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Posts posted by veritech-z

  1. To me the scene that sums it up was right after the monster first hits, and rather than escape, everyone is just standing there with camera phones recording...all it needed was for someone to say "this is SO going on youtube..." to make it complete. It felt likes something I could have cranked out at school with Maya and Adobe Aftereffects. We could have just filmed it with a webcam or something, I don't think we even have a camera at school that will let you be that shaky...Even Sci-Fi orginal pictures have better production value than cloverfield.

  2. This movie was total garbage. The monster was stupid looking, the "cinematography" (if you can call one guy with a handy cam shaking it all over the place that...) made it almost unwatchable. There was actually a motion sickness warning at the box office...I found I had to let my vision go out of focus slightly and pretty much just listen to it in order to avoid nausea.


    Plus, they thought they were so clever with their cryptic viral marketing campaign, and it seems they put so much effort into that that the actual movie sort of went by the wayside.


    The best part of this movie for me was the Hellboy 2 trailer at the beginning, and of course the ending credits letting me know it was over.


    I'm with TeamNissan, there wasn't a single original plotpoint (giant monster attacking city: check. giant monster that drops small versions of itself to make a nuisance: check small band of survivors that slowly gets smaller due to attrition: check abrupt ending with minimal resolution: check...looks like we got most of it covered)


    As a side note, the nachos and soda I had weren't bad, so it wasn't a total waste.

  3. There is no reason in my book that you should put stripes on a Z. End of story. The car only came with a "ZZZAP" option that had stripes. If you were to do stripes, then work off of that one. It was a yellow car with multi colored parts of the stripe. Use that but go with grays and silvers to match your paint scheme. Only if you want stripes. I am just not a fan of stripes unless they are on a rustang or a camaro like they came from the factory......

    you could do something like this maybe:


    except that i already did it...

  4. I actually prefer Gran Turismo 3 to Gran Turismo 4 as a gaming experience as far as PS2 games are concerned. In 4, there are too many factors that you have to change to make the cars handle the way they did right out of the box in GT3. Also, the biggest kick for me in racing sims is actually collecting the different cars. In GT3 there is a turntable system for winning events that randomizes the car you get when you finish a series, whereas in 4 you get the same car every time. So if you and I both win the All Japan GT in 3, maybe you get the Mitsubishi FTO racecar and I get the Mazda RX7 Bathurst edition. But in GT4, we both get the NSX Type-R (or whatever it is) every time. Also in GT4 there are at least two cars you can never drive ever, in any mode, as well as total BS-mobiles like the Model T that you can only drive on the test track. Why would you do that Polyphony Digital? Why waste my time with that garbage? There was a feature in Gran Turismo 1 that took the weight reduction one step further and let you apply "racing mods", which was a permanent mod and added graphics and took a bit more weight off the car. That was so much fun to me, i don't know why...and we haven't seen it in full form ever since. There was going to be a drag racing mode in GT2 that featured that, but they only put the racing mods in for two cars....


    As far as the original topic, the most fun i had in a PGR game was walking through the different showrooms picking out the different cars...I don't like that if you need to go faster, you need to buy a new, faster car, but it was neat that you could buy exotics which were notably absent from the Gran Turismo series. I love me some Forza 2 though, it's got a decent car list, the damage is good, and i like that increasing the difficulty results in a higher reward at the end of the race. The car decal feature is ok, but not nearly as good as the pixel by pixel paint program that was in Tokyo Extreme Racer 3 for the PS2. That game even let you make primer! with primer flames no less! And it featured a Pantera! A PANTERA!!!! Why is there a DeLorean and a Model T in GT4 but no Pantera?!

  5. Drawing:


    just branching out into 3-D character modeling:




    video gaming (mostly retro games, 8-16 bit era games is retro for me, but i like the truly classic arcade games as well)



    skateboarding (though rarely any more)

    fabrication of items to facilitate general tom-foolery (like this big daddy costume from halloween with a functional spinning drill)


  6. Somewhere (and by somewhere, i'm pretty sure i mean the attic...) i have pictures of my interior before i tore all the mildewed cream color out...this is the closest thing i've got right this minute to an updated interior shot:


    though it was mostly to show how the intercooler looks from the driver seat. I haven't seen too many other Z's that have a more rat-rod exterior than mine though:


    No real story there, I just don't have much patience for showroom stock, and in true rat-rod tradition it was easier for me to modify existing parts from other cars than to fabricate my own. The mirrors come from a 79 Mazda RX-7, the sideskirts are from an early 2000's Acura RSX Type-S, the splash gaurds are from an Acura TL, and the Fascia comes from a Saturn VUE redline. Unfortunately I also have little patience for correct bodywork procedures...

  7. Anybody notice that they mount American mirrors on there Japanese Z's and we mount Japanese mirrors on our American Z's?

    Whatever it takes to be different, right? I like the orange one I think, though I'm not especially fond of orange on any car...

  8. I've had the same red top in my datsun for the last 3 years, and for the first year of having the car, i was driving around on straight battery (i never drove the car far enough to find out my alternator was toast...). It's been parked since august at my grandfather's house while I'm in grad school, and i started it for the first time like three weeks ago. Fired up with no trouble at all, guess I'm also one of the lucky ones.

  9. I wasnt trying to direct that back at you in a bad way bro. I was just pointing out a couple of technical specs that come to mind so often since I'm a cylinder head porter. Plus my outlook was from the N/A point of view and thats where the flow numbers are so curcial.

    Ah, I didn't realize you were planning on keeping it NA. I always disregarded the NA option under 3 liters as being impractical on the street. Back in my Honda days, the LS/Vtec was just becoming everybody's dream powerplant, and I always wanted a turbo LS. Actually had a B18B1 on an engine stand next to my bed and a Garrett T04 on my pool table ready to go first into my Hatch, then into the CRX I'd traded it for...then the CRX threw a rod on it's built D16 and left me stranded on the bridge between Tampa and Clearwater, and I bought my first 280z as a replacement. I've been driving Nissan ever since. Maybe things have changed and I'm out of touch, but the solution in the honda crowd back then to small displacement was increasing RPM, and stripping the car out to the point that it looked like a theft recovery. Neither of those options did anything for me. I remember being super impressed with this guy I bumped into a few times that had a 92 hatch (one of the best looking hatchbacks ever in my opinion) that had somehow managed to get an H22 in there, stock everything, even had a stock airbox and exhaust manifold. He was running high 12's in the 1/4, and his car idled quieter than my 98.

  10. Really it has nothing to do with wanting to be the first. The whole point is about a setup that performs good and gives a well rounded driving experience and is streetable.


    I do believe it would be a waste of time and lots of money to do your h22 idea and it still wouldnt make the power of the f20c that is rwd already. Plus I have ported many H22 heads in my day and in race trim they max out at about 320 cfm @ 28" water, and the F20c is well above those numbers right out of the box. Now that tells us something about power potental right there...

    It's been awhile since i cared about hondas all that much, back when i had a civic (it was a 98 hatch that my parents bought new-yes, i was THAT honda kid...) the H22 was the weapon of choice. It's what powered the first front wheel drive into the 8's in the 1/4 mile, to the tune of something like 700hp if i remember correctly...I should have guessed based on your screen name you were already stuck on the F20C, I've just been dying to see somebody actually use that RWD tranny on something! It would most likely be expensive, I'm sure that tranny alone costs more than I've got in my car, but as for being a waste of time? I'm not so sure. The H22 has a proven record of being capable of big power. So sorry if i misunderstood, i got the vibe that at least part of the goal was to be different, and was pretty sure that not too many people know about that option. good luck with whatever choice you decide to pursue.

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