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Everything posted by mobythevan

  1. This is a different type of craiglist story, but.. I was looking for some weight equipment and went to this guys place to buy his bar and weights. I show up and he is state patrol. So I tell him that my brother-in-law is state patrol. He asks what my brother-in-law's name is so I tell him. Oh, I know him, we are good friends. He then proceeds to call the brother-in-law on the speaker phone. He tells him "Hey, I've got somebody here that says they know you", then I start talking on the phone and it goes like this: (keep in mind that the brother-in-law knows I build fast cars) me: "Hey, whats up?" brother-in-law: "Who is this?" me: "It's Bryan" brother-in-law: "What did you do? What car are you driving? You had to be doing something really bad to get pulled over by this guy, he never pulls anyone over." Me and the other guy are ROFL at this point. Then we explained the real story. Just another craiglist encounter.
  2. And a lot of them are torque to yield bolts that have to be replaced, like the big one that holds on the crank pulley.
  3. Is the valve large enough to provide enough air for cold starts? I use an air valve from my old 13B rotary for my cold start valve. It has a diameter of ~3/8", that works well when it is really cold.
  4. The jumper for XG1 to XG2 needs to be installed on V2.2 boards for the "normal" setup on an L28ET with 83 dizzy. I think this is also true with the 81 CAS.
  5. I have never used a trans brake or 2 step so I need a little help. Actually I need help on how to set up the spark cut for the launch control. This is my RX7 with 5.3 V8 wasted spark. I read the very short instructions on hard rev limit spark cut in the msns_extra manual, but will there example setting of cutting 3 sparks from 10 work for me on the V8?. I am lost on how much spark to cut when revving against the trans brake. I am also going to want to spool the turbo, will this happen with spark cut, or do I just need to use soft timing retard? This is an area that I can see myself setting it up wrong and melting down at the line.
  6. I've been away for a while gathering parts. Some of these I already had but I thought it might be neat to get a pic with everything together. 76mm turbo T6 weld flange for the turbo 60mm external wastegate (SS cheapo) High flow fuel rails 150lb injectors (there is a story behind these because we all know I don't need injectors that big) 550 lift Z06 405hp camshaft Valve springs, locks and retainers for the Z06 camshaft truck exhaust manifolds to point forward for hot side turbo piping Also tossed in a pic of the built powerglide with transbrake and 4200rpm stall converter
  7. Once it runs with 7psi then I will at least crank up to 14psi with intercooler. After that it is just who knows. I have 150# injectors setting around from a different project. I am thinking of running them if I can get it to idle. I will have to add a second fuel pump when I go above 7psi, that will be at the one pumps limit. I run 18psi on my Talon. I would love to see that on the LM7 engine. 44. Ok, got an update. I picked up my built powerglide with transbrake and 4000 stall converter last night from the shop. I got a great deal on the converter because another guy had it built for his drag car and the stall wasn't as high as he wanted. I will have to check it for sure but it is suppose to be between 4000 and 4200. That should be a great starting point for my turbine housing size and camshaft. The shop put the stainless TH350 input shaft in my glide and that is how this converter was set up, so lucky timing. Otherwise I was going to get a converter built locally, but the price of that was much much more. I am saving money for the granny's 8.8 rear end kit now. Once I have that I will be pretty much set up.
