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Everything posted by awd92gsx

  1. Wolf, Post me to the link. I got a pair off of Ebay, too. 1 type of Ebay headers work, and the others don't work.
  2. I thought somebody here might enjoy it... It's an old Ford 8N with a flathead V8 installed (circa 1948)
  3. http://richard-t-osborne.netfirms.com/200mpg.html Maybe this is what you're looking for?
  4. I just came across this pic...and thought it might be a good idea if somebody ever needed to do something similar...
  5. I've actually heard that one of the single most advantageous aero-type mods you can do to a 1G Z is headlight covers. Headlight covers WILL go on my Z, I'm still debating on if I should get tinted covers or just get some clear ones and paint them solid black from the inside. The reason for the debate is that I'm getting one of 280Zone's fiberglass hoods next week, but, am painting it black (my car is red). So, I'm trying to picture in my mind what my red Z (with MSA aero kit) will look like with the sportier looking hood painted black and black headlight covers.
  6. Your best and closest bet would be to get a 1G 4G63 and couple it to a Mighty Max/D50 trans. You could also build the 4G63/4G64 hybrid using a Galant bottom end and Eclipse top end. Otherwise, you could probably take a 4G64 from a '94 Montero Sport w/5 speed and bolt on the DOHC head from a 4G63, turbo it and have a turbo 16v 2.4L.
  7. I say possible, because nothing is finalized yet. I found a '94 Camaro Z28 with Lt1/T56 for only $1200. The engine does need work (not sure what it needs...it doesn't run) and the guy is still trying to track down the title. It's going to need a bit of work to make it a decent car again, but, the body is straight. The interior is pretty trashed, though. I'll post an update when I find out more.
  8. Mike, Yeah. I agree. I also see the same thing when dealing with R1's...tire slippage can be come such a factor at those high of speeds that your reading can be off...making it seem like you're going faster than you really are (by looking at the speedo). I looked for awhile, but, couldn't find any verified Salt Flat speeds. I'm not really looking for any other reason than just because I was curious as to how fast the chassis of the S30 can be taken to before it becomes so unstable that you couldn't possibly go faster...not that I ever plan on going that fast in my Z (that's why I have my bike!!)
  9. http://forums.hybridz.org/search.php?searchid=160375 http://forums.hybridz.org/search.php?searchid=160376 http://forums.hybridz.org/search.php?searchid=160381 Exactly which keywords would one use to find the many topics discussing it without getting results back of over 500? I searched...but, unfortunately the search engine does not bring consider "top speed" to be one string of text and instead breaks it down into two. So...now you get every post with "top" in it and every post with "speed" in it. With that being said...Thank you for the information.
  10. What's the highest recorded speed with a V8Z (or any 1G Z for that matter)? A few Z guys and I were having a discussion on exactly how fast you could take a 1G Z even if you had a LS1/T56 combo... Just curious.
  11. As always, Thanks for that detailed write up Grumpy!! I hope I never have to use it...but, if I do...it'll come in handy!!
  12. I'd try putting the starter in that you have and seeing how it works. If it starts the car and fits...why not use what you have? Then you'll have the money to put somewhere else. Just my $.02 (adjusted to $1.34 for inflation)
  13. When I dropped my engine in I kept having a valve that would keep going out of adjustment. Seems the locknut for the rocker wasn't quite locking very well. After replacing it I haven't had any troubles since.
  14. I'll do my best to answer what I know... 1) No idea on the first part...you'll have to use the LS2 wiring harness and ECU. The Harness will have to be spliced into your Z. 2) That depends on your mechanical ability. But...it's easier to convert to an auto than from an auto to a manual most of the time (since you don't have to really worry about the pedals) 3) The Vette has a rear transverse mounted transmission...it won't fit. The GTO *should* 4) That depends...which rear end do you have? They seem to be safe up to about 400-450 or so (depending on how you launch and how sticky your tires are) 5) More than likely it will be ok if it's a 280Z. You can add a cage for more strength. Strut bars will help, too. Some people weld in frame stiffeners for safety. 6) No! I believe John's cars has a complete LS1 kit...I *think* this will work. 7) I have no idea.
  15. I got one sitting in my garage that lasted about a day and a half...I get no response from them. The starter turns over, but, something seems to be wrong with the clutch portion of the gear reduction... That's how I figured out the direct drive starter works
  16. What year car are you putting it in? I have a '77 280Z and the standard direct drive starter fits perfectly fine (even thought the JTR manual says it won't fit). The problem, though, is that it's kinda tight getting to the wiring if you try to wire it up after the starter is bolted in. But...once it's in, you won't have to mess with it anymore (hopefully)
  17. There are two types of headers generally sold on Ebay. There are the kind that you got...like these (they won't work): http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/CHEVY-SB-HUGGER-HEADERS-265-283-305-307-327-350-BLACK_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ33631QQitemZ7988999853QQrdZ1 and then there is the other kind, which fit perfectly fine (I am running these on my Hybrid Z): http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/SB-CHEVY-HEAVY-DUTY-STREET-ROD-HUGGER-HEADERS-SBC_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ34203QQitemZ4564305350QQrdZ1
  18. A set of $60 block huggers off of E-bay. (only certain Ebay headers work right) I'm a cheap bastard, but, they fit great!
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