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Everything posted by CArFAn

  1. All i can say is OMG. That is all. ( I dont dress up anymore i just treat the tricks if you know what i mean) -Carfan
  2. i had to watch in a screen in imToo( the converter) about the size of our avatars. i will get the "vlc" player when i get home from school. thanks. -Carfan
  3. here is a set if anyone was looking for them for 200$ jus a head up http://sfbay.craigslist.org/eby/pts/464435136.html
  4. If you not using the dash in the 180sx how much would you sell it for plus the center console?
  5. which player you use to watch them?
  6. i emailed the person asking for more pictures and a decent list of what were the misc parts that were going to be included.
  7. i hate asking questions it make me feel newish.this car has most of the body work done besides making the flares permanent and it saves me time because its already striped down. should i buy this and use parts from my other 240z (that i am still trying to get) http://sfbay.craigslist.org/pen/car/454353337.html that is a 1972 mine is a 1973.. should everything interior wise swap directly into the 72 or was there changes?
  8. http://zhome.com/ZCMnL/tech/R200.htm
  9. do you think the U.S. will finally allow RHD cars to be brought in?
  10. i posted this a while back..good video its a must watch
  11. that link didnt work for me. helping you out ( others try this if the above did not work) http://youtube.com/watch?v=J5z4Vs26-TI
  12. Im in my computer animation class right now and we are making flash games. I have chosen to do a quiz type game where you have to enter text and answer multiple choice questions. Its all about cars ex. what year was (x car) made in. or . What motor came in (x car).I need help coming up with questions while i work on programing in the code in siwshMax. i have a few but i need more. Questions can be about anything related to cars that an average person can answer.I would like them to be on four specific car companies Nissan,Toyota,Honda,Mitsubishi. (must have 4 optional answers) Example Question I Made: 2. What was Nissan called before its current name? a.Maksun b.Tatsumo c.Hatsumomo d.Datsun 2. Who is the largest engine-maker in the world? a.Suzuki b.Nissan c.Toyota d.Honda Thanks All -carfan
  13. im the same age and same grade (class of 2008 FTW!!) and i sorta play paintball. (on and off)
  14. me being bored in my el camino project with a new phone (razor v3)
  15. i honesty dont know what i was thinking of. my brother took it out of random.ness. what ever it was i thought about it really hard
  16. are these the right wheels? Not my best but you can get the idea of how they look
  17. with that said i will stop finding ways to play and watch it
  18. i was saying that becuase it didnt play so i downloaded it and thought other people might have to too. but it still dosnt work
  19. might want to tell people to .right click and .save as
  20. Off Topic- My younger brother has a rc car that he drives in the mud and all and he said how do you clean it. i answered you have to get and towel and elbow grease. he says i got a towel but i dont think we have any elbow grease....can we go to the store and buy a can. i couldnt do anything except LMAO.. As for paint overspray i have used gasoline and alcohol they seem to work good. And you will have to use some "elbow grease".
  21. not a word or saying its just weird http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GBjPshocMas try this next Warning: Watch at your own risk.
  22. seen it laughed and hurt my side ....from laughing
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