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Everything posted by woldson

  1. Mornings and day and eveings are highest demands mostly. Depends on wheather and location. At nite not as bad. Itron in liberty lake is working on a system that will have the ablity to shut down high load circuits in your house during certian times of the day, year. It will be a volentary program that you can recieve discounts if you apply. This will help to eliminate "brown outs". Kinda cool and kinda creepy. New fission reactors that run hotter will produce hydrogen as well. Now think about that, get electricity, convert the natual gas lines to carry the hydrogen for you hot water and funace and CAR! Not bad from a clean source of energy!! BTW they have developed a way for mushrooms, yea fungi, to change the metal make up of depleted urainum to make it safe. Not sure if I'd eat one though. Now if they can make sugar beets do the same............ ethanol! I think most engineers are HybridZ'ers at heart. Cheap, ingenous and effective, just not enough Z's to go aruond. (note the increase in price for the car)
  2. Just meeting you would be cool. I would not worry so much, anyone that talks to you a bit will know what your car will be like in time.
  3. I have a delta capenter saw, no blade gaurd. Worse thing that happened with me was a kick back and the block of wood flew by my head and dented the garage door. Scary. I use my fingers as a push stick all the time, I know dumb. Heck I don' even have a slider. Knocking on wood.
  4. I kinda think it funny seeing a Z tow a honda;).
  5. I don't know crud about the geomerty of suspention. It seems to make sence to me that you should use the frount suspension out of the same car the rear came out of.? How and what a car dose based on suspension has got to be more involed than the aero dynamics of cars. (guessing)_ I would just hate to see all that wonderful work that you have done go to waste, guess that is why your posting for an opinion.
  6. When the vacuume falls off is there any problem with performance? I personally never have kept an eye on vacuume for a prolonged period of time, it might be normal (guessing). Have you checked, (which car?) the atmosphere controls?
  7. Ummm haveing some problem understanding your situation. It is ONLY the defrost option on the power mirrors that dose not work?
  8. Yes I've seen a few of them. I looked today at my intakes and figured I can only take off mabey an inch or so. Hummm. Ether I'am going to leave it alone or "molly be danged" and put something together that makes sense to me and hope that I atleat break even.
  9. So what fuel is used to generate the electricity that is used to charge the batteries? I believe that 60 or 70% of the U.S. is powered by coal.
  10. and eleventybillion gears, with bottles of nitrous that last longer than a year Waay funny, thanks! Eleventybillion gears,,,, way funny! If you timed the races there car would be stomped by a yugo. Strangely I do enjoy the beasts unleashing into unsuspecting asphault.
  11. I have a 83 turbo engine, p90a, f54. I'am not an expert on flow, (read alot, bit confusing) anyhow, the intake manifold is so combersome to work around. So I'am thinking of mabey a tt set up with squirll turbos off the stock ex. manifold and mabey 300-400hp. I'am not trying to re-invent the wheel, just wondering if I can considerable shroten the runner w/o takeing a bit hit on performance. I'am only doing this to make "getting" at stuff easier.
  12. What year is this car and engine? With a meaty cam (I forgot what lift and duration it was) and three into 2 my 82 zx screamed! I did a cold intake as well and 2 1/2 in. exhuast w/ a free flowing muffler. Now passing emissions, At idel no way on Gods green earth, crusing passed with flying colors. She ran pig rich at idel, made my eyes burn a bit. If I had known more about my car at the time I would have gotten a fuel air meter (wide band) and tinker with the AFM.
  13. Do you have a fuel pressure gauge? Oil pressure sensor, connections good? Compression test?
  14. I believe Switzerland requires all residence to own and maintain an automatic weapon. Also a stint in the military.
  15. Stabing into the dark, car gets nice a warm on a drive, and compression drops a bit?? Or a seal starts to leak a little?
  16. woldson


    I wanted to post on a couple but felt that it was to public so I went here. Ghezzz, should of pm'ed. The reason I even brougt it up was I respect those who have made such an incredable site. (note junkyard adventures) I was not even going to post here again because I thought you all would know. I will no longer participate in this thread, the information should have been in a pm not open for public disscussion. Sorry, Woldson.
  17. Crud this thread is done, down for the count, asta lavista. The way I see it is this: You buy a car of old vintage and expect every thing to be given to you with out pay,, not going to happen. I've yet to see you try to do any of the advice that was given to you. It is JUST A STUCK BOLT! This is not some kind of deal breaker!! As for the seller, selling to someone on the board carries a certian responsiblity. This case seems clear enough but in the future list everything that is worng in public forum to not have to under go this in the future. This thread gives me the willies. Weird, it was just a stuck bolt.
  18. For 20bucks it's a steel!
  19. Wow that is so cool! I will reread in the morning to help solidify into memerory. Thankyou!
  20. So the clutch is not dissengageing at all. Time to open the girl up and do some reasearch!?
  21. woldson


    I've seen some words used by the admins lately that seem to be a little out there. I cuss a bit more then I should in every day life, but not here because of the rules. Please let me know what words are acceptable so I can join in on the melay. I do cuss but I admire what you all have done here so I have no problems following the rules.
  22. Here on HybridZ, of couse. Use the search button, sit back and enjoy!
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