  8. The shop tore down my powerflide core and said it looked good, so now they will build it up. I only need injectors, new fuel rail and an external wastegate to complete my turbo parts. I also picked up the FB lower links and watts linkage for the 8.8 install. Now I just need to save the money to order the granny's kit and new axles. I am going to start with 7psi boost and no intercooler. Once that is set up and running good I will decide my next move. I know I always get lost reading other peoples build threads so here is a quick re-cap. What I am working towards: (in case anyone lost track) LM7 engine with LS1 intake/LS6 550 lift cam/LS6 springs (stock internals) 76mm turbo (start with 7psi and no IC) Built powerglide with brake and high stall converter(haven't picked stall yet) Megasquirt EFI, LC-1 wideband, Knocksense module New injectors, New fuel rail 8.8 granny's solid axle Slicks I ran the car at the track with: Stock LM7 with stock cam (LS1 intake, stock injectors, stock rail) Megasquirt EFI, LC-1 wideband No turbo Stock FC rear end 700R4 tranny (wouldn't shift to 3rd) Street tires (big mistake)
  9. I am officially finished with the 700R4. I tried adjusting the pressure with a gauge and made sure the TV system was set up properly, but it still won't shift. I knew the 700R4 would not carry me to my final goals, so its finished. I dug out my powerglide core and I'm taking it to the builder tomorrow. I also picked up the ford 8.8 rear axle this weekend. 3:55 posi from t-bird. For my goals I decided I will go ahead and install the glide, granny's 8.8 kit and 10 point cage this winter. I will also put driveshaft loop and tranny shield in. I can't remember if the granny 8.8 kit has the loop built in? If I can sell a couple more parts I should have the money to also complete the turbo isntall this winter since it looks like my original goal of running the car a few times non-turbo is going out the door because I'm running out of track time this year. EDIT: as you can see this car is pretty much becoming a purpose built drag car. I will keep it street legal as long as possible, but I don't see it as being a daily driver car in the end
  10. I got the TV cable setup adjusted better. For one thing I was only getting about 75% throttle. I fixed that and then re-adjusted the throttle body cam for the TV cable, then adjusted the TV cable itself. Now it switches gears from 1st to 2nd around 4800rpm and the car just fishtales. I haven't done any fuel tunng yet, it is 10-11 across the board at WOT. Also I have the timing set 2 degrees below a stock high octane map. So there will be plenty of room for improvement in fuel and spark tuning, but I can't get very good traction already. My back tires were bald so I went this morning and got two new cheapo street tires for the back. I will get some slicks going in the next couple weeks, but after all the work I just want to get out and play a little. I going to try to get the fuel map more around high 12's uner WOT tongiht and tomorrow then load it on the trailer and see what I learn at the track. Next on the list will be a camshaft and valve spring change, torque converter and slicks. Its starting to get fun now!! You guys probably saw my trip to the track post. The 700r4 and the street tires were a dissapointment. I am getting a powerglide built locally for the car and putting slicks on it, then head back to the track. I am also swapping in the Z06 cam and springs. I got those ordered last week to raise my rev limit from the stock LM7 cam. I picked that cam because it will work well with the turbo for now. I am still not planning to start any of the turbo install until the car gets down the track good with glide/slicks/new cam. At least this way I'll pick up a converter/trans brake and good transmission. Then I think I will only have to worry about how long the stock NA rear end lasts.
  11. There is only one smiley that fits for last night: :owned: Yeah, I decided to see how the engine runs now on 8 cylinders. Thats right, the last two weeks it has been running on 7. Now that I got all the computer signals cleaned up I noticed #2 was not firing(it would fire about 10% of the time). Changed the plug and the engine runs perfect now. That was also causing the popping out the pipe. Now it runs 100%, and the transmission isn't liking it. Feels like it is slipping. I'm going to get a pressure gauge on it and make sure the TV cable is adjusted correctly and go from there. The wife was with me again and now she knows what it really runs like I told her it wasn't running right, but I hadn't done any tuning yet so I kept dismissing the engine miss. Track this friday if I don't break it and if I can get the tranny to work.
