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Heavyweight Bout: RB26dett VS. LS1

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I count atleast 3 different Rb guys including myself saying LS1... thats should say something.




Your looking at 10K plus to have a good built rb26 500 + rwhp. that is not a joke


BTW i did mine 10 years ago in japan before the rb26 started getting real popular and it still cost me close to 10K. that was using a stock rb26,r33 tranny ect ect


Blasphemy! :P


Now that it's more popular, I would think it to be cheaper, at least aftermarket parts wise. But even in japan it cost you that much? 8O


I must admit I kinda don't like at all how they are becoming more popular, largely because, even though I didn't see the movie, I suspect fast and furious or whatever is to blame. It's being downplayed, and I like having a somewhat rare car with a somewhat rare engine!


So are you saying you're regretting the swap, or just if you were a newbie today you would go ls1? I suppose it's okay to look back and think an ls1 would have been easier... I mean ten years wow, by that time I'm sure the buzz has worn off and you forgot how much fun all the sweat was, nothing is too glorious to never get sick of. I bet you'd miss it though huh? I miss my jeep, what a fun first car. ;)

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No i love my car... would do it all over again. BUT If you are worried about how much the swap will cost...dont bother. I love the way it sounds i will eventually put a small muffler on it just because i love the way the motor sounds at full song with the waste gate wide open!!!!

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Front mounts like OFI, Kentucky & APS may be difficult (if possible) with the limited room between the block and radiator; considering Aki's significantly rearward positioned LS1 swap:




Compared to the OEM:




I have no measurements, but the Z32 bay looks considerably more cramped.



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I'm confused why you think the ls1 is a more direct swap???

If you want more displacement and better off boost torque import an RB30 block.


With the RB assuming as you say you can use the existing transmission, you won't have to worry about transmounts/custom driveshafts, no cutting firewall/transmission tunnel (Assumming the RB25 bellhousing is no bigger then the z32). So all your talking about is, engine mounts, fuel lines (May not need re-routing), exhaust, intercooler/piping.


LS1 as Braap has detailed will require firewall modifications, transmission tunnel modifications, you have to modify the inside of your dash and loose some of your standard accessories, you will have to look at different exhaust headers or modify the steering rack, etc, etc, etc.

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OK... so the LS1 is apparently the better choice. What is the best way to achieve 500 whp? All motor is probably very pricey...


I thought one of the key arguments is that the ls1 would be cheapish?



So all your talking about is, engine mounts, fuel lines (May not need re-routing), exhaust, intercooler/piping.
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I'm confused why you think the ls1 is a more direct swap???

If you want more displacement and better off boost torque import an RB30 block.


With the RB assuming as you say you can use the existing transmission, you won't have to worry about transmounts/custom driveshafts, no cutting firewall/transmission tunnel (Assumming the RB25 bellhousing is no bigger then the z32). So all your talking about is, engine mounts, fuel lines (May not need re-routing), exhaust, intercooler/piping.


LS1 as Braap has detailed will require firewall modifications, transmission tunnel modifications, you have to modify the inside of your dash and loose some of your standard accessories, you will have to look at different exhaust headers or modify the steering rack, etc, etc, etc.


By 'direct swap' I mean you don't have to mix & match transmission parts to swap the LS1/t56. Although firewall fabrication is required, it's free, and solves most (if not all) of the other fittament issues.


The topic in question was if it's cheaper to achieve 500 whp with the LS1 or the RB26. From the responses so far, it seems the LS1 gives a better bang-for-your-buck.

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  • 2 months later...


OK... so the LS1 is apparently the better choice. What is the best way to achieve 500 whp? All motor is probably very pricey, mild build + nitrous is probably the cheapest, but a single turbo setup would be my personal preference...


What do you guys think?


Stock bottom end, Heads, Cam. 500WHP all day you'll have about $2500 in the engine work.

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  • 2 weeks later...
In the US why would anyone go with a RB26 when a LS will fit? JDM madness? :D


That's a good way to put it :P


I wanted a challenge, something that would be the same breed, and likely get better mileage. Plus I like the new technology aspect as opposed to just building an l28 or something. An ls1 would be the only other engine I would consider though because it meets some of these requirements. An old 350 etc. just wouldn't be the same, but then neither is having a chevy powered nissan to me... If I didn't go jdm I probably would have done an sr20, but I digress...

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  • 3 weeks later...
After much research, I am going to throw this out there... What's a better swap for the Z32, the RB26dett or LS1???


Both will require custom mounts, costs about the same (used motor), weigh about the same & both have a strong aftermarket following.


RB26dett +:

- Little-to-no firewall fabriation required

- Retention of Z32 trans (with RB25 bell housing), OEM gauges, HVAC


LS1 +:

- 2x+ the displacement, 6 speed trans

- Cheaper in the long run (debatable?)

- More of a direct swap (#'s match, all OEM, etc)


Goals for the car:

- Sub $5,000 swap (not including labor)

- 500 whp+




What do you guys think?


Hi Zangiefisgod,


Since you are considering these two swaps, how about telling us how you plan to use the car. This information will be helpful in determining which would be better for your intended purpose. Also, you seem to ahve a figure of 500rwhp in your mind for this project. Why did you choose this figure? I guess this again comes down to what the car will be used for.


Do you want a 10 second 1/4 mile car?


A weekend cruiser?


An autocross car?


A track day car?


A combination of them all?


The reason I bring this up is that you seem to be planning on doing this swap on a $5000 budget and it may be possible that you will be very happy with a 350RWHP car which can be achieved with a stock LS1. Many people get hung up on Building a Killer Motor when all they really want to do is own a cool car with an engine swap. many people also dream of 500RWHP and have never even driven a 500RWHP car.


As the owner of an LS1 powered Z car, I know that in the beginning planning stages of my swap, I considered building killer engine and found that a stock LS1 is plenty of go for my intended uses. Weekend cruiser, track days, auto crosses and a run down the 1/4 mile once in a while.


As for which engine, the LS1 will be an easier swap for $5K and my LS1 gets 31MPG on the hwy at 80mph (1900rpms) in 6th gear. It also runs the 1/4 mile in the 12s and is very reliable. Parts are easy to get if you need them. The low end torque is so nice and makes for a better street car because all the power is right there without having to rev the piss out of it.


By the way, I am in Maryland too. If you want to see how a stock LS1 runs in a Z car, come on down I will take you for a spin. Most people get out of my car and say, "WOW!"

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