ok part two, laptop lost it's power cord and i was scared to loose all i wrote
This is why i rebuilt the tv rack, the amps needed a home too
here is the tv half up but has both speaker covers on(just a lil dusty)
here is the wiring for the crossovers for the mid and high end speakers
the amp cover before foam and wrap
the amp cover after foam and with the alton and kicker logos.
now the fun stuff, the sub box after being covered in black suede. Kinda hard to read the lettering in this pic but i wanted it subtle, nothing like what other companies use
the amp cover after the suede
another shot of the sub box before lighting
and after i love this shot and it looks better in person sorry it's not very clear it's hard to take a pic with no flash and hold it perfectly still.
I have some of the center that i remade and i had to relocate alot of stuff. I'll get some pics of the front tomorrow where i made changes, had to move the cruise control it was in the center council under the arm rest. It is now in the dash, that took me a while but turned out very nice. I really hope he likes the changes we made and hope he tells alot of people so i can do more custom stuff like this. More pics to come