  12. Fixed 3 things and now I get steady rpm and the car is running pretty good. I am working on tuning now. I updated the settings in this thread to reflect what I found. 1. I had a bad opto transistor, it finally quit all together. 2. I had some settings wrong in megatune. 3. I had a bunch of higher frequency noise all over my MS setup. I added bypassing caps to the following wires on the relay board (.01uF and .22uF): battery 12volt, switched 12v, crank sensor input, cam sensor input, injector bank 1 control, injector bank 2 control. Now I am going to install the knocksense module to monitor while tuning. Also, I get a little bit of popping out the pipe at about 80kpa and 2000rpm. Could that happen if I'm too rich, it is definitely rich right now as I am just starting tuning. I've got the wideband on it. That popping concerns me a little, but it only does it in that one spot at about half throttle. If I go WOT it doesn't do it, but I haven't looked over the log files yet. I am going to continue tuning and cleaning up little things this week and take the car to the track in Pueble this Friday. It might not be much to see at this point unless I get a lot of time to tune on it, but its starting to run and this is the last test and tune. Two pretty funny things from my wife, she was riding with me helping watch some things on the laptop. I am telling her that it just doesn't feel like its running that good, then I take off in 1st up to about 4K and ratchet up to 2nd. The car throws us back violently and burns the tires a bit. She looks over and says: "And you don't think its running good?" Then I try a little launch, stock converter so I stall it at about 1100-1200 and let off the brake while mashing the throttle. From the passenger seat I hear "Woh". I asked her if she wanted to tune while I drive or if she wanted to drive. She said she would drive
  13. I got plates and insurance on the car. I also got the pinion snubber installed. Started tuning on the road and found out that I am not getting a clean trigger signal to the Megasquirt from the LSx crank sensor. I tried a couple quick tests from my past experience with megasquirt, but still the same behaviour. I am going to put a scope on the signal tonight and see what is happening. It is very likely that I am getting noise coupled into the crank sensor wire. I don't have it shielded right now and I placed megasquirt right next to the pssgr side coils. I think I found my problem with the trigger input to megasquirt not being steady, but I have to test the fix tonight. I was powering my LSx crank and cam sensors with 5 volts, they are suppose to be powered with 12 volts. I have been emailing dieselgeek to try to figure this out and it came up that I was using the wrong voltage due to an assumption on my part. Typical megasquirt stuff. Well, it drives pretty nice, I had to fix a couple places where my exhasut was hitting the body. The power steering rack is capped off, but it didn't seem too bad using armstrong The problem is that I still didn't get that crank sensor trigger cleaned up to the megasquirt, so it is like running on 7 cylinders. Still enough to dig trenches all the way up my driveway. But I can't finish the tuning until I fix this. I am still a bit perplexed. I got a good scope on the system and everything checks out OK so far. Maybe a bug yet with the code since the LS1 mode is new and AFAIK no one is running the new code version on an LS1 to confirm. Maybe coupling noise on the crank sensor wire, but I doubt that because I see problems just during cranking with the coil and injectors disconnected. I'll keep plugging away at it, bound to fix it sooner or later. If I don't get to the track in August there is a US performance series race on October 14th and a real street race on October 13th, so I'll shoot for those. I have had some problems in the past with megasquirt installs that took a while to iron out, but for the most part I have had really good luck with it. Might just be my turn in the barrel :dunno: I have been through a ton of experiments and I think I got it figured out. The newest addition to the megasquirt code for the cam sensor input is not working as advertised for me. No one else has confirmed it works yet, so I am just going to build a small pulse generator circuit to bypass this problem. The pulse circuit has been confirmed by other people. So with any luck tonight or tomorrow I will have it running 100% and finish tuning. Definitely going to be updates to the megasquirt notes once I confirm this works.
  14. I took the car for a drive last night, but it was a real short one. The driveshaft is binding so I have to re-check the angles again. I thought they were OK, but I guess not. I'll check it out tonight and start tuning. The thing is a beast for sure, I barely touched the gas in reverse and left two trenches in the dirt about 6 feet long. Yeah traction, I have none. OK, next update: I got the driveshaft problem fixed good enough for now. I shimmed the tranny up a little bit. I drove the car a little bit with no tuning, didn't get after it at all until I tune. I installed the bung for the wideband sensor. My cooling fan is working well, controlled by megasquirt. My dash tach is working, also controlled by megasquirt. Water temp gauge is working in the dash. The oil temp in the dash does not work, so I have a cheapo summit oil gauge installed for now. I got my heat shield on to protect the fuel lines under the car. Also got a quicky heat shield to help protect the megasquirt while it is in the engine compartment. I made a list of things to keep an eye on. One being the .040" clearance between the oil pan and steering rack. I have various things going on, mostly small stuff. I don't have any leaks and so far the car doesn't act like it has any steam/coolant heating issues. I orderd the knock sensor interface module for megasquirt today to help with tuning. I talked with the guy that makes the module and he says it will work with the two LSx knock sensors. He also sets it up based on the cylinder bore which is 3.779 for the 5.3 Tonight I plan to work a bit on tuning the fuel and spark. I am also working to get insurance and plates on the car. Mainly so I can tune on the street, I live wayyyyy out in the sticks with plenty of unused roads to tune on. Then the last thing I have to sort out is what tire to run at the dragstrip. I see that the 26x8.5 slicks work on the stock rims, but $300 for them and $100 for tubes? Also, I have the pinion snubber, but have not installed it yet. Otherwise I think I am just in the tune/troubleshoot phase now. Still targeting August 10th to hit the track, but I may not have tires sorted out by then, so it may be a traction limited track night.
