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Why can't I buy these hot dogs in the South?


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Pickled tripe?? Man, your way too far north for that. Try the border towns. But leave your precious Z at home along with all your young daughters unless you have a gazillion dollars for ransom. San Antonio, on the other hand, is safe (for now at least) but the tripe is only available in the south side of town. I only go there for the......

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Pickled tripe?? Man, your way too far north for that. Try the border towns. But leave your precious Z at home along with all your young daughters unless you have a gazillion dollars for ransom. San Antonio, on the other hand, is safe (for now at least) but the tripe is only available in the south side of town. I only go there for the......

I can get Tripe down here but its not pickled. Just something I grew up with. MMMMmmm a hot dog and some pickled tripe with a little salt on it. mmmmmm

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I grew up in Maine also and always look forward to the annual trek "home" to see family and to enjoy the red hot dogs. All four of my sons love them. Last summer we brought a case home, some of which are still in the freezer, waiting for the grill season to return. We live in Connecticut and have never seen them available here.



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WOW!! thanks for the link. Thats where I was born, and lived. Bangor Maine , home of Stephen King I've run into him 3 times.


I brought some of the hot dogs home last year when my Dad and I went back to Maine for a week (He lives here in Irving Tx. and was born in Maine also) I ate them all week. Never seemed to get off the toilet, but they sure were good.

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