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Everything posted by smokeybear

  1. That is one of the best sounding v8s I have heard in a long, long time. Very clean and well done and I like what you did to the tail lights (not a big fan of the z32 lights myself).
  2. If you are having lot of problems with the SU's there are several books and even Z Therapy has a dvd with how to rebuild and how they work. I bought a book for like 5 dollars on ebay and the SU carbs (IMO) make a lot of sense, they just look very complicated.
  3. ha ha funny mat. most of my hobbies are actually cars. i like to learn and read about them so i guess they count as my hobby sites too.
  4. 240sx = 200sx in Europe if I remember right. As for the m5 swap, very cool. I think the beamer swaps are kind of like the ls1 swap here, plentiful and you can't beat the power for price but I imagine that it has no where near 50/50 weight distribution. Very cool swap though, I bet it boogies pretty good.
  5. Just a question of curiosity. I am registered on probably about 10-15 car forums, 4 of which I frequent very often. (I had a time where I had to know everything about every car I was interested in and most won't let you use the search feature w/o being registered) I have been "trolling" (but not really trolling ha ha) forums for almost 10 years now (I think the first forum I was registered on was at 14 and probably hondatalk.com, I am now 22 years old and far more experienced in forums and how they work) The only reason I ask this is I was reading the in the L6 forum and I am surprised at how many people post the same question over and over (and I am only on page one with 4 3.1 stroker questions all there) and haven't even considered the search button as a possibility or the stickied threads up top. When you first came to a forum, did you post questions right away or did you feel it out, kind of get a feel for how the forum as a whole acted when questions that are frequently asked are not searched (I was the latter.) My first forum was just a small local forum, not a lot of technical information there but some stuff to search and find if you wanted to (Car offsets, some driving tips, etc etc, just weird things). My 2nd forum (probetalk.com) has been hands down one of my favorite forums ever. I had very few posts there but all the questions I had were answered with a search. Hybridz and probetalk are a lot a like, not in actual content on the forum, but how much information can be found with the search and how vast the knowledge is.
  6. great looking car man. just out of curiosity, is that a carpet kit or did you have it made?? looks great either way.
  7. Fuel rail is probably a palnet (spelling) piece?? Most of the clean intake manis are peoples own elbow grease ha ha. Takes a lot of work but the outcome is beautiful.
  8. iirc the l series that came in the 521's should bolt up, idk about the z series or w/e, never got too into them.
  9. I was going to recommend concrete boots and sleeping with the fishes. I want to see your car done too, just keep at him in a nice manner, maybe call/swing by once a week, do some 'cussin and discussin, etc etc. By the way, what kind of time frame are you looking at??
  10. i know that some people are having fuel pump problems on some of the GM cars that run e85 and have heard it does corrodes them.
  11. I have road rage and I rarely brake check anyone, but when I see that guy coming from 10 cars back, weaving in and out of traffic like a mad man and he gets to me and tries to push me out of the way, I push back. I despise bad drivers because I think I am a great driver (although my driving record would probably disagree, but all of my violations were almost 5 years ago now) and have no tolerance for people tail gating or even following very basic speed limit laws (I can understand 5 under, but anything more you are slowing down traffic progression and wasting others time) so I usually use the bright lights technique. I doubt I brake check anyone in the Z because of how hard parts are to find and I don't want to have to do any body work. The last guy I can remember brake checking was in a 2500 dodge dually and I was in a 95 240sx, he tried to swerve and hit me so I slammed on the brakes, passed him, and locked them up. We pulled up to the next stop light and exchanged words. I guess my tone/loudness/talks of getting out of my car and pulling him out of his truck shut him up pretty fast. Hands down my lowest point of road rage.
  12. Hey guys, I just wanted to post this up, not trying to spam the board or anything but this is kind of work related. The company I work for built this website www.flipfire.com from scratch. Essentially I work with a bunch of my friends. Let me know what you guys think and upload some videos to the website. Right now, we have, hands down, the best True High Defintion feature (check out videos like Big Buck Bunny and the movie trailer for the new Pixar movie Up to see the real quality that we have) and our standard defintion is very good as well. We are a lot different than most other websites as we want to pay users for video submissions (meaning you guys could potentially make money with our wbesite) and right now we have 2 separate contests going with a $1500 prize a piece. Let me know what you guys think. I personally didn't build the website but my roommate made the current look on the website and one of my other best friends did all the back end coding and several other guys I know built and maintain our servers. We are aiming to be a youtube competitor but with rewards for you guys who get a million views (profit rates on videos with adds are insane, people make a lot of money off of a video with a couple adds and one million + views, which is easily obtainable)
  13. I had taken my carbs off and used one of the intake manifold holes with bolt and the hook on the motor. I even kept the shifter installed too, went really easy. It was definitely the easiest motor I have ever pulled.
