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time to choose a job.


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I have been in the army now about a year or so and certain problems have led to me being chaptered out with an honarable discharge. Now all i need to do is choose between two jobs, border patrol or CHP now i love deserts and off roading and all of that, but at the same time i also like being able to cruise around on the streets and would love to take some ricers down, but now i must choose. so what do you guys think? BP or CHP?

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  hoov100 said:

I have been in the army now about a year or so and certain problems have led to me being chaptered out with an honarable discharge. Now all i need to do is choose between two jobs, border patrol or CHP now i love deserts and off roading and all of that, but at the same time i also like being able to cruise around on the streets and would love to take some ricers down, but now i must choose. so what do you guys think? BP or CHP?

If that's your attitude for being CHP, I say BP.
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CA has serious budget issues right now; you'd be lucky to get a paycheck. You'd probably get an IOU instead.


The federal govt is one of the few sectors that is actually hiring. I had a co-worker get hired by the Border Patrol a couple years ago while I've bounced from one IT project to another.

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I made the mistake of hitching my wagon to Ford Motor Company. I lasted 2 years until I was RIF'ed. I'd think twice before working for the City of Los Angeles.


If you have military service, any Federal employment is included when considering your VA benefits or any kind of retirement pension. Had a friend that did 8 years as an MP in the Marine Corps... he desperately wanted to get hired by the gov't so he could get his 20 years.

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My aunt and uncle retired from the service; it's a nice bonus if you can get it. Most of the people I've met that retired after 20 years were able to move into other, successful careers. The guy I bought my Z from was a retired USAF mechanic and had run a shop for over a decade. Must have paid pretty well. The guy had a hell of a house in a sweet neighborhood.


I have a cousin that's a Brigadier Gen; she's in for life. :D

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The primary job of CHP officers is to harass freeway driving people, not just drivers.

The primary job of BP is to keep the border secure.


You can have a job where everyone hates you, or a job where Americans love you.


I would prefer to be loved by some than hated by all.


Still, it's your choice, good luck.

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