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Jtr mounts

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I dont know if this is some closely guarded government secret or what but,failure

after tirelessly searching for some info and or illustrations to EXACTLY how the JTR V8 conversion mounts are set up on the Z crossmember mounts.......I took out a 327 with fabbed mounts from JTR blueprints and it looked INCREDIBLY INCORRECT.

The setback plates were bolted directly to the block, can that be right.....?

I dont want to pay $35 to see a picture of what this is supposed to look like......

Make any sense or no..........???

Any help would be appreciated..............

I have added a pic to the origional setup.............http://i916.photobucket.com/albums/ad6/counterintel/PA220567.jpg

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Thank you gentlemen for the info.......Deja....what you have there is a little more like it....I DO plan to buy the book.....For I understand it is the leading authority on the V8 swap.......

I also have a 77 that i've just purchased, was absolutely amazed how good of shape it was....( FLA CAR).....rolling chassis.......Still looking and debating what power to put in.....(Too many options these days).

Can't wait to get it going.......and then start on the next one...lol


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sorry but this kinda made me laugh. i can almost say that over 100 hybrid z sbc v8's on here use the JTR set back design. i used it myself on my old lt1 t56 swap. this my friend is nothing new. im done with the v8 scene and the book still comes in handy for my new build.

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  nullbound said:
The motormounts are bolted to the setback plates. The spacers go between the setback plates and the block.


Like this:



And definitely buy the manual. There's a lot more info there than you think.


All of the V8 installs I have seen have the plates agianst the block, not the spacer. The 2 conversions I have done both had the plates against the block. I guess it could work either way, but plate on the block looks way better IMHO. I can not find my JTR book to verify, though.

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Nullbound did it the way the manual says to but most of us, at least that I've seen, did it the other way. When I tried to set it up "correctly" on my car the spacer wanted to occupy the same space as the header so I bolted the plate to the block, the spacer to the plate and the motor mount to the spacer. I've been running it that way for 4 years without any problems and my car gets raced more than street driven.


I really don't think it matters other than getting everything to clear.

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  On 2/16/2010 at 12:27 AM, deja said:

The setback plates do in fact get bolted to the block. Not sure what you have on that engine but it does not look like a JTR mount to me. And I agree with RTZ buy the book, it will save you a lot of headaches.



What motor mount is that black piece? I need to find out what piece that is because I do not have it. On either my 280z or my donor truck a chevy c30... Please help!

Edited by Jake3202
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The P/N is for a stock motor mount, any parts house should be able to X refernce the part number.


Once you receive the book read it twice or twelve times, bathroom reading material (haha) you'll get it then.  Also search this site thourghly it is a wealth of information.  I've been a member since Y2K, it helps to do reseach.


Best of wishes on the build.

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instructions to bolt on the mount, that is pretty straight forward, you just use 2 short bolts on the set back plate, and three long ones to go thru the plate and spacers but remember to trim about a 1/2 inch from the bottom rear corner of the driver side mount

Edited by spacecase70
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