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Posts posted by veritech-z

  1. Thanks Trumpet, but it was on purpose. I went back to get my Master's Degree in Digital Media so i can change careers. I just finished my first semester, and it's really been going well. I've got another thread going about that in the non-tech section

    ( http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=117386 )

    if you're interested in following it.


    Phil, that's a really nice offer! I don't think i'll be able to take you up on it any time soon unfortunately, unless i get a secret influx of spending money my wife doesn't find out about...

  2. If the tons of Option: Video Magazine drift videos i've seen are any indication, a drift spec body kit is one that's being held on by chewing gum and a single zip tie so that it falls off when they spin off the track into the hay bales without damaging it too much...any other drift spec part is probably a broken one or one that's been really beat up and kicked around a lot. those cars tend to look like theft recoveries after awhile. I'm not knocking the drifting, by the way. My car would fit right in...

  3. Our final in the art class was themed "sparkling rust." basically we could do anything we wanted that met that qualification. I came up with a bunch of ideas:





    but didn't like any of them really...So I decided to use the Octobot pic from earlier in this thread. It's due tonight at midnight, here's what I've got so far:



  4. At the end of semester one, all the people in the Production track have to pitch a game idea, and all the students vote on it. The top two picks are the games that we all make for the rest of our time here, so it's pretty important that they don't suck. My roomate in Orlando is a Programmer, and I'm an Artist, so we didn't HAVE to do it for a grade. It was 90% of the producers' grade, so they take it pretty seriously. Well, he and I decided we could make a game that was AT LEAST as good as what these guys could, and so we started to come up with an idea. We ran it by the programming teacher, and he shot it completely down as undoable one week before the presentations. It was scramble mode hell for the rest of the week, but we finally got our idea to the point where it was pretty solid. We were up till 4am almost every night last week, and thursday night we had to stay up all night to finish. Our PowerPoint got done during the 3rd presentation, we were 9th. I was so tired, my eyes were all bloodshot, and I hadn't even seen the powerpoint presentation all the way through to know what slides were what. I DID know the game idea inside and out, so unfortunately I had to do the looking at the screen to know what I'm supposed to talk about here technique of presenting...Anyway, we easily had the least flashy presentation, but the most fleshed out game idea, and we came in third place in the votes. However, the first place game was so completely out of scope that the faculty scrapped it. Which meant that the second place game and the third place game would be the winners. So our game is totally getting made! My roomate gets to be lead programmer, and I get to be lead artist! I'm really looking forward to it, it's going to be awesome! Now that I've gotten some sleep, it seems a little more real...Here's some of the concept art I did for the presentation:




  5. Whew, that semester flew by! Fun, but super busy! I learned a ton of stuff I didn't know that I didn't know...but I guess that's why we go to school, right? We had some cool assignments, one of which was to do a development plan for an existing game as if we were going to make it from scratch or update it in some way. My team chose the original Mega Man game, but we decided we'd do it in Torque Game Builder. We also re-set it in a Steampunk universe, and gave it a moodier look. That was a really fun assignment, but I'd rather have done Castlevania. Got outvoted...



    Also, I've been learning Autodesk Maya 8.5 and recently upgraded to 2008. It's been slow going, but I'm getting the hang of it. We had to make a wrestler for a recent assignment, so I decided I'd make Starman from NES Pro-Wrestling. I'm not sure I'm totally happy with it, but I'm still tweaking it:


  6. JohnC, my experience (such as it is...) with wheel fitment has been that you can fit closer to 4.5" of backspace before it becomes a problem on a stock strut. My 17X8 +38 offset wheels fit with a 1.5" spacer(38.1mm-making for essentially 0 offset and 4.5" of backspacing) and a 255/40 tire without rubbing. I see you specified a 240z, would the fact I've got a 280z make a difference? Also,I'm sure you know already, but I think it's important to note in the backspace equation that there is a difference between advertised wheel width and actual measured wheel width since they typically measure from the inside of the bead to the inside of the bead for that.


    topher, you may be able to get away with a 1" spacer in the front, but they are typically sold in sets, so why not just get them all the same? there shouldn't be price difference between those two sizes.

  7. I'm not to up to speed on how that stuff works either, but without either a dedicated pump for the supplemental injectors or at least a higher output pump, wouldn't you get a significant drop in pressure when they open? Would that be enough to cause a problem, or would you not notice it, do you suppose?

  8. You need a spacer for both of those offsets. 1.5" will do. The volks actually have 3mm less offset than the Wats, but a 1.5" spacer would accomodate either wheel. Lowering a lot may require fender rolling, but up to an inch lower I can vouch does not need rolling. I personally like the volks better.


    Here's how a 17X7/17X8 +38 offset wheel fits with a 1.5" spacer and a 1" drop if it helps you any.


  9. Hey can you take a closer pixture for me on the pressure regluator and the routing of it? Sorry to high jack the thread

    I won't be able to do that for quite a while unfortunately. In addition to having an intercooler sitting right on top of the part in question, I'm storing the car in another city while I'm getting my master's degree, but christmas break is coming up in a few weeks so i could probably do it then if a verbal description won't do. Basically, i've got a Y-junction on the feed line so that the fuel enters the rail from both sides. The line to the regulator leaves from roughly the middle. The thought process on this was to ensure a stable supply of fuel to both the front and rear three injectors. It runs pretty well like this, but I don't have any instrumentation to tell me whether it works better or worse than running it the traditional way. I do have a fuel pressure gauge mounted on the rail, and it reads 45psi when the pump is turned on (however, this mounting strategy places it under the hood-difficult to read when under load). Almost any question pertaining to my motivations for doing things any particular way on this car can be answered with "why not?" or "seemed like a good idea at the time..." Which I'm sure is disappointing to the people on the board who take their engineering seriously (and rightly so).


    the best I can do on short notice:


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