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Everything posted by vegasnative

  1. company will probley say that wheels are for street use and not intended for comp racing and you voided any implied warr
  2. i sold auto parts for over ten years and over that time i found that plug were one of those things that were sort of and an emotional thing you either love champion or hated them ssorta the same with oil and ford vs chevy if you had a good experance with one or another you sorta stay with them
  3. old electric oven works great for small parts
  4. there was one at msa 06 built on bronco 2
  5. they got so many old rigs that they use them as static displays at some of bigger conf, stores here in town
  6. yea i have seen it out on lake mead i have a nice deck boat and thier caravan of boats came by me like i was standing still and i was doing 60 to 65
  7. went to school with the herbst bros here in las vegas . one of thier garages sits off one of the tarmacs at the airport ,they have the most toys[planes,copters,boats ,ect] almost heaven
  8. i think im going to try to use my forklift
  9. i saw this ebay store anybody know about it jhot-imports
  10. our aftermarket rods[carrillo,paulter] on a 400 to 450 hp motor needed and if not does any body have any 240 133mm rods for sale
  11. i think it was produced in 95 or 96 by a british comp. on prevest post somebody mentioned they had bought the dvd from history channel
  12. hey guys z car story is on the history channel now west coast
  13. vegasnative


    should all pitch in for a gen for dan
  14. i cant agree more this is a forum not an ENCYCLOPIDIA
  15. are those flat top for turbo app ie machinealbe for correct deck hight
  16. yea i have been trying to get a hold of them for 2 days no anser,i wonder if they our here in las vegas for sema ,how does your friend like the setup and what was the price
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