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Need help deciding on 2 Z's!

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Hey guys, I'm in a bit of a dilemma here. I'm interested in buying a Z but I also want to have AC in it. I've got 2 choices, there is a 1971 240z with turbo going for 2,000 with no AC and a stock 280z with the AC factory installed going for 2,500. The main issue is that If I were to get the 280z, I would want to get 240z bumpers and turn signals (don't like the location of the 280z signals). What would be the most effective choice here?

Edited by KetchupNinja
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You need to inspect both of them from the inside out, looking for rust, evidence of poor/skipped maintenance, and the general shape of the cars. Check if the 280z's AC is actually working, replacing busted components isn't cheap.


Also consider your long term goals, as there are some significant differences between the 240 and the 280.

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What your goals for this car?


AC can be added to an early Z for about $1300, not cheap, but a fraction of what you'll spend fixing rust if you buy the wrong car. Grungedude42 is pointing you in the right direction: the condition of the chassis and the maintenance history should matter a lot more than the presence of AC. Plus, there are a lot of tradeoffs between 240s and 280s in terms of weight, chassis stiffness, etc. It's not that either is better, but you should spend some time here searching as this has been discussed before.


Of course, if you're just buying it to drive as-is for a while and then flip it, then it sounds like you've already decided that AC is the deciding factor. Otherwise, assuming they are both clean of rust (which is unlikely at those price points), I'd vote for the turbo 240. For me, fun-to-drive would trump comfort.

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Also you're in CA so on the 240z no emmissions checks. the 280 requires them. (tho the 240 engine has obviously been swapped so emmissions might be required on both, but you might get away with the 240... Yeah condition is a really big thing, look closely for Rust. and also what year is the 240z, if it's a low vin 70' 240Z it'd be definitely worth more than the 280. AC isn't so big a deal. it's just adding parts to the existing car. If you like the 240 bumpers and all better, then go for that, because it'll be cheaper to add AD to the 240Z than to add all the bumpers and all to the 280Z.



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Well, I looked at the 240z. The body is almost rust free and the interior looks great. The only problem is, the owner took the engine out. He's selling the the car plus 2 motors with it, The stock L20 and a L28et with turbo. He's asking $2000 for it. The second one I looked at was the 280z, this one has the stock L28, new tires and again, very little rust. This one is asking $2700 for it.

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The stock 240Z engine was the L24. There is lots of info on this site about dropping in an L28


When you say "rust free" be sure to search thru these forums to make sure you check all the common problem areas for rust.


Then as Zmanco said compare your goals for the car against your skill set and pocket book. It sounds like with either car you are planning to do some modifications so you are probably not looking for a DD at this time. Consider some of the Z's you have seen and decide what you want in the long run. Usually with these cars it becomes a journey: Enjoy the Ride.

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My first inclination is to say 'both' but what the heck...

Buy the 240Z, and spend the money on a new AC kit and install it.

You will be within 300$ of the cost of the 280, with AC that works passably.

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