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Everything posted by CArFAn

  1. no but i can get it if its free give me the link i am in CA lemme find the time difference and i will be there when it starts thats 22 minutes okay i will be there
  2. ohhh i want to join i have been playing for 3 months now plz plz plz
  3. i got 300$ and a sidekick 3 and little misc stuff
  4. look at these and then the spoof of it be amazed http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=Blendtec spoof http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVn0uxVUsNM
  5. i have a hpi rs4 2 and a gs racing storm buggy will post picks tomorro after 4pm
  6. its not the Z but its closer relative the 510 and still searching for the Z http://www.datsuns.com/510/RC510-body.htm
  7. no those are the v8 i seen those already i am not completely sure but they are engines of japanese make
  8. i seen those they are not the ones ,thnx anyway (*_*) i am still look and cant find them
  9. i once seen a video of some scaled down running car engines on at table at some car show and someone had a video of them out on the web but i have been searching and i cannot find them (they are not the small v8's). if anyone has the link or knows where the video is can you plz post it up thnx.. CArFAn
  10. i was searching for some wheels for my dads 06 jetta and i found this app with some Z's on it it lets you change color,wheels,height,stager,tint,tire profile,and rim size. it isnt a top of the line app but it gives you a good idea of what your car would look like.. http://www.autowaretech4.net/nextwheels/terrys_intro.htm cArFan..
  11. i have been reading alot on these cars (1992-1995) beacause i still want a Z and the 240z was out of the question because the parents said it would be too much of a hassle just get a newer car so i looked up other Z cars and came across this one when i looked at some videos on streetfire.net i came across one with a LS1 and since i was going to put one into the 240z. i wanted to know if anyone knows anyone that has done this or is doing this can answer a few questions i have written down. Pros vs (cons)? HICAS a problem? fitment? is there a motor mount kit? many more just main ones now <>
  12. found this thought it may help http://www.dansmc.com/Spark_Plugs/Spark_Plugs_catalog.html
  13. vid plz or closer pic of engine
  14. This to me is very cool looking
  15. it wasnt scary but the gurl i went with was and my arm and left ear still hurts from her holding on adn screaming threw the hole movie but it dose make me wonder what if it was real somewhere?? (oO)
  16. have you tried looking on http://sfbay.craigslist.org/
  17. aye my homeboy not stupid he did it caz he is creative
  18. CArFAn


    any ppl on this fourm in it?
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