  14. hopefully the vortec 4.3. it would be sweet to have a 521 with that swap as a car hauler.
  15. you can put any motor from one car into just about any other car. Having owned a 521, I personally don't see it fitting without moving the firewall back. The KA24DE is a far more common swap and I think can be done with OEM mounts. I think a ka with 240sx wiring/trans would be the most direct swap possible.
  16. The sr20det is a great motor, it is great on gas, very reliable, and lots and lots of support. I do agree on the KA comment though. I am a big fan of the KA, they make some pretty impressive numbers on small turbos and stock botton ends.
  17. yes pictures of the bracket please. I am interested to use this, a better alternative to rebuilding the back drums.
  18. It has been a while since I have updated but progress is finally happening. The last month or so has been very busy with work and bad weather on the weekends doesn't help with progress. The weekends prior to this I attempted to start it, turns out the carbs need rebuilding, but I am debating on a 4 barrel install or rebuilding the SUs. My dad has a friend at work who used to tinker with Z cars and knows SU carbs inside and out (he is also an MG guy as well) so I may have him rebuild the carbs. This last weekend I went ahead and decided to pull the motor and trans out of the car. The weekend prior I dettached all the hoses, gas lines, etc so I could pull the engine and trans in a timely manner. Hood off: Engine out: We had the motor out in about an hour maybe two hours tops. This wasn't my first engine removal but it was my first on a RWD car. It is a lot easier to work on a RWD car than a FWD car, espically this one. Everything went really smooth. I forgot to get pictures of the motor when I pulled it but I will take some next weekend. Next weekend I am planning on pressure washing the entire underside of the car and engine and trans, repaint block, and then a full gasket kit. Depending on the clutch condition I may replace it as well. After the engine bay drys I will be going over it with por15 to get the few rust spots there are. Things are coming together, as soon as it is running and moving on its own power I will be moving to suspension/brakes (new bushings, install aftermarket struts and springs (can't remember brand at the moment), maybe purchse a set of toyota 4x4 calipers and rebuild them and probably replace the rear drum stuff too (If I can't figure out a rear disc conversion by then, would rather go this route than using drums just for general looks and stoppping power, discs are far superior in my book) then I will be moving to the interior.
  19. So has anyone had success with the MSA kit?? I need to replace all the weatherstripping in my car and would rather buy it all as a kit that piece one together.
  20. Well I am 22 and have been around cars all the time growing up. My dad was always buying and selling cars to make some extra income. I started high school and started shop and it just grew from there. The more I learned about fuel injection and how a car works the more intrigued I became. (I don't know anything about carbs, another great reason I bought my Z) I graduated high school with intentions of becoming a Porsche Tech but decided against working on cars as a living. My father and I looked around for a project car when I was 16-18 and never really found anything that was reasonable. I feel in love with Zs I would say about a year before I joined hybridz.org (in 06) after seeing the infamous Z doing a burnout at 60. After a little over 2 years of serious looking I bought my Z with a bunch of extra parts so my father and I could start a real father soon project. My father and I didn't really hang out a lot when I was a kid/teenage years due to work and lots of other things, so I kinda bought the car so I can hang out with my dad and really get to know him and put together a car I loved. This is my 2nd datsun, my first was a lowered datsun 521 truck that was ratted out but ran pretty good. Ended up blowing a head gasket at a bad time and had to sell it.
  21. In my opinion, the sr20det is the most viable option. It is fairly light but more important the parts/aftermarket parts are more readily available. In all honesty, the CA18DET should weigh just about the same as the sr20det. The CA is an iron block, aluminum head combonation while the sr20det is aluminum block, aluminum head.
  22. ha ha yeah, i registered when i first read about the ls1 240z.
  23. Yeah, DD'ing a car that you also work on for a project is no fun and not a simple task. It leads you to rush things that you normally wouldn't or forget that things that you shouldn't. With that being said, my Z doesn't run, but will be turning into daily driver material. Get a good solid daily driver before your Z goes down. You are still going to have to get around even with your car out of commission. Find a cheap beater car (I daily a 1996 ford taurus, $1600 bucks and almost 2 years later she still starts everyday, had to replace very basic things, not even brakes)
  24. Looks great man, I really like how much it resembles the new challenger front end.
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