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Cops came knocking... car has a mind of its own

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So last night the police came knocking asking me whose car that was in the middle of the intersection...( my house is a corner house)


I was confused as hell, since I always put up the ebrake and leave it in gear. So anyways, I reparked it, put some blocks under the tires and went to sleep.


I woke up this morning and my car was on top of the blocks, but luckily the curb stopped it from going any further.


Could this be the work of a wiring faulty starter? Let me rewind a bit, when I start up my car, the car starts up but the starter is still trying to start it (like holding the key in the start position) I have to pull the key back to the left a little bit so it'll stop...


Also, the other night when I was troubleshooting a different issue, I felt around in the starter vicinity and somehow that spot where I touched could start the car.


What do you guys think?

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Yeah, honestly I thought it was odd, too. My initial thought was some kids messing with me, even the police thought someone was messing with us.


I always leave it in first gear with the e-brake up as far as possible. I even tried rocking the car back and forward to see if the e-brake was bad... but it wouldn't budge.


I'd leave it in neutral but the battery was drained this morning. Not sure if it was from all the cranking or something is cross wiring it.


I took it out and will have it charged at Kragens later and deal with it when I get some from work.

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