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Springfield Model 1903... 30-06


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Sadly I went to the gun show and ended up making some money and then spending some... and as suspected more than I had made. :)


Picked up a 1915 Springfield 1903 30-06. I got it relatively cheap since I did a partial trade for my 22, and honestly didnt know alot about the gun but I made a call based on what I saw and got it.


Ive been doing some research over the last day and found out about the reciever issues the early (<800,000) had and since mine is a 618,787 it would fall into that category. Turns out that 1915 was one of the better years for the "brittle" recievers, so Im not to concerned of just having a rifle to sit in my room. Im going to get it checked out anyways see if theres any issues to watch for and get a yes/no for firing it.


Anyone have a 1903? Seems like it was a GREAT gun in its time and Im looking forward to bruising my shoulder! :)


Ill upload a few pics soon.



Next to my 870 express.


The features I would like them to have. :) :)


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My dad would always carp when he watched Drill Teams using those white 'parade guns' as he called them...after they would pass in review doing particular tricks it was always 'all easy to do with those damn parade guns, try that with a 1903 Springfield or a Garand!'


My son snuk up to me this past friday and showed me a 'big barrel 'o guns' he snapped on his cameraphone...apparently Big 5 got another shipment of surplus Moisn Nagat 7.62X54R bolt actions delivered in decent condition and ever since he shot one at the range he's wanted one. For $54, it's cheaper than buying him that Hayden Fan and Electronic Controller he needs for the 510, he can spend his money on that crap! I'll get out cheaper buying TWO guns, one for me and one for him! What a DEAL!!!



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That's a pretty nice sporterized '03. I wouldn't change much if it were mine, just get some decent sights or a scope on it and enjoy it as is.


Not sure what to tell you about the brittle receivers, although it sounds like one of those firearms myths / lore bits that get blown a bit out of proportion. I'd say do your research and draw your own conclusions, and have your rifle gone over carefully by a professional gunsmith to check for cracks or unusual wear, to be on the safe side. No need to cause yourself undue concern.


Can't go wrong with a Mosin-Nagant. Accurate, plentiful, well-made(even if a bit typically rough around the edges, as the Soviets tended to do), and best of all, CHEAP, and that includes the ammo! Just be careful about how you handle them, they'll give your shoulder one hell of a beating. My last session left me sore and nastily bruised for about a week.

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Very nice. I love the old bolt action rifles. I want to get one eventually. But I still need to take out my .35 Remington that I've had since I was seven and never shot. lol. It was a Christmas gift from my step dad. I got the .35 and my brother got the 30-30. Hopefully I'll get it out after the holiday when I can afford some ammo.

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My son snuk up to me this past friday and showed me a 'big barrel 'o guns' he snapped on his cameraphone...apparently Big 5 got another shipment of surplus Moisn Nagat 7.62X54R bolt actions delivered in decent condition and ever since he shot one at the range he's wanted one.


Theres not a lot that can go wrong with a Noisy Maggot, like the British Smelly they're simple, basic, robust weapons designed to work and keep on working no matter what happens.


I've a 1940 SMLE which is my main hunting weapon, the 10 round mag is good on feral goats, allowing one to bomb up the mob rather than having to pick out a few desirable targets, just slaughter the vermin before they get close to the dairy herd and start messing up the breeding plans :D they're also so damn simple that if the scope is a reputable brand that won't shift POI, you can chuck them across a stream or down a bank so you can manuver without something in your hands or hanging off your back to get entangled.


the 7.62x54R is a pretty good cartridge, for most hunting it doesn't give much away to a .308 unless the range is getting long, much like the .303 too (Which the russians knew as the 7.7x56R)

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Just stopped by Brocks, very nice guys... but figured out I just have a wall ornament. They even have a sign that says "we will no work on any 1903's before 850,000"!!! He said I might be able to get away with it but he highly reccomended not firing it.


Well Im going to try and get into contact with the guy that sold it to me. A friend of mine, was sitting with a friend of his in the booth next to the guy that sold me the gun. Hopefully Ill somehow get phone number/address so I can pay him a visit. :fmad::fmad::fmad: Might get to fire it once....... (just kidding, maybe, sort of)

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I've a 1940 SMLE which is my main hunting weapon, the 10 round mag is good on feral goats, allowing one to bomb up the mob rather than having to pick out a few desirable targets, just slaughter the vermin before they get close to the dairy herd and start messing up the breeding plans :D


You've got goats that run free for the killin'?


Oooooh, I got to make vacation plans to go to NZ now, for sure!


I'm going to stop now before I get in trouble...:icon45:

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Have a Springfield 06 that my dad bought back in the late 40s or 50s was wrapped in a 1904 newspaper still in Cosmoline. He sporterised it and added a Limon peep site. I will drive nails so to speak, one straight shooting rife.

I need to get it out and see what the serial number is. I think it is a low one, the later rifles had stamped mechanisms and this one is all machined. I don’t keep up on shooting as such and this is the first thing I have seen on problems with this rifle.

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You've got goats that run free for the killin'?


Oooooh, I got to make vacation plans to go to NZ now, for sure!


I'm going to stop now before I get in trouble...:icon45:


Shitloads of the smelly buggers! come on over and help thin the numbers :D theres lots around the King Country, same for pigs, and south through the Wanganui /inland Taranaki region even more pigs and plenty of deer.


DOC (Dept of Conservation, like your forest rangers) reguarly pays proffessional cullers to head through and try to lower the numbers, and they're happy to give out hints and tips as to where to find then, since the more shooters, the less they have to pay cullers :D


So come on over and bring some cash to our economy, and have some fun with the wild animals :D


No closed seasons, easy temporary firearms import permits + visitors licences, free Public land hunting permits... it's a grand place to live :D If you are here in the Roar, the most popular areas are balloted to avoid excessive mumbers of buck fevered itchy trigger fingers in the area, but the vast majority of the county is open to all.

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Check out the link below. It makes an interesting read. Gunsmiths are rightfully very afraid of liability suits. When doing my apprinticeship I was told not to work on these guns and will not to this day, but I might shoot one.

It would be nice to verify this guy's info.




Yeah I read that. Thanks. I still am very weary. The gunsmith I talked to today even pointed out spots where you could tell it was brittle. Scope mount holes top thread is visibly almost chipping off, and it just looks brittle. Ill take a picture.




Hard to see since the camera sucks on micro, but it looks like I could just break the piece off with a screw driver or something... not encouraging...

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