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Everything posted by CArFAn

  1. was this car for sale on Craigslist? i could have swore i seen it before but it wasnt painted
  2. more pics? plz and thnx -carfan
  3. I over herd some one in a game say that he had died in a heliocopter crash has anyone else herd about it. I didnt search yet i thought mabey some one here would know. and if you didnt know now you do. :hail:Colin McRae:hail:
  4. nice...best so far..sorry all, but it is
  5. watching "prey" and eating pizza.. will do more when done.
  6. i asked he said it didnt matter better?
  7. yes it made me think for a sec. i heard my teacher say "flaming balls of gayness" its a inside joke with the other Ag teachers. it my welding class and we start welding in 2 weeks i hope. anyone in the FFA?
  8. he hasnt had insurance since like never. i really hope he smartens up and gets it this time. and he is suppose to be out here this week end. i will try to get pics of his paint job that took forever and you all can judge and see if it was worth the wait. not the actual color but the quality.
  9. happy b day.. :mparty::mparty::mparty: all these b.days happening so quick that i cant wait for my big 18th birthday. can anyone call december and tell it to hurry up and come around:mrgreen:
  10. he paid them off so they wouldnt say anything or report it i guess yes i know he is a dumba$$ i tell him that all the time. he is getting insurance now i HOPE and is going to start doing things by the book. im going to put insurance on my car 1 week before i get done with it and start driving. anyone know the going rate at a good insurance company for a 17yr old and a 73' 240z
  11. i actually told him that because he sat on my hood when i was thinking of buying it and he dented it and i said "i hope some body puts dents in your car" he says "that will never happen" i guess i was right and it just wasnt some average joe. it was him his self
  12. pic of what was worse finally after the first date i posted this it is just about out of the body shop all he has to do is finsh paying and he can drive it out here are some pics he took earlier this week. he should pic it up this monday or so and he will take more pics and i can post them.
  13. i was going to ask to see it too... good luck on getting your car fixed man -carfan
  14. "Its all good like a hamburger at mcdonalds in a happy meal box" I herd it on the bus from some old want to be pimp guy. Meaning- it might be good but its been out and sitting for a while I found it really funny when he told me the meaning because at mcdonlads they really do over make food and leave it out till some one orders it.
  15. when people use the contradicting "its hot as hell" or "its cold as hell"...
  16. This You? http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=91121982
  17. are turtles boring or are they interesting i wanted to get one but i thought they wouldnt keep me entertained
  18. im under-aged (no ones looking) :cheers:
  19. when they do post it they should include what they specialize in as well
  20. i was just sayin that i am in the same situation you are in sorta. i was just typing out the .a$$
  21. anyone know the story line behind this one?
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