Mornings and day and eveings are highest demands mostly. Depends on wheather and location. At nite not as bad.
Itron in liberty lake is working on a system that will have the ablity to shut down high load circuits in your house during certian times of the day, year.
It will be a volentary program that you can recieve discounts if you apply.
This will help to eliminate "brown outs". Kinda cool and kinda creepy.
New fission reactors that run hotter will produce hydrogen as well.
Now think about that, get electricity, convert the natual gas lines to carry the hydrogen for you hot water and funace and CAR!
Not bad from a clean source of energy!!
BTW they have developed a way for mushrooms, yea fungi, to change the metal make up of depleted urainum to make it safe. Not sure if I'd eat one though.
Now if they can make sugar beets do the same............ ethanol! I think most engineers are HybridZ'ers at heart. Cheap, ingenous and effective, just not enough Z's to go aruond. (note the increase in price for the car)