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Hot battery cables


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Well I am in the process of installing a Haltech E6, but haven't got the injectors firing yet.. (it will retard the timing when I have it programmed)

When I turned it over it was turning pretty slow... and with no fuel its not fighting the charge..


I have a stock starter on it at the moment....

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I agree with John. The negative is more important than the positive almost. I also think it sounds like your starter is whooped. Look into getting another one. The Hitachi style mini-starters for Chevrolets are pretty much the late ZX starter with a different adapter. Try and get a gear reduction one from a parts store (it will be the more expensive one...) and I would guess your problems will be solved. If you can't stomach the $, go through yours and inspect the armature for damage and rebuild/replace bushings, brushes, and the Bendix.

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but the ends of the cables get very hot when starting
If it just the ends then you have excessive resistance between the connector and the cable. Did you buy pre-made cables or crimp on your own connectors? Make certain the crimp is tight and there is no corrosion between the copper cable and the connector. Also clean up everything the connectors touch with a wire brush. Also make sure the battery has a good charge. Get it load tested to make sure it can pass sufficient cranking amps.


I guess you could try cranking with the plugs removed. If it is still slow then it is definitely in the starter/battery/cabling/grounds. If it cranks normally, then I don't know what this would prove.


BTW, just what is your compression ratio?

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Ok, I have a high compression L28 that has giving me fits about the battery cables...


It seems that the engine puts alot of strain on the starter and battery cables... I switched to 00 gauge cables and it seemed to help a bit, but the ends of the cables get very hot when starting....not to mention it the starter turns slowly.. is there a better ground I can use than the bolt on the tranny.... and does this sound like a bad connection....??


A normal battery will barely turn the engine.... :(

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I don't think that the cabling is the problem. The starter is battling to turn the high compression engine. A gear reduction starter may be the best way out, or get an ignition system that allows you to retard your timing during startup.


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