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Posts posted by veritech-z

  1. i think these are in the wrong forum...clearly if you'd searched you would have known that all fantastic images of burnouts need to be attached to the "myth or matter of fact?" thread...http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=114696&highlight=myth+matter+fact


    Just kidding with you Hoov, awesome pics!

  2. The Camo ZZZap!:

    1977 280z: $200

    Tokico 1" drop springs and struts(ebay): $199

    Energy Suspension master bushing kit: $150 (IIRC...)

    280ZXT turbo manifold: $100

    Garrett T-04 turbo: $50

    Nissan OEM Pulsar GTi-R intercooler: $40

    Summit 16 gallon fuel cell: $100

    10' or so of braided line and -AN fittings: $200+/-

    MSI fuel only: $150 with sensors

    IC piping: free

    Exhaust: free

    Front fascia




    Price before wheels:

    about $1300


    Hoshino Impul RS-III 17X7 and 17X8 wheels: $799 shipped

    1.5" hub adapters and lug nuts: $350


    Price after wheels: about $2500


    all that awesome on one car: priceless




  3. That's pretty impressive, Flash was not designed to handle 3-D by any means...My roomate that's on the programming track here was telling me that just telling Flash to count from 0-5000 in code would cause it to crash. We talked to the instructor a little bit about some of these engines that use flash to simulate 3-D and isometric perspective, but the consensus was pretty much that fighting the intrinsic limitations of Flash like that would be an uphill battle and not worth the effort in our time constraints. I also have a hard time believing you could use flash to build any kind of worthwhile 3-D object at the level you can with Maya or 3DSMax.

  4. I thought you coded for flash in actionscript, what's "siwshMax?" I ask because i recently made two flash games as well, one a 2-D dogfighting game and the other a top-down traffic directing game. I didn't code it though, I just do the art and animations (the dogfighting game required hand drawn walk cycles for three dogs, but the traffic game all had the animations done with code-we used actionscript 3.0 for both of them). Right now I'm building 3-D models for a submarine combat game we're doing in Panda3-D using Maya 8.5. It's kind of a challenge, because it's a rapid prototyping class and we only have two weeks to do each game...

  5. http://cgi.ebay.com/1965-Fender-Mustang-Guitar-Refinished-No-Reserve_W0QQitemZ260163541060QQihZ016QQcategoryZ118989QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

    I've got a newer version of this, it's still my favorite guitar that I've ever played. It's kind of a "surf" guitar, but you can get a lot of cool sounds out of it because both the bridge and neck pickup have a rythm/treble/off selector switch which makes for a lot of fun sound customizability. I've also got a soft spot for SG shaped guitars, like the ESP Viper


  6. because attention spans are shorter. Halo 3 didn't strike me as anything but a graphics upgrade. I wasn't impressed with the 1.5hrs of it I saw in my Production for Media class the other day (if you guys didn't know, i'm in a graduate program for video game design...I'm in the art track, but we all sit in on the production track because it's easy). The AI in Halo is weak, and the level design is nothing special in my opinion. I can't help but compare it to Bioshock, and it comes up lacking big time. I'll put it like this: no computer controlled enemy in Halo is going to drop down through a hole in the floor so they can come up the stairs behind you and shoot you in the back, nor will they pretend to be dead until you get close enough to them-both of these things happen routinely in Bioshock. Enemies in Halo rarely even chase you...the single player mode in the Halo games is so weak, the best way to win the game is to simply run full sprint and not stop for anything. You can almost beat the game without killing anything at all...

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