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What do you guys think about the MG Midgets?


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I was thinking about buying one that a friend has for sale, a 1975 for $1300. It runs and drives pretty well. Needs a bit of mechanical and body work. I was thinking about doing a short restoration and giving it to my parents, sort of as a "thank you for putting me through college" My mom likes the smaller sporty cars. When I metioned the Midget, she said that she had always wanted one. She said that her uncle had one or something.... I know she wants another Z4, but I cant afford one of those.

I want something that I can build that wont give them a lot of problems. Something fun as a weekend warrior. I thought about a Z but my mom LOVES convertibles.

1975 is the California cutoff for smog vehicles, correct? That way they wouldnt have to worry about that lame stuff.

Anyone ever have one or have any experience with them? Any input would be appriciated.

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British Leyland mechanical nightmares...


BL was to MG as GM is to Chev, the parent company at the time, and British Leyland cars of the 70's are mechanical monstrosities with a perchant for spitting the dummy.


Fun cars when they go tho :D If you want an MG and you can find one, get an MGB over the midget, a bit easier to work on, and if you want power, easy to slot a Buick 215/Rover V8 or a Buick 300 under the bonnet to make a faux MGB-GT

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The Spridget's aren't that bad. If you get it and it needs electrical (it will) or mechanical help, let me know. I've spent way too much time and thrown way to much money at BL cars.


The worst part of these cars is rust. Even though they're from an Island country that rains entirely too much, they rust like it's their job.

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Mechanically they are not too bad, long as its realised that to get durability they have to be driven kindly. Electrically, hmmm, I'm sure they can be updated to improve reliability.


As a weekender fine, provided they are prepared and maintained accordingly. And its great that you are thinking about your mum, err, 'mom'.

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Guest Rolling Parts
That had me laughing for a couple minutes. The phrase above is British Car Talk Code for "yet another money pit."



I've never seen an MG advertised for sale that did not always end in the same 2 words "needs work".

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Well gentlemen, you confirmed my suspicions. My mom and I decided that a scooter would be best. An old Honda Express or something similar. My parents are buying an RV soon and she wants something to run around on. A little pink scooter with baskets will be perfect.

Thank you all for your input!!!

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Guest Rolling Parts
Am I the only one that finds it terribly Ironic that a bunch of Datsun guys are faulting another car for being brutal rust buckets?


Not ironic, just speaking from experience...:o

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