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Everything posted by Careless

  1. damnit, i wish i had money for this =(
  2. your best bet for 350 NA horsepower would probably be an Ellis Juan engine with some minimal aftermarket attention. (LS1)
  3. i wanna start buying some katrina cars that would be good candidates for swaps and such. since i'm the type to take a car back down to bare metal, i'd just sandblast the mold and rust off the car, and then patch it up , and POR15 Paint the entire chassis. that should hold up nice =) just gotta find someone who markets the cars as katrina cars, instead of saying "nooooo... its brand new! never flooded!"
  4. sweet. keep it up, or i'Munna cry!
  5. ahhh. i see. takes the fun out of welding your own collectors though, doesn't it?! another question. what size is most of the exhaust tubing? looks 4.5 - 5 ish? and those huge snap-lock collars that hold the exhaust together (i'm assuming they're gasketted)... what is the real name of that item? annnnnnnnnnnd what kind of engine managment u runnin!?
  6. interesting. i always thought it would be reallllllly hard to do a swap like that, as im sure i've seen some feasable candidates for such a job, but no one ever did it. i was always left wondering why. any reports on performance figures? i'd say probably slightly better than a factory GTR for customization options/obligations along the way.
  7. hey stoney! not sure if this has been covered, but in regards to the previous post. i know about the tranmissions and whatnot that come on the BNR chassis and all that. but you say that the GTR transmission will fit into the car as a whole? so i can turn a S30 into an AWD car? what would i need in terms of front suspension? i'd assume an entirely new setup on the front and possibly a tube frame to allow for some sturdy points for new mountng points to be welded too, and new parts to be fastened to?! you think it's worth it?! or would an AWD Z have a really sloppy suspension geometry. this seems like a swap i would much rather do.
  8. thanks a lot man. you know, at 6 in the morning, the last thing i wanna do is nutt all over my monitor. question, on the header, you have portions that are about .25 inches wider than the main tubular part of the exhaust runners, are those like mini resonators?
  9. just want to mention that in your guide, you had addressed ECU remappings with the limitation of about 20 awkw. this is infact, untrue, as i believe the stock fuel maps for an RB26 ecu are 16x16 fuel maps, which allow for plenty of tunability. such examples of the level of tunability with the program called ROMeditor and a stock ECU can be seen on the Mine's skyline, which beat out the Amuse Supra on the BMI Inline 6 challenge. also, note that some of the IC's on the board, mainly the CPU in which the fuel map binaries are stored are easily burnable with the proper equipment, such as an old Pentium MMX computer with the proper AmiBIOS chipset on the motherboard. These, coincidentally, have the same size socket and same type of flashrom onboard, and have a feature called "bios cacheing" which allows you to turn the board on, and boot into DOS, then you can pull the bios chip out of the socket, insert a blank one, or a RB26 one, and trick the computer into flashing a fuel map onto the new chip using the motherboard manufacturers firmware update. the sockets on these boards have the same pins, same eeprom, and same size. more details on this can be found on the web in various places. mostly japanese. you can also look into hacking xbox with a "homebrew eeprom" chip, which gives you a more detailed explination of the above. after reading my post though, i hope you guys understand that it's not as easy as it seems. sometimes you have to go through leaps and bounds to get the proper setup. but as i've stated, the tunability has far greater potential than just 20kw.
  10. they could be just for weight redo. or they could be changed with aluminum ones, which are sometimes lighter. but who the hell does that nowadys you dont need carbon fibre to make a car look good. infact, i dont think it looks all that good just hanging there, unnless it's a black car. that's just me though. as long as everything flows together, and it's not out of place. or everyhting on the car is out of place.. it won't look like it belongs. but it belongs to the owner, so then what the hell, let em' carbon flares shine..
  11. on the topic of flares. does anyone know the type of flares are pictured in the attached file? they're probably molded in, but i checked a number or designs, and couldnt find anything with the same sort of face most flares dont cover the wheel in much the same way. they lips never round out as much as the ones in this pic, if you can tell what i mean. also, if you know which spoiler and side skirts these are, that'd be a good thing to know (for me anyways ) i think the owner of this car is called Rick Bowers? anyone have contact info regarding this fellow?
  12. well.. it could be that manly female cousin that some people have in their family that always pics on their older brother. i mean come on, an RB26? i'd say that gives the car a lot more "balls" Fairtrany Z? <3 build ups like these are what made me want an RB-z
  13. we want: update pics sound clips video. anyone who disagrees can leave =D
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