Well I've been at work all day and it seems I have missed a lot of dialogue. Tony D you are not the Amazing Kreskin you must be Carnack The Magnificent, you have to be because again you claim to know my state of mind by simply reading some little black letters on a white background. Let's all give him a big hand. Lets see( according to you) I'm offended, pissed,and went off in a puffery, wow! a puffery! the simple truth is when I am posting a reply you can't possibly know if I am laughing my ass off, bored to tears, grinding my teeth to nubs, or boxing baby brother with the left hand. It's true you don't know me.... simply a statement of fact, We have never met.... another factual statement, you don't know me or my vehicle at all.... what's to be offended about? Oh yea it's because you stated my H.P. was middle of the pack, wrong again. The #s were used to make a point ( you know a before and after comparison) they could be half that big deal,it still makes the same point. As I said before so be it, it is what it is. I've been reading your posts since I joined the board and agree with 99.9999% of them! But you know what...I never thought it to be unfortunate... as you do, seems you are the one offended. Tuning a car should be a given,any car guy will know that, even a young man that likes to work on the race car with dear ole dad. What I find odd is for someone to make a statement that bolt ons don't work.... you did make that statement i saw it , it was those little black letters on that white background, what about a cold air kit? oops bolt on , doesn't work, maybe a free flowing exhaust sys. oops bolt on doesn't work, ok how about a cool can oops bolt on , doesn't work, lets try triples oops bolt on , doesn't work, I got it... a high lift cam oops bolt on/in ,doesn't work.If they did not work everyone would be in completely stock cars. Who was it that posted that your not going to get any gains with S.U.s on a stock motor. I beg to differ,please re-read my post. Tony D maybe you can comment on this observation... even with the air flow improvements my A.F.R. goes 10.8-11.2 at full throttle? Can it be that they are still restricting my stock motor. I,ll bet that it is,and to your point it needs to be tuned, but it wasn't ,still got my 20-25 % Which means i;m leaving some H.P. on the table, not much but some. stock S.U.s are very restrictive but one CAN get good improvements with them with a little elbow grease.
We can debate the meaning of tuning, personally I don't consider physical grinding/ sanding on S. U.s tuning,or at least that would not come to mind when I hear the word tune. I am sure some do and some don't. Maybe his first post should have been worded better,however since then he has tried to enlighten us on what he meant the post to say, it evolves,restates,corrects,and dare I say it ....it fine tunes.