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24 z cars for sale.


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Seriously, and it's common knowledge that you get more money selling one by one, why all or nothing?? They look like they've already been parted out mostly too, so why quit now? That said, I don't think they would be worth $1000 dollars each even if sold separately considering they're mostly stripped.


Someone should call and go see what all the fuss is about.


Also is it just me or is that photo fake as hell?

Edited by getoffmyinternet
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He's got to be mad thinking someone's is going to pay 25k for 24 Datsuns. Shipping them, storing them... I don't expect he'll get many offers.


There was this guy in Pomona with 100 Corvairs. He was asking $110,000 for the lot of them, including spares. He wasn't getting many offers as it was an 'all or nothing' and while there were many individual cars well worth the money, he just wanted them all gone as it wasn't working out for continued storage where he was. It sounds like madness, but when the city came and broke into his yard, and CONFISCATED his cars, arbitrarily impounding them... well he had this lawyer that was a fierce property rights advocate and he HAD complied with manu varied and sundry local ordinances (even I almost missed his place were it not for a small hole that glinted distinctive chrome bits discernable to my eye at 55mph in the far lane...) that got her active in the case Pro-Bono.


Sure, it took a little while. But the cars that were taken were stored (at municipal expense) and then were repatriated to his new location bought with flush funds from some unknown source, from some unknown settlement which he was (smiling ear-to-ear) not at liberty to discuss.


So in his case, municipal blundering gave him the adequate wherewithal to finally do his envisioned retirement: take a car or three a year, work fulltime doing restoration work, and then sell them off. Just keeping himself busy in his golden years.


When I heard his plan, I thought it not that insane. Therefore a guy with only 24 cars...considering I have more than that in my back yard! Insane, mad? No, not by a longshot! :P

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if you back east guys knew how the weather works in bakersfield you would probably give up on welding in rusted floors and buy those cars.cars dont rust there.it rains about 8" a year in bakersfield..then the sun comes out and dries the water up.problem is the sun eats up all plastic parts.i have parted out z's that had rust free bodies.my 77 has lived all of its life here in central california(dry farming area) and has only surface rust in places like the battery box.we dont all surf everyday here in cali.i have dairy farms 3 miles from my house



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Have to agree with Randy on that one. The cost for purchase and shipping is less than repairing a rusted out eastern Z. Economically for a serious long-term keeper it makes much more sense.


I have had people in Europe tell me 1978 chassis I have supplied out of the desert had less rust on them than 3 and 4 year old BMW's which were driving in Europe and brought in for chassis prep!

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