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Selling a handgun


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I have Smith and Wesson MP40 that I am thinking about selling. I have thought about going to local gun stores to see if they would be interested in buying it, but I don't think I would not get much from them. Anyone have a suggestion?




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Yep there is a gun show this weekend. I dont know if I will get much for it there. I bought it at a gun show for either 450 or 500 new. I guess I will go there this weekend and see what I can get for it. Also plan on talking with a guy here at school that is a big time gun nut and see what he has to say.

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  Tony D said:
The Alamo?


Is that where Davey Crockett dressed up as a woman and hid under the bed? Before Santa Ana routed them soundly?


Or was that another historical figure?




I believe that general said if we have too many more victories like that,,,

this anit gonna last long. hehehehe


It didn't.

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  Tony D said:
The Alamo?


Is that where Davey Crockett dressed up as a woman and hid under the bed? Before Santa Ana routed them soundly?


Or was that another historical figure?




Davey was the only one who wasn't in denial at the time so cut him some slack.


  Tony D said:
Kicking? Nah! Plugging them up and tossing them in a closed car to torture the occupants: ABSOLUTELY!


Sounds like fun!!


  woldson said:
I believe that general said if we have too many more victories like that,,,

this anit gonna last long. hehehehe


It didn't.


Yeah, we really kicked Santa Annas a$$.... sort of.... okay, he had his way with us and laughed the whole time. Now I have to retreat under the covers to hide for awhile... no girly clothes though. I ain't no Davey Crocket.


But don't mess with me for awhile or I'll cry like a sissy... just before I whoop yer but*.

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"Dammint Hank! Take me to go git Santy-Anny's wooden leg!"


"Remember the Alamo"---It's like Cinco De Mayo for Mexicans: The celebration of a great DEFEAT against their 'colonial opressors' the Spanish. A battle they ultimately won.


You Texans aren't so much different than your brothers to the South in that Respect. Perhaps that is why they call it 'Tex-Mex'!



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^^^ Okay... now yer jest pi$$in' me off. Err... hertin' my feelin's. I'll let'cha know when I figger it out. Dang YANKS!!!


Wait... yer jest one o' them Californy sissys, ain't ya'?? You kin jest STFU, ya' avy-kaddo eatin' sissified libral!!

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  Tony D said:
"Remember the Alamo"---It's like Cinco De Mayo for Mexicans: The celebration of a great DEFEAT against their 'colonial opressors' the Spanish. A battle they ultimately won.

Cinco de Mayo was a Mexican victory over the French. Ocho de Mayo was a rout: http://www.inside-mexico.com/featurecinco.htm

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Yeah, Ocho de Mayo is not celebrated. Cinco is, but Ocho was the result.


Gives credence to 'win the battle, loose the war'...same engagement after regrouping. It was an Alamo-Style Rout, instigated to teach a lesson for the sneak attack of the fifth and as that link reminded us, instilled Maximillian as Emperor.


It's one of those times the French Endeared themselves using the Foreign Leigon to extend their 'diplomatic goals'...


And I just realized above I said 'spanish colonial oppressors' when I meant to say French! Big D'Oh for my mis-speak.


Doesn't change nuthin! I'm a-pokin' th' bear here! I'm pokin' th' bear!


'Sides, just cause I lives in th' Southern State of Californiee don't mean I'm from here! I was on the winning side of that war. Michigan.


"Last one out of the state, remember to turn out the lights!"


And them Homers... They's everywhere. Wan't "Brokeback Mountian" about some cowpokes on the drivin' trail outta Texas to Dodge? Cows wan't th' only thing they was drivin'!





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