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Interior raw gas fumes

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Whenever I fill up at a gas station I get raw gas fumes inside the car ('71 240). If I drive for about 20 miles the fumes seem to disappear.

If I don't fill past about 3/4 of a tank there are no fumes.

I know up in the rear quarter panel there is some kind of an overflow

tank so I am thinking the hose connecting the fuel tank to the overflow

may be at fault. OR might there be something else I could check to

correct the problem. Maybe the filler hose?

Do I need to lower the gas tank to check these out????

Any help appdreciated.

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Gas fumes in in a 240! Cant imagine.........:lmao::lmao:


Go behind the rear passenger side interior panel and check all the hoses going to that plastic container you mention. Incluing the filler hose to the tank.


You answered your own question and are on track to fixing the problem....:D

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there are a few hoses on your tank [go to the vapor tank and filler neck]. best move is to run the tank close to empty, jack up car, pull drain plug and donate remaining gas to your lawn mower. carefuly drop the tank, taking note of what hoses go where [assuming you don't have a factory service manual or fuel / vapor line diagram]. then measure and replace all the vapor lines from tank to vapor tank and filler neck. don't use anything but fuel rated hose [like i did the first time] otherwise you wind up doing it again in a few years.


also be careful when installing the tank so you don't pinch any of the new hoses.


this will fix your raw fuel vapor problem.

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At the convention I realized that my vent tube was filling with gas when I was over filling the tank. The tube was broken and gas was spilling right into the car. Nothing like finding out about that after auto-crossing and seeing smoke starting inside the back of the car ;)


Carefully check your lines from the e vap tank and also make sure your emblems on your pillar are turned the right way and venting is taking place.



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Holy C**p I took the right rear plastic panel off to access the overflow tank. What a maze of tubes! That being said, all of the hoses look to

be OK with the exception of the grommets that seal the hoses that go

from the rear deck to under the deck.

Could these grommets allow gas vapor into the interior?


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Double check the T coming off the filler hose to one of the vapour hoses. Its low enough that gas will splash up and run into the car if the tank is full. It happened to me.


Also, with the panel off go fill right up and go for a drive. if there is a leak of any size you should be able to see it, It has to be there some where if the fumes are that strong.

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  jazzsax said:
Holy C**p I took the right rear plastic panel off to access the overflow tank. What a maze of tubes! That being said, all of the hoses look to

be OK with the exception of the grommets that seal the hoses that go

from the rear deck to under the deck.

Could these grommets allow gas vapor into the interior?



Just because the hoses "look" ok, and the clamps may be tight, the rubber can be so old and dried out that it no longer seals on the hose nipple...



'73 240ZT

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Guest Ruthlessz

I'd go with the interior panel, and yes the tank can be auto filled even with the CA, vapor recovery nozzles


On the original subject I had the same problem with mine, and had the fuel pouring onto my deck. Now that I have that fixed I have found that I have a few rotten (or the lack of) seals in the firewall that allows vapors from my leaky SU carbs to seep in.

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i would drop the tank and do the job right. you'll find that on the tank there are multiple vent hoses of varying diameters & lengths. once removed, find fuel rated hose, replace them all and you'll then be certain that it won't need to be done again for many years to come. also, most 'shade tree' mechanics, that replaced many of these hoses in the past used heater hose, which-would eventually become harder, brittle and then crack. this is most likely your source.

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The left rear panel is removed and early next week I will gas up and try to find the leak.

Another symptom that I failed to mention is that if I drive after refueling the furms greatly decrease after about 20 miles. I hope that means the leak is higher up in the system. Also when overfilling there is raw fuel dripping on the ground below the filler but from in the fender area.

All ideas still appreciated.

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I go back to my previous sugestion...check the plastic fillertube...the tube that goes between the filler cap and the gas tank..is it cracked....is it clamped on?...etc


Do the basics...if its leaking look for the spots its coming from. Try to help your self....

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