I had asked that question in the aero forum but never got an answer. But I asked Tony D in the 2+2 thread and he said it was just a coincident they used a 2+2. Which is true, better or no aerodynamic differences from the coupe?
Dont sell the 2+2!! Most people think that the 2+2 is SOOOO much heavier but there only like 200lbs heavier.
Remove the back seats, bumpers, spare tire, and loose a couple pounds and you can be close to the coupes weight.
Luckily you dont live in Spokane WA. Our MINIMUM ticket for speeding is around $200, and then it goes up from there. I havent gotten a ticket but me being 16 one ticket will double my insurance (even with good grades discount~20%) My insurance is already high because Im a boy. At some point tickets are just revenue rather then for safety. Our city is just infested with cops. I think our city has the cops on commision.
13,000 for a Cobra Kit and 3000 for a Mustang donor car and you have yourself a car. Then sell it for 30 or 40 thousand. Make around 20 thousand profit per car.
From what your signiture said you gained .5 sec with 150 hp. I think youll have to do more then just some small weight reductions and aerodynamic changes. Just my opinion youll have to build your motor up more to make it to a 10 flat.
I dont know about "much more" but it does weigh alittle more. Just imagine the difference of performance with driving your coupe by yourself and with a passenger.
Not as technical as all your equations but if you have a car that was being benefited by having more lift you saving money would end when you loose control and crash the car going 70.
Well I got in my 2+2 1/4 window weatherstripping so Ive got almost all the weatherstripping, theres still a couple small pieces I need.
Cars getting sunroof hole recut for new sunroof tonight if not tonight tomorrow and then Itll be towed away to the body shop on monday. Its amazing to think it may be painted and back being assembled within 2 weeks!!! After 5 long years its actually making major progress.
Thats the 4bt, I guess it is in some delivery trucks and like he said bolts with an adaptor to a stock chevy or ford trans. In the latest Diesel Power Mag they built one up to 400 hp pretty easily and put it in a Bronco and "30 mpg".
On the turbo mileage if you have a stock turbo L28et which has peak boost at 3000rpm will you get better mileage driving on the highway at 4000 or 3000? Im guessing your making more boost so your using more fuel. Wouldnt a motor with peak boost around the top end of the motor get better mileage then one at a lower RPM?
You might remember this from Shrek 3. (pinochio)
"Well, uhh, I don’t know where he’s NOT. It wouldn’t be inaccurate to assume that I couldn’t exactly not say that it is or isn’t almost partially incorrect. " "On the contrary. I possibly more or less not definitely rejected the idea in no way with any amount of uncertainty that I undeniably do or do not know where he shouldn’t probably be. If that indeed wasn’t where he isn’t. Even if he wasn’t where I knew he was…"
I was lost after the first sentence...