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The ice cold side of the pillow : your woeful Z experiences.


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Hello HybridZ members,

This is just a small thread, slightly a rant on my behalf, but more so, share your woeful experiences you've had with your Z car, wether it be financial issues, wrong parts, something doesn't fit, I'd like to hear what stories you have about your car, though I know Zenthusiasts on this board are normally in high spirits, we all have our downtimes.


I have owned my 1971 Datsun 240z for just shy of 6 months now, though through the course of that time, I have seen thousands of dollars come and go, the cost of living, repairs to my daily driver, and other neccesities and yet the car stays the same, the much needed and deserved attention that this car deserves I haven't been able to give it.


The members of this forum inspire me, and cause me to hurt a little inside, to see some of their powerhouses, the progress on their projects, group buys, helping towards the greater cause of the community, and I sit here looking out my window, at a beautiful car, gathering dust.


I had come back from a business holiday just some weeks ago, when coming back home, I saw a note tucked in the wiper, asking if I was interested in selling the car, for the first time, in a long time, I was brought to my knees, in tears, punching, swearing, lashing out at what I love so much - my 240z.


So I guess I havent really had any real woeful experiences, other then not being able to work on the car, which I guess, is a woeful experience in itself.


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We all have the ups and downs. Its just the nature of the beast I think. Unless you have unlimited time and $$ which few of us (if any?) actually do.


I'm 26 working full time, married, she works full time and its a rollercoaster. I call it life.


Our Z is what keeps me optimistic with all the negativity thats out there. Rain or shine, good or bad with the Z its still a privilege to even have it so it makes me happy. I haven't driven my Z since November of last year and I honestly didn't get much accomplished over the winter,not in comparision to what I had planned anyway. Further to that my battery died and I cant start the car right now, also no hood on it and my interior is in a few more peices that expected ;) It'll get put together, I'll buy a battery and life will go on. Its nice to open the garage door and see it there when I go to grab potatoes or onions to make dinner. The smell of the garage with the car (oil and gas smell) makes me smile most days.


Life is interesting for my wife and I right now, we have our house for sale in a rough economy and want to build our dream home. There are lots of factors that are working for and against us. #1 interest rates are AWESOME right now and the poor economy is getting us a GREAT price on the new place. On the other side of the coin is that I got pulled into a meeting with my boss and was told my #'s are down and I need to get my ass in gear or else I'm out. I'm 100% commissioned and no contract. Think I have some pressure now? lol. I'm also the primary income for my house and I am the one that would have to pull the plug on the new house that my wife designed and has been planning for the last 6-9months. Ask how great of a feeling that will be when/if we have that conversation. I'm a tad stressed about it. In the end there are greater things than Datsuns and houses. family and friends. in the end I am very blessed (I don't use those types of words usually) with what I have had in my life and the people that I have in my life. I definately have a joyful life and am quite happy most of the time. For there to be some bumps in the road is just to add some flavour and to test my (our) fortitude towards success and that joyful life. I know I will overcome these 'tough' times and so can anyone else with the right attitude and support system.


HybridZ helped me a tremendous amount at the end of last year when I was scared for my life with a Kidney removal surgury. I even had a local member take me out and talk to me to put my mind at ease. These are the people that are worth more than anything else. An open ear and a thoughtful comment are priceless. This is the place to be for me. With or without a Z.


Good luck and I'm sure everything will workout for the best no matter what you choose to do.



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The truth.

I never looked at it that way before, I'm 21, 22 this year, girlfriend is moving in and I've had a large series of medical problems involving my skeletal structure my entire life, but despite all the ups and downs in life, there was something I always strived for, the Datsun became that irreplaceable dream, something to strive for, now that I have it, I want to drive it, hammer it, give it hell, enjoy it, work on it but it suckered me in so much, I forgot about the world.


Youre right, Jason, about the oil and gas, lol, couldn't agree more, there were days when all hell would break loose, I'd get that wiff of the dank smell of gas, oily rags, 30 year old bits and pieces falling apart, and all I could do is smile.


Everything always works out, one way or another.


No need to say another word lol.

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I've owned five of these cars over the last 6 years. It's tough sometimes.


In the past, I over-shot my budget, or my abilities. This time I'm trying to do it right.


The most frustrating thing for me is catching hell all day from the guys at work who only enjoy something with a bow-tie or an oval on the front of it.


Oh, and not being able to get one single exhaust stud out of the head of my latest motor on a Sunday afternoon in March. :evil:


I just gotta keep remembering that it's a *thing*. Along the same lines as what Jason said.

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I bought my 78 280z in uhh...september of 07.

I haven't been able to register it because of emissions problem

I haven't even SEEN my car in uhh...several months...because it's at a friends house 7 miles away, and I haven't been able to go work on it at all.


BUT friday I'm finally going to fix the freaking exhaust fitment issue I have with the MSA cat back setup I bought. after THINKING of what may be my cars current issue these past months I'm 110% positive the massively crushed exhaust has been the source of all of my recent issue. (Car won't rev past 5500RPM and pops out the intake when it hits 5500RPM. the exhaust was so crushed that it was able to build up a massive amount of pressure inside the cylinders, and when the intake opened, it would pop because of the pressure build up)

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I love my car and sometimes I absolutely HATE it.


but for better or worse, its my obsession. and the things in my life that drive me to pour my heart and soul in a pile of steal, grease, and a little rust :wink: thats near 4 decades old are far better put there than the self destructive things they could easily be put into.

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If you can overcome spindle pin anger, you can marry her for life :)




- Greg -



I'm still bitter ....



Ran out of gas while skipping high school (in my first z many moons ago) on the same street step mom used to take step sister to school. Needless to say that didn't go so well.



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Well, ive had similar situations in my Z adventures. Its just some thing about 35 year old cars that give them personalitys. My Z has been a blessing and a burden. I was lucky enough to find a good start with the finding of my 260, no rust just needed some polishing. Well, throughout my upgradeing and restoring i held my head high and dove in with a smile. But it seems like here lately things have gone to hell in a hand basket. The motor started leaking oil, the transmission has went out and many other numerous things have led me on a wild goose chase while dissolving the money right out of my wallet. I have just walked away and let the project sit for the time being. School has me stretched beyond my means, changing the enjoyment of working on my Z into a frustration.

But I have come to realize that i love that car! So as soon as time and money allows im diving back with a smile no matter what the damn thing throws at me. :)

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