machine is simply quite simple, but so hard to understand unless your walking in that persons shoes to comprehend it. Mate of mine has a '98 Supra, and its his life, I dont understand what he sees in it, and he cant completely comprehend my obsession with my '71 240.


The moment I saw my 240 on eBay, out of all the ones Ive seen up there, of every model, year, whatever, when I saw it, I just.......felt something take over me........I dont believe cars have souls, I believe they just simply take yours away.

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I dont know about a soul, but I feel a connection to my Z, its hard to explain but Im sure you guys know exactly what I am talking about... On a side note, my Z always does things I find "coincidental" that some may interprit as more then it is. For isntance, when My car was running very well, it died and would not start on two first dates with different girls, it never died any other time. My Z simply will not play rap, you think Im joking??? buy a rap CD and try to play it, fail, it will not play, it will play my rock CDs all day though. I know that sounds hard to believe.

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