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Posts posted by RTz

  1. Santa,


    I would humbly settle for a McLaren F1... If you're running short of those, I'll take a quiet evening, dinner, and a spot of wine with my wife..... on any Polynesian island (see... I'm not picky!).

  2. They said on the TEC2 it would not be reliable over 8500rpm, and they were right!


    Probably becuase of the close proximity of the sync. tooth?


    we converted to the ECU882 Setup.


    I would really appreciate an unbiased opinion of the 882. This thread isn't the place for it though. If you get around to it, can you PM or email me your opinion, likes & dislikes?




    Bravo on the Coil installation "Great Minds Think Alike" is all I can say! LOL

    Those coils look a lot like the units we got from Lance for the ECU882 Setup.




    I'll find out in a couple weeks what I think of them. You like them so far?

  3. What application?


    If you're speaking of a 280Z, yes you can fool it into delivering more fuel (but not timing). Its 'control' is limited though. A better route, is to fool the coolant temp sensor. Adding resistance will give you a substantial increase in fuel quantity. Also, any increase will be very linear.


    Later cars are a bit trickier, because they are closed loop and continually learning. Richen things up a bit, and the ECM will eventually lean it back.

  4. Sorry man, I just hated to see what looked like a good discussion get muddled by some blow hard know it all telling everybody they must have slept through high school physics. Even though he later came back and said he was joking, if he typed aerodynamics into the search and read for a few hours, he'd come to realize that there are some heavy hitters on this site.


    Easy there... every one has bad day's... even me :wink:


    Group hug? :-D

  5. do not quote me as this is vague understanding from Aero classes I took while a Flight Engineer....when the temp increases the boundry layer changes (cant remember if it grows or shrinks, sorry guys) but this effects the drag over the given surface.




    Very coincidentally, you beat me to the punch (regarding boundary layer)... Does what I wrote hold any water, in your experience?

  6. Care to elaborate on that some more? I don't really see how the temperature of the bonnet would affect the boundary layer.




    I'll take a stab at this (thats all it will be). Generally, heat is transfered to air at the surface. For example, our weather comes from the sun heating the surface, the surface heating the air, the air becoming lighter and rising, etc, etc. The boundary layer is largely stagnant, yes? If you heated the surface enough, the boundary air would heat and rise, potentially upsetting the boundary layer.


    My guess, though, is that its 'no factor' in our automobile.

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