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Look before U-turn


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Well think about it guys, right before the car made the u turn another car had just passed it. Who is to say, that the car traveling towards the car making the u turn could not aviod it due to...1 - car that passed car making u turn is right next to them so they can not swing away or 2 - driver rather hit car maing the u turn instead of trying to avoid the crash and hitting someone else head on. If you watch with your eyes closed, you can hear the horn and then the person was right on the brakes....even from 35 mph I think the distance was to small to STOP. Remember it isn't one of our Z's with great brakes....lol

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totally avoidable IMO. You can't steer when the tires are locked up. And if you hit a curb with the tire locked up there is no chance for the tire to roll over the curb which causes significant damage. 95% of all accidents are caused by driver inattentiveness. Both exibited that characteristic IMO. Therefore it was a totally avoidable accident IMO.

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Steer to where? It is easy for to say it was avoidable when we look at it from our view. From the driver who hit the person, imagine driving down the road and within 10 car lengths some appears out of no where...you can't steer left (on coming traffic) and there isn't enough room between the car n curb. Remember we are watching the vid knowing someone is going to make the u turn...the other driver didn't. 100% fault of the person making the u turn.

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Well, IMO I'd rather run into the open yard across the street than hit a car, but that is anyones decision. Most people panic and just hit the brakes. In any event most people don't pay attention to what is going on or what is around them while driving. Secondly they haven't been taught defensive maneuvers while driving. IMO if they had been paying attention, everything else would have been mute.


The other day I had a high end motorhome, diesel pusher, about 45 feet long pulling a hummer pull right out in front of my peterbilt which was loaded grossing over 90,000 with a Cat 140 vhp blade on my 3 axle 50 ton lowboy. Truck and trailer weighs 44,000 and the blade weighs 51,000.


Situation is on a 4 lane divided road I am headed north. Motorhome crossing from my left to right going into a gas station. No way to stay in my two lanes and stop. Would have hit the motorhome if I had hit the brakes, elderly woman on the passenger side was having a fit, elderly husband driver was oblivious. Traffic was light with one car in the outside lane coming south and no vehicles near me. I veered through the median opening that he came through into the inner southbound lane, stood on the brakes and stopped. Nobody hurt. I would have easily jumped the median if I had to. It is a decision you have to make quick and you can't steer when the brakes are locked up.

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You are right.....some of us being more alert drivers can think A LOT faster than the normal driver. I NEVER use the horn of any of my cars....I react to the situation way before my mind ever thinks about hitting the horn. Kinda of funny when I think of how many people hit the horn, lock the brakes and then crash. I tell people around me, the half second it took you to think of blowing the horn because you know something is about to go bad....try to take that half a second to avoid the crash.


The person in the vid just had slow reaction time and prop didn't think all the options through...so yes avoidable if you would run over someones grass but not if you trying to stay on the road. Like you said it has to be someones decision....you can run over my grass anytime ;)

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Haha. I think the guy executing the u-turn is at fault. The other person had the right of way. I think most logical people would have turned into someone's driveway (as annoying as it is) and backed out. Lesson learned for that guy :P

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The one guy driving along legal, minding his own business, other guy hangs a U turn right in front of him, he avoids U turn car by crossing into oncoming cars, or slams the curb and going up into other persons yard (now his car is jacked), U turn driver waves thank you and drives off...


Thats my luck...

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I set up a security camera at my house because my father is 86 partly deaf and my mom is 80 and has parkinsons. I take care of my folks and it just adds to my peace of mind and their security. When they tell me that someone had been at the door and can't remember what they want or what they said i can review it. The camera is just that cheapo camera from Harbor Freight that can't see anything at night ($39.95), i don't care because i'm usually at home already by then. The camera is hooked up to an old Replay TV DVR that i have been using for more than a year now. The conditions that day was "misty" and the roads were just wet enough to let the oil just start to come off the road.

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The one guy driving along legal, minding his own business, other guy hangs a U turn right in front of him, he avoids U turn car by crossing into oncoming cars, or slams the curb and going up into other persons yard (now his car is jacked), U turn driver waves thank you and drives off...


Thats my luck...

That is exactly what would happen to me except the U turn driver would call 911 and report that a "drunk driver" had a accident. Too bad the driver doesn't know about the video, he may have been cited for "failure to control speed". I got one of those on New Years day, many years ago.

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