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Got a parking ticket today, is it even legit?


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Alright so here is the deal. I go to school at UTA and you have a parking sticker to park in the student lots. Thats typical, no big deal. However, I didn't know they handed out tickets for this:



I did a pull through parking job... however... the parking lot was completely empty when I got there, and was completely empty when I left. The whole no pull through idea is to prevent side swiping other cars. If there were no cars there, is the rule in effect? Part of me says hell no, its not because there is no obvious danger. The other part of me is reluctant because the time the ticket was recorded 11:40AM, I had already been there for 2 hours, and I was in class, obviously the officer hadn't known that because at 11:40AM, that parking lot is probably filled to the brim.


Some of you may be like "Dude, a law is a law, you can't anticipate the best time to break it, thinking its ineffective" and to all those people who think that, the only thing I can do is this, because I can't really argue against it, I can only use common sense and judgment:



Luckily you get one freebie and then you have to pay. Even if I did have to pay, its $20, and obviously I don't plan on parking in the wrong spot or something unless its an accident, which is kind of hard to do because things are obviously marked. I had known about the no pull through thing, I just didn't thing it would actually bite my ass if the lot was empty... I'd much rather use my freebie on something sweet like parking in the teachers lot when I'm running late or something. ;)

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Hate to tell you, but yeah it's legit. I got the same ticket when I was attending Oregon State University - and had the same reaction as you as, "What the hell, really?"


First time I've ever heard the term "Head in parking only", I thought it was a weird way of saying you can only drive through the rows one way - not no pulling through for a quick escape after a grueling 3 hour Chemistry class.


Here is a picture of mine when I tried to appeal it - unfortunately to no avail.


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FYI the reason they want you to park head in is because it makes it easier for them to check for registration stickers when the lots are full. I once got a parking ticket for having my tire touching the line on an end stall. Of course, I ran from campus police and they knew who I was so they had a vendetta! lol

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Holy crap, that is a stupid rule. I guess any campus can make their own rules...


Just to be a smartass, you should argue that you backed in to the parking spot, and you did not pull through.


*** I just read that it says pulled through/backed in... dammit!

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Some of you may be like "Dude, a law is a law, you can't anticipate the best time to break it, thinking its ineffective" and to all those people who think that, the only thing I can do is this, because I can't really argue against it, I can only use common sense and judgment


You're young, so here's a bit of advice you'll eventually learn:


Common sense and judgment applies only to your own actions. You cannot apply or expect it from others.

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That blows, but Universities can (and do) make up whatever rules they want. Here at UNL, the Parking and Transit department is the second highest income source for the University, second only to the athletic dept. A couple years ago I looked at their budget and it said they made a $2.5 million PROFIT in one year, largely from overpriced parking passes and tickets.

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You're young, so here's a bit of advice you'll eventually learn:


Common sense and judgment applies only to your own actions. You cannot apply or expect it from others.

John you're playing parental, ruining my fun. <_< They also charge you $20 if your sticker isn't on the lower right hand side of the windshield. If its on like the top left hand corner, or the top right hand corner./ the extra strain it has on the officer, to move his eyes up by a couple of inches, is definitely worth $20, you know?




I also forgot as a side note. Don't you think its funny that in every high school and college parking rule book, they make you pay for a parking pass, but say they hold no responsibility for any damage to your property on their lot. Basically they say, pay us to park here, and have your **** stolen, because we aren't going to employ proper security forces. That's always bugged me, but the funny thing is that the head in/pull through parking scheme is used to protect other peoples cars from being side swiped. If the university holds no responsibility, then why are they making rules... responsible for protecting parked cars.


Actually thats a stupid invalid point.

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That's funny, every scouting campout we go to, we HAVE to back in for 'fire safety'...

Same at most refineries and chemical plants, no head-in parking due to the delay in case of evacuation...


But you know college prepares you for the real working world. :blink:

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I got a ticket for not having a parking pass. Funny thing was, since I didn't have a pass, they didn't know who I was.


Never did pay it...

Yah on the back of the ticket it says if you're a visitor then turn in the slip and get a free parking thing as a visitor, however my sticker has the code on it. Trust me I thought about it. B)


SuperPickle, I have a question for you about the Northeast campus. I'm taking summer classes there. I am having UTA mail my transcript to them tomorrow. How long does it take to get accepted because Calculus has 11 seats left, and I HAVE to have that class. :unsure:

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As I understand it, registrations are pretty much immediate. You'll have to stand in line at the office the first time, but after that you'll be able to use their site for future registration.


Do NOT take my word for it, however, as I'm only going on my 2nd semester.

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Some universities can be very resourceful when chasing down revenues like this. Years ago I was attending Texas A&M when a friend from out of town (non-student) got a parking ticket on campus. She blew it off because it was a university ticket and she figured they had no way to collect. She died in an accident a few months later. Three years after that her sister enrolls and starts taking classes. She found a charge for her dead sister's parking ticket on her fee statement for her second semester. We could only guess that they ran the vehicle registrations on both and found the same permanent address.

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Some universities can be very resourceful when chasing down revenues like this. Years ago I was attending Texas A&M when a friend from out of town (non-student) got a parking ticket on campus. She blew it off because it was a university ticket and she figured they had no way to collect. She died in an accident a few months later. Three years after that her sister enrolls and starts taking classes. She found a charge for her dead sister's parking ticket on her fee statement for her second semester. We could only guess that they ran the vehicle registrations on both and found the same permanent address.

Your story is very depressing. :o


How is your baby? Probably all grown up now since I was last over there to pick up that crank! Its been a while.

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I guess it is a little depressing. Definitely not my school's brightest moment.


The boy is doing great. Not quite grown up but he's walking and talking these days.


Hopefully I'll be able to check out your car in person before too long. I think Cowtown Z has some pretty big plans for this summer. From what I've see here it's come a long way from that pile of backyard pool parts that you started with. wink.gif

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On a side not, Cowtown does need to step it up and get some actual events and fun stuff going instead of acting like the other old z clubs around and meeting for dinner and budget crap. We own Z's now lets drive em.


On the ticket thats gayyyy but rules are rules now if you were in the very last spot i doubt they could say anything (backed in) but if you were in the middle of the lot....your dealing with "campus cops" theyre the ones that got picked on just like the real cops, but couldnt get the real badge.

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On a side not, Cowtown does need to step it up and get some actual events and fun stuff going instead of acting like the other old z clubs around and meeting for dinner and budget crap. We own Z's now lets drive em.


Yeah, Cowtown got a little boring after co-hosting the ZCCA national convention. I'll take responsibility for some of that since I was an officer (and had mostly inoperable Zs) during those years. But if you still have that opinion after the last couple of years I think the issue may have more to do with our ability to get the word out. Cowtown has hosted track days, dyno days, tech sessions and cruises in the last couple of years. I think a show-n-shine or two as well. The folks on the mailing list have coordinated informal meet-ups at the drag strip from time to time. More importantly, this gang has big plans for this summer, so stay tuned.


If you've got ideas for other sorts of events, we're all ears. Especially if those ideas come along with the time or resources you can commit to help make them happen!

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