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Everything posted by mxgsfmdpx

  1. Looks nice. You should take some shots in the sun!
  2. No it is my friends torch red with flat black stripes non convertible. Located here in the bay area.
  3. Nice. For the dark green metallic check out the Toyota Supra "Imperial Jade Mica", or the BMW M3 "Oxford Green Metallic" both are sick greens. The Supra Green is a little brighter, the M3 Green is a very dark green. Almost black when the light isn't hitting it. Looks sick, here are a couple pics of it...
  4. Also, Can't be any tougher than installing long tubes onto a 2007 Shelby GT-500 with the engine installed. Took me about 12 hours! Good luck with the fabricating!
  5. My 1972 240Z emblems are the originals, and they are plastic.
  6. I would check out the TitanTalk forum. I bet there will be a lot more info to review there.
  7. Cable, Will these long tubes be able to be installed onto the motor before it gets dropped into the engine bay? I'm thinking no, but just curious. Thanks.
  8. How much did it cost to build your rotisserie?
  9. Check out this thread. Also is you do a search for "HID's" you'll get several threads that come up. http://forums.hybridz.org/index.php/topic/83396-the-ultimate-hid-headlight-upgrade-the-easy-way/page__hl__%22hid%26%2339%3Bs%22
  10. Wondering why they would go through a 3rd party for their online tools. Is it a high percentage of their online tools? Is it only for specialty tools like you ordered? Confusing...
  11. Were you leaning towards any 1 color, just deciding on the shade? Once you decide what color you want it sprayed, from there is when you start looking at different shades of that color. For the longest time I searched for the perfect orange I was looking for. Finally saw an Orange 2007 Porsche GT3-RS at a car show. I knew that was the orange I wanted.
  12. First of all, the pictures you posted tell us ZERO, other than your car is obviously lowered, and that you like to track it. If you think peoples responses are "wasting your time" you are being foolish. People are here trying to help you, and make sure you are taking the proper steps to building an LSx Hybrid Z. We have all been very nice, but you are actually asking VERY basic LSx swap questions, that can all be answered if you took the time to search, read, and study. If everybody who came into this forum had a thread like this, asking all the same questions, this forum would have thousands of the exact same thread. The information is here. Find it.
  13. Those look like a "wanna be" M3 Vader style seat. What brand are those?
  14. Not to be discouraging, but you really need to read and research more (which it sounds like you are doing.) Awesome. I have learned so much about this swap by just reading on here for hours and hours. Not just reading a thread but studying it and reading it again, really understand what you are doing on each different part of the swap; and what parts you need to get it done. This is a lot more than simply getting an engine, tranny, wiring harness, and ecu; then spending a couple weekends doing the swap. Some key elements to keep in mind that you didn't mention... Suspension/Wheels/Tires/Brakes: What set up do you have? Having more power is awesome, but can be negated with traction/poor handling issues. Wider wheels with wide sticky tires are needed, as well as a good suspension set up for traction and handling. For braking it looks like you might have the factory brakes? You will be doubling the hp/torque output of your car, it's a good idea to double your braking ability by switching to good disc brakes at all four corners. Rear End: Your stock R180 will be a definite weak link. Visit the drivetrain section, I spent about 15 hours reading that section alone. Amazing info there. Fuel System: Your stock fuel tank will also be a problem in a couple different areas. Fuel slosh is an issue, and well as the delivery to the fuel injected LS motor. You will need to modify your tank, use the F Body or equivalent tank, or an aftermarket fuel cell. An upgraded fuel pump/filter is needed, as well as new fuel lines (feed and return line included.) Replace the easy things: There is no better time to replace wear and tear parts then when doing an engine swap. Make sure the transmission/diff don't need rebuilds, replace the clutch/flywheel, drive belts, spark plugs, injectors, head gasket,water pump etc etc etc. Don't skimp out on doing the easy things, while it's an easy time to do them! Excited to watch this build, have fun!
  15. Good info. This is exactly why I posted this thread. A lot of the "Vinyl/Rubber/Plastic" protectants from Meguiars and Mothers seem to always be very greasy/sticky, and while the seats are supposedly vinyl, they seem like they wouldn't accept these types of protectants very well. Most of the leather care kits include a conditioner, cleaner, and then a final spray on detailer. Wondering if these will work better or will be too harsh? Was hoping for people to chime in like your post, on what they have used, and their opinion on it. Thanks!
  16. They feel awesome, and like I said, they are in great shape. No tears, cracks, the foam is really nice... just the material is a bit dull. I figured some of the Meguiars or Mothers brand stuff, or something equivalent, would work well to treat the material and shine them up. Wanted to avoid something that somebody on here might have found to be harsh on the material. Just wanted some opinions on that if anybody has done it to these specific seats. All hybrid vinyl/leather/polymer seats react differently to different brands of cleaners. Thanks for the replies and info.
  17. Okay. I thought they were made from a faux leather (leather/vinyl/polymer mixture) With this being corrected, my question still stands about what cleaning options have been used. Thanks.
  18. After searching through about 20 pages of the interior section, and numerous searches using different combinations of "leather" "seat" "cleaner" "cleaning" etc. I have not come across any threads discussing the cleaning/reconditioning of the OEM leather seats. I am sure the info is on here, just having some trouble finding anything. My seats are in perfect shape, no rips, the leather is perfect etc. I just want to clean and shine them up to look brand new again. I was trying to find out if anybody had any info on which of the MANY leather cleaners available is the best one for our Z's leather seats? Any experiences with different brands? Any brands that are harsh on the old leather? A simple google search works fine and there is tons of info out there regarding cleaning leather, but I wanted some opinions/trials from S30 owners. Thank you!
  19. It's perfect. It's awesome how you have a vision in your head (and on a spreadsheet lol) of what you're going to do, and other people in the community do it. It's so helpful being able to see it before I do it. The only other body difference I am doing will be shaving the gas door, because I will have a fuel cell. Oh and ZG Flares blended to the body. And my paint will be the orange from the 2006-2007 Porsche GT3-RS. Thanks again for sharing.
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