  15. Pictures from the weekend: Pile of swap parts from LS1 to LM7 LS1 oil pan Drill and tap for second alternator bolt LM7 installed Megasquirt mounted in engine compartment for drag races (I put those pink wires into the loom now) While I was installing the engine in the RX7 my friend finished his FMIC on his talon. Yeah, I'm going to blow that thing away :laugh: So dieselgeek (who works with Parish on the vehicles AFAIK) told me that they are also installing megasquirt with the ignition control this week, but he didn't say which vehicle. I know he runs megasquirt on the truck, but only for fuel control last I heard. I hadn't heard if they are running it on the 5.3 car. I read through the thread and they are running completely stock internal except valve springs. I believe it, control the detonation and you can surpass most peoples expectations of reliability on any engine. BTW, thanks for the encouragement on the project. Maybe the first test drive tonight, if not definitely tomorrow. My wife is really supportive of me with the cars, she has her own hobby/business with horses so it goes both ways. I am starting to put some serious thought into my plan for the rear end setup and transmission once the turbo is installed. I will of course run until I break the stock diff, just in case, you never know
  16. I actually talked to Ben about the engine, he said he woud refund my money. I told him I didn't feel right about him refunding because he was really screwed by the guy he bought it from, but he said he was refunding anyway. He is a good guy and I believe he did not know about the damage because he never tried to use the engine. BTW, I got the 5.3 installed today. All that is left to do is reconnect the megasquirt relay board to the harness and I can fire the new engine. I'm waiting until tomorrow to fire it up, just to give me a night to think if I missed anything. I am going to do a compression check once it is warmed up just to be sure this time. Hopefully will be test driving tomorrow!! I went back through the time I spent on the car since discovering the carnage and it turns out to be right at 40 hours to pull it and do all the 5.3 changes, then re-install it. Not too bad, but I'm going to have to get a lot faster to compete with the Top Fuel guys:D yeah, the 5.3 came with a 30 day warranty. I got it fired up today. Remember that ear piercing whining noise, yeah it was still there. It turns out that I have blocked off the IAC on the TB with a plate, which left a huge hole in the TB. That was making all the noise, put the IAC back in the manifold, noise is gone. If you ever want to really annoy people and blow there ear drums just remove your IAC and put a blockoff plate there. Set idle, checked charging circuit, oil pressure, etc. Idles real nice. I let it come up to temp and then shut down to do a bunch of little stuff so I can drive it. I mounted the megasquirt board and relay board. I've got some pictures, I'll get them posted tomorrow. Using the evap solenoid as my FIDLE control with megasquirt works pretty nice. I think there are just about 10 or les little things left that I noticed today. One thing is that I need to connect the megasquirt tach output to the RX7 tach. That is a new feature and the MS will run the dash tach like the LS1 ECU does. It has the four cylinder output mode. The big thing now is to get my wideband moved over from the Talon and tune the car. If things go good now I am planning to take the car to the Pueblo dragstrip on August 10th. Oh, BTW, do you guys have any recomendations for the rev limit on the 5.3 engine? I did a quick search on ls1tech but didn't turn up anything. I had determined to set the LS1 to 6200.
  17. Keep in mind I'm running the 700r4. I picked up a 5.3 today from the salvage yard. 44k miles. I'm taking the rest of today off work and heading home to start installing it. Looks like I will need to swap the oil pan, intake, coil packs and water pump right off the bat. Hopefully will be running and tuning on Sunday. I printed out the list of stuff to swap from the LS1 to 5.3 from the thread by Kingwalrus. I am in the middle of it right now and just came in to eat something. Its all going good so far. Looks like I am going to need to rent a pulley installer tomorrow to swap pulleys. I pulled both of them already, but my installer only works on old SBC/BBC. What an adventure. I am already preparing myself in case the transmission goes or the rear end goes here is the list of stuff to swap on the 5.3 from kingwalrus's post: I also swapped the steam vent pipe. I went into town this morning and luckily the dealer had 1 crankshaft bolt. And, just as lucky, Ace had the M16x2 all thread to make a nice pulley installer. If I don't have any trouble installing the pulley I will isntall the engine and tranny tonight. That will just about put me back on track. I can say one thing for certain, the 5.3 is one hell of a lot cleaner on the inside than the LS1 was. The LS1 had quite a bit of oil build up. THe 5.3 basicaly looks new inside.
