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Everything posted by veritech-z

  1. http://www.municode.com/content/4201/14140/HTML/ch042a.html
  2. Cobra Jet 428? Captain Nemo (James Mason-20k leagues under the sea), or Captain Bridger (Roy Scheider-Seaquest, DSV)?
  3. BFGoodrich used to offer a "scorcher" line of tires that had colored accents in the tread, but I'm not so sure they were available in full color...there was some hoo-ha after gang members started leaving multi-colored burnout streaks on each others' turf with them...I don't know if they still make them or not.
  4. Me too Me too! Old School is the Best School! NO such thing as too dated!
  5. I still want to know why nobody offers a Pantera style rear spoiler to go along with this hatch!
  6. OTM, I had to withdraw from college due to a triple ankle fracture that required a permanent plate installation. Set me back about two years, but now it's cool. So far I'm not a human barameter like some of the old timers I know, but I'm sure the day is coming...damn skateboard...
  7. You know your car is weak when it even causes a dead whale to puke it's guts out all over your ride just from driving by!
  8. I thought those were already available? doesn't www.zfiberglass.com offer them?
  9. Nikon D80! 10.2 megapixels can't be wrong! (I do need to invest in a hot shoe flash, though) My nieces are the most photogenic kids I've ever seen... Edit: fixed the links so the pics will show...
  10. Tell that to the Honda guys...they get HP out of all proportion to their weak torque numbers...so I vote Cessna. Crocodile Dundee, or Crocodile Hunter?
  11. What are you talking about, that IS the zoo! I heard Doc once bagged an orangutan by shooting it with a rolled up dollar bill fired from a rubber band at 50 paces...
  12. I wonder if the "i'm about to throw up" guy owns that scooter...I'd just write it off..."Where's my Honda, baby?" "I'm sorry sweety, I had to crash that Honda..." "Who's Zed?" "Zed's dead, baby."
  13. Hey RonTyler, can we get one of those for BRAAP's Q-boat? That would really help with the burnouts...
  14. so the story goes like this: the whale (already dead) was being transported for a necropsy, and the decomposition inside caused a gas bubble to form and blow out of the whale during transport. Pretty special...Don't they have refrigerated trucks for this? Evidently it drew a huge crowd of locals not because it's guts flew everywhere, but because the novelty of its 5 foot long penis was too much to pass up...ah, humanity... http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4096586/
  15. That's a really nice drawing, Ernie. Did you ever do one of the front? It looks like you've done something to the headlights that's hard to see from that angle?
  16. Mencia's a no talent hack. Chappelle all the way! Gamera or Godzilla? no such thing as the latter, so must be constipated
  17. I'd say motor home, for the sheer WTF?!-ery of it... camo or rustoleum?
  18. road racing funnier thread: Area 51 or the tool shed?
  19. S30 better burnouts: BRAAP or RonTyler?
  20. my wife was betty for halloween... shouldn't that be Beetles or Elvis? given the option I've got to take the Beetles... Garfield or Heathcliff?
  21. That's why no one should sell me anything of actual historic value. I'd just hack it up and so something one way or another to destroy it's value. I just can't leave well enough alone...
  22. I would only show them 4-6. In their original VHS un-edited glory. Then I'd make them watch Tron. And possibly the Black Hole. Balki from Perfect Strangers or Borat?
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