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Everything posted by auxilary

  1. who says you can't run a BB in a Z? especially one with a blower and nitrous, and make it run 8.4?
  2. Apples, gravy, churches, very small rocks! (if you get this reference, you are a HUGE nerd) http://www.cwstuning.com/gallery/Coupe-DeGolf
  3. heh, well, he hasn't exactly edited his email in a month and a half
  4. See Tim? I kept my mouth shut Didn't tell a soul! Looks awesome, I think I just filled my pants!
  5. something about paying 48k for a festiva doesn't sound right.
  6. well, looks like it's directed by paul anderson. so, my hopes of this being a good movie just dropped. for reference, he directed mortal kombat, resident evil, soldier
  7. http://www.apple.com/trailers/fox/avp/large.html this will either be a huge flop, or a great cult classic flick 20th century Fox, please don't screw this up for us!
  8. watch the p's and q's my a$$! Women strive for equal opportunity, no sense in cutting back by being all gentleman-y!
  9. Not a hybrid yet, but getting there. http://autos.groups.yahoo.com/group/NorCalHybridZ/ we have a norcal hybridz mailing list, actually. see link above
  10. I think the boosters are identical. You may want to check with 73botiz, he has a Z32 booster in his
  11. First SR powered car in the US? Uhm... I took pics of one at ZONC blackhawk show in June
  12. srt-5? typo, I hope? dodge never produced any 5 bangers fwd is cheaper to make. no driveshaft, no rear end, less weight
  13. if the kit is GC, GC uses eibach springs (red in color). On the spring there should be a set of numbers printed in following format: 10.00 / 200 / 2.5, where 10 is the length in inches of the spring, 200 is the lb/in rating, and 2.5 is the diameter of the spring in inches
  14. Those guys (ELF) are a bunch of f#cktards. Seriously, they contract themselves in everything they do. Burning LA area? Yeah, that REALLY liberates earth. I always wondered where those morons sleep at night. I'm pretty certain they don't camp out in nature. Someone should organize an Earth Liberation Front Termination Squad
  15. I've been thinking. This fire is probably Gray Davis's fault. Let's recall the fire!
  16. Not gonna happen. You'll spend over 40k on BODYWORK alone to get the car to a state where aerodynamics aren't going to be a limitation
  17. actually, this is what's really happening
  18. wrong forum? unless you're using blinker fluid...
  19. Aw hell yeah! it was Colonel Sanders and a redneck farmer with a pitchfork vs. Captain Chicken! that was ******* fun, I'm going again next time http://www.datsunracing.com/af has a whole lot more pictures
  20. that seems to be lacking a datsun?
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