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Everything posted by woldson

  1. The amount of work this fellow has gone to seems to be much better than Zmaster. Cheating would be sooooooo bad, so Iam hoping it is his brother and he will humbley learn from his "big bro"!
  2. He engaged the e-brake, safety frist, heehee.
  3. A pic of your car on jackstands would be kinda funny to see, since your problem was only lug nuts;). Sorry you had to go through that how can people flat out lie?? Kinda hard even to image that. Jsm how much money is it worth if your lied to? Giveing a refund because of back order would be fine and honorable if he had not lie to him. All he had to be is honest and he would probaly would have gotten a glowing feed back.
  4. Ding, ding. It is out of my dad's car, 1969 6.3. That car is very fast. Over head valves and fuel injection. I would not mind putting that in my ZX. Here's another:
  5. Thanks that's good to know, would not want to harm my grandmothers engine. Just the price of gas.......auugghh.
  6. The way you have approched this problem was far more approriate. This is why you have gotten the results that you have desired. Teach your brother how to approch problems like yourself and it will benifit him for life;). peace.
  7. Just throwing this in. My ZX has a oil pressure switch that will kill the fuel pump if the engine looses pressure.
  8. Get the car running well frist. You will learn alot along the way. Try searching for your question. You would think that your question is simple, but their are so many varibles to what your goals are it is difficut to answer.
  9. Your running the stock fan right? That wines really bad. Plus the tranny gears wine quite a bit as well.
  10. Or even the hood of the car! LOL! Any how they make some stuff like that for computers. (stick on heatsinks)
  11. I see that my wife has taken it upon her self to give me an avitar.
  12. This is true. BUT with the 4barrel instead of the 2 and electronic ignition and duel bigger exaust....... She is very speedy with these mods. I'am thinking that it actually may beat my ZX, however I don't want to spend the money on gas to find out. What really funny with that car is that if someone get the jump on me it takes forever to get ahead of them. By the time car gets through second the ricer will be in 4th, 5th gear. Even spaking someone you have to just get to there front bumper, which will be only one car lenth, but really its two. Now on to car stuff. Due to the high compression engine I have to run premium and octane boost. YEIKS! So I'am going retard timing and run middle grade gas. Now if my wife keeps here foot off the gas, should I have to much to worry about dealing with silent ping? I put middle grade gas in it and it is aready ping with medium throttle. I believe the car has 10.5 to 1 compression. One other thing the manifold is for more tourque as well.
  13. Thanks guys, I just got home from work and the site was down this morning. I told her I really appriciated that but secretly knew that when I do start pouring money and time into my ZX she might sing just slightly a different tune:)! We will see. Thanks again for being kind to wife!
  14. LOL I don't think it would fit! That car barely fits on the street!
  15. I just wanted to let you know, how much I love Marc's Z! I am a Stay-At-Home Mommy of three, and my favorite break from it all, is a little time driving that car. There is nothing more thrilling than peeling it out (Marc taught me ). But my absolute greatest experiences have been the few times I have had the opportunity to race a guy, cream them, then he looks over to see that I'm a girl! Marc is so completely dedicated towards our family. I can't wait for the day when he can Supe (sp?) up his car the way he would like to. Though, I will probably be too afraid to drive it at that point.....So, he'll have to buy me my own! Purple, preferrably! So the love towards the Z? Yea, this girl gets it! Cheers!
  16. That car is beautiful. Love how they kept some crucial cosmetic conpondants to let you easily know it a Z!!!!!
  17. That's the girl:). Getting it out of storage today. Needs tabs problay. I'll post pics.
  18. Maby, that engine is sooo big. I'll post some pics tommorw evening.
  19. Nope. The seep hole in the bottom of the pump will let antifreeze fuild out when the seal is failing. THis useally means the bearings are bad. This is not all the time since I've seen the bearings go bad and some how the seal was holding. The fan clutch should basicly free wheel unless the bearings have seized. Doing a electic conversion is pretty easy and quites the engine noises down alot. Seems to give the car alot more "pep" as well. If you have a/c beware, I've blowen two a/c's in my zx's,
  20. Yep big like that but a little nicer:)
  21. My wife's 96 9000 cs auto craped out on me again. The frist one I replaced about a year ago. The new one was supposed to have about 76k on it. What a turd of a car. So now I have a 96 9000 cse manuel that my father crashed and will attempte to swap that manuel into my wifes car. I'am 800+ so far and this will cost me to. I can't believe how much time and money I'am putting into this .... car, while my 83zx is being ignored and still serveing me well. The only funny part is my wife and 3 children will be cruising around in my grandmothers 1969 mercury marquie colony park, baby blue, station wagon!! This car has a 429 with a edelbrock 4 barrell 750 cfm carb and edelbrock preformer manifould. (that work I did) Also has been upgraded from points to elctronic ignition. (not me) Can't say she loves this car, but man that car can sit and get!! The engine is all stock out side a water pump (me) and the other things mentioned above. THIS CAR IS HUGE!! I will have to give you guys a pic up against my ignored zx.
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