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Everything posted by Kinked_Chrome

  1. No idea. This project took me about 4 lunches. So whatever that works out to. $100 or so. I drafted the entire thing in Solidworks, and then the software will make a flat pattern for me. Unfortunately the software is not freely available. However if your a college student or know a college student you can get a year subscription for ~$140. instead of $10k-$15k You sir are correct. It was cut on a maxiem waterjet
  2. yeah, the welds on them really stink. The material I used was .063" 5052 Al. Made it really easy to form, but rather difficult to weld. I think that I will sand all the welds down and run a new nice bead around so I can keep the pie cut look. If I had to do it all over, I would use .090" and make it out of five sections instead of eight.
  3. I started working at a place where we take hour lunch breaks, a luxury I never had before, and I started getting bored. I also get to use all the machines basically whenever I want. I was looking to work on my metal forming and aluminum welding skills and I'm a little sick of the of the rubber intake elbow on my LT1 so I decided to build a pie cut style one. I started out with a little help from solidworks. Then I ended up with these. And formed and welded it into this Not quite sure what type of finish I want to put on it yet. It will likely just get powdercoated.
  4. I hate to be so critical, but i think that you are wasting your time. I'm not exactly sure what you are trying to figure out with all this engine building data. Are you just trying to come up with a way to estimate horsepower output? Or looking to see how cam and cylinder head profiles affect output? I'm sort of lost at what your trying to do.
  5. this is what i was trying to get at. It is merely a coincidence. It is not an anomaly.
  6. I think you you also sould point out the fact that methanol has only about 40% the energy density of gasoline. 19,800BTU/lb for gasoline and ~8500-9000BTU/lb for methonal, as i recall. Then ethanol is around 14,000BTU/lb.
  7. Just curious, but where did you get this info, and exactly how much less btu/gallon are you talking? I was also curious about the octane rating system being different, if anybody had more info on that.
  8. Wow, it seems like you have put a lot of thought into this. I think you guys are trying to make this more complicated that it actually is. With out any units attached to anything it took me a little while to figure out what was going on, but here is my take on things. The first equation CFM flow x cylinders x .257 = HP I think this one is great, in about to seconds you can guess the HP of a high performance engine. the constant .257 i assume is determined with the energy released in gasoline at max power rich formula, an average rpm, and an average efficiency of a high performance engine, constant air intake temp, yada yada. basically a "guess" of what all other variables are gonna be. The second part Boost in PSI x 14.7 = additional horsepower. All this means is that you are assumming that on average you gain 14.7 HP per PSI of additional intake pressure. Which is why your numbers are different for intercooled and non intercooled setups. i'd be willing to bet for non intercooled lower boost (3-6psi) you're only going to see gains of 12-13 HP/psi and on the much higher performanace applications (intercooled and what not) your more likely to see 16-17+. I think that your equation would be more useful for determine how efficient a turbo setup is, rather than guessing HP. Instead of guessing HP you turn it around and solve for HP/psi For example: start with a 300 HP NA engine and you get 450 HP turbo charge with 10 psi 450-300 = 150 HP/10psi = 15HP/psi now let say we add an intercooler and get 460HP and our boost drops to 9psi 460-300=160HP/9 psi = 17.8HP/psi Does anybody see what I'm gettting at or am i just rambling on?
  9. do the t5 slaves bolt on to the t56 or are modifications required?
  10. are all stock T5's slaves the same? I'm doing the same swap and was headed to the art store, but don't know what make/model car to give them? Fox body mustangs? 4th gen f-body's?
  11. I want to so bad, but it's difficult to get support. We pretty much get no funding from the university and have to do all the fundraising for our selves, not to mention I have to convince my fellow baja members that it's do able. I'm confident that it'll happen, so hopefully in a few months I can be posting pics of the FSAE renderings, instead of the baja.
  12. it was both of them and the steering bolt all at the same time. It came off a 20ft gap and 5-6ft drop all on the one wheel when it was cranked to the right. I think that it was pretty much a worse case scenrio. Oh, and it bent the spindle on the that one as well.
  13. yep, that is exactly what we have. Last year we ran CV's that slipped in the joint itself, and they failed. This we year we are still running CV's but we robbed some parts off a half shaft and built a telescoping CV axle. Mario, don't worry about getting your beat to bad. We've test driven it twice and broke it twice, so much for our FMEA. Of course we've been driving it to the absolute maximum. List of broken parts includes: 2 .5" high stregth heim joints 1 bent front spindle 1 sheared 7/16" grade 8 bolt from our steering 1 really bent steering arm. In my experience though, the course won't provide anything Like what we've been putting out cart through. But we shall see.
  14. I used to love solidworks, but after this year i used it so much for designing our mini baja it's basically second nature to me now. I doesn't quite have the excitement it used to. COSMOS is rather handy, you guys need to give that a try. Here are some renderings of the '06 Boise State Mini Baja that i did.
  15. Sorry if this is a repost, but i couldn't find anything about in the search. I was having a discussion today with one of my buddies about which engine configuration would make more torque, all things equal, and only considering the configuration. My arguement was that the inline would. Based on that they can have a longer stroke, because they are not restricted by having an opposite side. He tried to tell me that the angle of the pistons in relation to each had more to do with it. What do you guys think?
  16. It's been a while since i've posted here, but as i recall most of you aren't nascar fans. so here is an online petition for speed channel to air more non-nascar related shows, and to not be the official nascar channel. Let me know what you think. http://www.petitiononline.com/SpdTV/petition.html
  17. i think that Ti is also too brittle
  18. i just can't believe the thing is FWD. When i heard honda was building a 1/2 ton rated truck i was hoping they'd make a a real V8 rear drive platform. Instead i feel like they put a truck body on a Honda odyssey chassis and gave it 4 wheel drive..
  19. it does sit well with me because it seems fundamentally wrong. "smaller" engine in a "bigger" car. but i love it because it's a great way for the import guys to give a big fat middle finger to die hard domestic enthusiast; very well proven on the svt forum. can't wait to see F&F3 either, those movies may be really corny and cheesy, but they never fail to entertain.
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