  18. Will my parts interchange with a 4.8l? Like intake, alternator, water pump? Thanks for the help, I am just screwed at this point until I can dig something up, unless you guys really want to see that BBC in there, here is a pic of it: It had a distributor in this picture, but it actually run distributorless wasted spark, and is fuel injected with Megasquirt control. It is built and I have fired it, very tempting at this point since I am interested in drag racing and not really street or road racing. I pulled everything out last night and got it organized in preparation for finding another engine. I figured the best way to handle the bad luck was to work twice as hard to make it to the racetrack. Tonight I picked up the infamous 31052 pinion snubber on the way home. I will get it installed in the down time. This reminds me of those goofy bad news/good news commercials on TV. The bad news is my LS1 is cracked, the good news is that it was easy to install the mechanical speedo tailhousing with the tranny pulled After doing some quick research and looking around it seems there are several LM7's in the area and that is what I am going to do with the car. That just concretes installing the TV71 turbo. I can always get the smaller turbine housing for the TV71 if the 5.3 doesn't spool it good enough. So I'm taking the truck into town tomorrow and hopefully coming home with an LM7 that has a 30-90 day warranty from the local salvage yard. Then I can install it This weekend and see where I stand. My main goal still stands to get the engine in and go to the dragstrip in August with no turbo, then drive the car until October. After that I will start the turbo stuff. Of course if my rear end blows, or the tranny blows then I will start sooner. That was a close call though, I almost tried to fit that BBC in there before I regained my sanity. I measured and the supercharger belt would have run about one hair away from the radiator. Not to mention it would look like one of those cartoon cars with 2 feet of blower sticking out the top. :laugh:
  19. Unbelievable !! Major BAD news guys, my LS1 was apparently destroyed when I bought it. I was told (and I have no reason to doubt it) that is was a 99 LS1 with 89K miles, but ran good. Might want to freshen it up, or just toss it in and have fun. I figured it is a good engine, so I didn't pull the plugs or check compression. Well, here goes the story. Sunday I fired the engine to verify that megasquirt would start it and everything was wired correctly. I am not exaggerating here, I ran it dry (no coolant) for 15 seconds at idle. Just enough to see it start and idle and then me and my friend go WTF? What is that weird high pitch sort of whistling grinding noise? It immediately made the noise upon firing, seemed to be coming from the intake air filter. Fired it again for about 10 seconds to listen at the air filter, yeah it was loud as hell there, just a continuous high pitch whining like sucking maybe 10,000CFM or something. So shut it down and hoped that maybe running the water pump dry was making a whistling sound or something? My thoughts were to re-visit once the coolant was in and I could let it idle longer to listen with the stethoscope. So last night everything is put together, I mean everything. I was hoping to take it for a test drive. Fire it again with coolant full and there is that high pitch whistle/grind noise from the air filter. I shut it down right away. OMG, this can't be happening. So I think for a second, then pull the dipstick to check my oil level for lack of anything else to do. OMG, coolant in the oil and I mean like a gallon of coolant in the oil. Pull the radiator cap, yes the coolant level is way down. Pull the oil drain plug and about 3 quarts of straight coolant setting under the oil comes out. At this point I am pretty much in shock, no dragstrip on August 3rd, so much for my great deal LS1 engine, I'm not even going to get a test drive...... I pull all the plugs next. I don't think they were ever pulled before because they had the resistance from thread treatment all the way out. And number 1 I pulled the other day to locate TDC, it didn't have the resistance so I think the plugs were not pulled by the other owner. I haven't called him yet because I don't believe he knew any of this, but I'll call him just for any other info he might have. Anyway all the plugs look good except number 8. The electrode is smashed in and wet as hell, oh ♥♥♥♥! That is pretty much were I zoned out and just went into mindless mode. Pulled the intake, coils, valve cover, head. Here are the pictures, sleeve is cracked all the way, block is cracked, piston is destroyed, head is destroyed. What in the hell would have caused all of this? This was suppose to be a pullout from a running car that was wrecked. Wrecked with the throttle wide open until the cops arrived??? Can any of this be salvaged or is the block just scrap now? This had to be this way when I bought the engine, there is no way I can believe that kind of damage would occur from 3 15 second runs at idle. We would have heard devastation like that if the piston was flying apart right? I have never grenaded an engine but I have heard various noises before and my new exhasut is quite. I don't even have a plan at this point, I'm still trying to pull together. If the block is toast, then I only seem to have 3 options: 1. Buy another pullout LS1 2. I have a TPI engine in the garage 3. I have a 454 with roots supercharger built for my streetrod, but the streetrod is years from being finished. It would be ridiculous to put the BBC in the rx7 right?
