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Posts posted by veritech-z

  1. Haha! Awesome! I hardly think my build is approaching anything near the level of what either Mull or 1fastz is doing, but the actual thread where I did the paint job is approaching 8,000 views, so somebody must be into it...I think the better of the camo threads is probably this one: http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=112218&highlight=operation+camo

  2. Did he show you his orange 383 powered street car? It's the business....


    Brent is super cool, but whenever you want to buy a part, it seems like he just makes the prices up arbitrarily, and nobody else can quote you anything until they talk to Brent. But he does have anything you may want laying around the shop. He assured me I'd blow my headgasket as i bought a ZXT exhaust manifold to turbocharge my N42/P79 NA combo. It hasn't happened yet, but I suspect he's got more experience with these things than I do...

  3. Bioshock is the only game we have for our 360...it's by far the best game I've played in a LONG time. Phil, I started it on Monday, finished it pretty much right before we left for the party on Saturday night (I'm actually WAY behind now in my art class, but I'll make it up...plus my instructor was super impressed with it-I just don't know if he realizes I was the one that made it). The director of my school was throwing the party, he used to be the COO of EA's Tiburon studio here in Orlando before he started this master's program with UCF. I'm the fourth class that's ever gone through it, so this was a party for the first 100 students (we're not actually at 100 yet, but it's in the high 90's). There was a pretty good representation of game related costumes. This one chick got a SWAT team surplus body armor and some Umbrella corp. patches, and was a shock trooper from Resident Evil. Also, a bunch of guys from my class dressed up as the characters from Team Fortress 2, which shipped out in the Orange Box like 3 weeks ago. Kind of a lame idea in my opinion, but they did a pretty good job of making the various costumes. Also, there was an awesome showing of GI Joe characters, from Zartan to Destro. One of my instructors came as Mario and his wife was Princess Peach. It was a pretty fun time.


    Also in the costume we had an Ipod full of ripped Big Daddy sounds blaring through some portable speakers. It went over really well. We're planning to send it in to 2k via www.cultofrapture.com to see what they think (maybe it will help when it comes time to start looking for internships/jobs, but probably not...). It consists of about 60' of .5" conduit, about 30' X 14" of aluminum flashing, 300 or so rivets, 8 sprinkler drains with clear coasters glued to the outside, some PVC flanges, two galvanized 2" to 1.5" reducers for the nose things, and a small cordless screwdriver stuck through a wooden circle to make the drill spin. Also some 1/4" copper tubing. It probably weighs in somewhere around 30lbs or so. Wearable, but really hot. I think we're going to try and get him into some costume contests around town in the next few days to try and recoup some of the costs, hopefully we won't lose to the girl in the least amount of costume...

  4. forza2 has a crap paint feature, you need to do this job in Tokyo Extreme Racer 3, it has a pixel by pixel paint program that doesn't limit you to predefined decal shapes. you can also change the reflectivity of your paint, so you could do primer if you want to.

  5. Isn't TonyD's salt flats car hitting the aerodynamic wall at 174.something or other? I know he's kind of limited with what can be done power wise, but...


    Those are some powerful looking power seats they've got there...and that car's most likely had some interesting rust repair (the area above the tail light panel looks an awful lot like mine, and I know exactly how bad one needs to repair that area to get it to look like that...)

  6. I asked once before if anyone knew if there were either an Army Air Corps or Air Force unit that flew captured fighter planes (like the Migs from Top Gun), and nobody responded...I thought it would be cool to paint the car with whatever scheme that unit used (assuming there were such a unit).

  7. If you're stuck on those rotas, the +10 offset is your best bet (you would then need a 10mm spacer to bring the offset back to 0, as opposed to some of those other sizes that you would need to have an adapter made to use). It says there are only 18's available, so if you really want 16's, that's most likely not the wheel you're looking for.

  8. Thanks Dave, not too many others have been able to see the vision as of yet...


    There are a few problems with this project in general right now. Keep in mind it's not finished yet, and that I'm now a full time graduate student about 90 miles from where my car is in cryo-sleep. That is to say all these awesome plans that i've got simmering on the back burner are at least a year away from even getting started.


    Still on the to-do list:

    a)fabricate a tray that is sealed to the bottom of the intercooler itself that will be ducted from the two front corners of the tray to the fascia of the car.


    2)build a "power bulge" that covers the pipe and creates a transition to the exposed top of the intercooler.


    c)top this power bulge with a louvered panel.


    d)replace my bad R200 with something that doesn't clunk and try to jump out from under the car while cruising...


    I've taken the liberty of including a concept I've made to illustrate this idea. Through the magic of Photoshop CS3 I have managed to do this really quick and ugly sketch of what i plan to do:



    You may wonder how that tray is going to clear the valve cover, and if that magic happens, how the feed tube will clear the fuel rail. I'll cut a hole in that bridge when I come to it...

  9. I got a set from the junkyard once, they didn't look too bad if you reversed them front to back, but I never actually got around to mounting them. One problem you'll have is that there is a square cutout for the door ding strip on the celica supra that you will have to fill in some way. Not a deal breaker, but they'd look odd if you just slapped them on. If you do get around to it, be sure and post pictures. getting them from the boneyard is cheap, i think i paid $12 per side...I have a picture with them laying on the ground in the general vicinity of my car, but never thought to take one with them on...

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