  20. check out this link, a little ways down the page it has the exact dimensions of the TV71. Turbotech - Australia's specialist in turbochargers - Garrett Turbochargers It will be very difficult to get it to fit and keep the headlight and hood as is, but I think it can be done. I wondered about having the water pump heater outlets cut off and welded shut (have to research if that causes a flow problem or not). Like I say, I am just tossing the idea right now like you. But I don't have anything planned for this winter
  21. I am down to just a handful of small things before I can drive the car. Last night I wired the neutral safety and backup lights to the B&M shifter. Also finished my crank vent setup. Still on the list: 1. Exhaust hangers 2. Move the fuel return line(too close to the exhaust manifold by brake booster) 3. heat shield under car for fuel lines 4. lower radiator hose 5. Ordered the 31052 bump stop for pinion snubber, but don't need that to test drive. 6. Wire the electric fan (megasquirt controls the relay for it) 7. Re-wire coil power to megasquirt to stop key on backfires 8. Wire tach (megasquirt runs stock tach using configurable tach output pin), don't need this to test drive Here are the mockup pictures for the turbo, but I am not going to do any serious work on this until probably October. Hotside flange will come up just below the LS1 water pump heater hose outlets. Charge pipe goes straight down and clears everything. Plenty of room for downpipe. Only thing is a custom weird bent intake pipe to put the air filter in front of the radiator. Looks like it will clear the hood because in the pics it was setting a couple inches high due to heater hoses in the way. BTW, if the TV71 flow is not enough for you the housing can be turned to fit an 88mm wheel. I've got an extra set of LS1 heads (casting 241?), I plan to send those in for CNC porting and when I do install the turbo I will swap the heads and change the cam. Don't pay attention to the pvc coupler in the top radiator hose, that was for mockup. I am making a steel tube to go in there for real.
  22. Ok, I have it in my hands now, so I can let the world know. I'll get some pics to show the monstrosity, but if you looked at the single turbo LS1 in the thread that Scottie linked from hybridz then that pretty much gives you the idea on size. But don't fear, I will drive the car at least a few months and get 1/4 mile times, then probably mess with this over the winter. I take what oppurtunities I can and when this showed up locally I talked to Majestic turbo about coupling it with the LS1. But first thing is first, get the car to the track August 3rd. I am pretty sure it will fit behind the pssgr headlight, will definitely require some cutting and fitting in that area. I think I have a pretty good plan using a water to air intercooler. We'll see. The AR is large, that is why I talked it over with majestic turbo.
  23. Here are some pics from the exhaust install. Since the manifolds are just steel, I added the downpipe section to them. I like the way it turned out. I need a couple heat shields by the fuel lines, but the pipe is pretty far away. driver side manifold pssgr side manifold Got the car a bit higher with 6 ton jackstands to have some room. pssgr side below the car Driver side pipe Everything installed
  24. Got my dual 2.5" mandrel bent exhaust done Saturday. Wired up the megasquirt today and fired the engine. Just ran it for a few seconds. I have to make some updates to the megasquirt notes. Now I just need to get my lower radiator hose in and wire the electric fan before I can take a test drive. Oh, and I have to do 2 heat shields by the fuel lines. My rx7 oil gauge is not working even though I can measure like 68 ohms with the multimeter throught the wire to ground?? Pretty awesome to see it fire up with megasquirt, no hopefully every thing else is fine with the engine and tranny, won't know until I run it some more.
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