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Everything posted by awd92gsx

  1. I'm a graduate of AAI (Arizona Automotive Institute) here in Phoenix, AZ. Any vocational school will only teach you the bare basics. After graduating and receiving my degree I thought I knew what I was doing until I started working for Mitsubishi. It wasn't until I started taking Mitsubishi factory training that I realized that schools teach too much theory and less about how to actually fix a car. You need to take some heavy fab classes to do the kinds of things you're talking about. DON'T even CONSIDER going to UTI because Z's are your hobby.
  2. The part number listed for the tranny mount in the JTR is no longer available through GM (or so the GM wholesale dept tells me)
  3. Yeah, Blue...have you ever considered starting a fab/bodyshop school for us idjits?
  4. Is it just me, or are there two seperate engines in that video? After they say "Is that 8500...yeah that's 8500...Oh wow!" The frame clips and for some reason the engine just sounds...well...meaner.
  5. mmmkay... Well, are there any that look even close? Blue? Did you build your Flares from scratch, too?
  6. It...hmm...damn. Does your tranny's input shaft still spin freely? Maybe it somehow locked up on you??? You'd figure something else would give before the tranny case, though...
  7. I like these flares...Anybody know who makes 'em? I like how the sides are "flatter" than the YZ http://www.zparts.com/showcase/engines/images/q45zpower_13rw1.jpg http://www.zparts.com/showcase/engines/images/q45zpowers_11rw.jpg
  8. Would you want to leave your pump running with the engine shut off? Besides, it is also a safety feature. It's generally safer to have the fuel pump shut off with the engine I personally see no reason to have to toggle a fuel pump with a switch (unless you are using the switch for security purposes) as it has no advantages...unless I'm just not seeing them. Could you explain why you have yours wired that way for me?
  9. Technically, even a cowl hood will do that (help keep the engine bay cool) since it creates a low pressure area just behind the hood "sucking" heat out and airflow through the engine bay.
  10. In my fuel pump setup there is no switch to turn on the fuel pump...however, if one wanted to add a switch it would be as simple as running the ground from the relay to a switch and then controlling the relay ground.
  11. Maybe it's the fact that I actually ride an R1...but, for the life of me...I don't understand why people pay money to watch other people thrash their perfectly fine machine around.
  12. Personally...Hmm... I like the grey/black look....the blue looks...I dunno... If I *had* to have the blue on, I'd go for Grey, and then leave the hood, roof, and hatch blue...but two colors on one panel looks...kinda strange to my eyes.
  13. Got the front end off of stands. Just have a few things left to do, like some last minute wiring and the final cooling fan installation, throttle cable install...then I gotta lift up the back end, install the fuel pump, install the driveshaft, reinstall the rear crossmember and it should, in theory, be ready to fire up. I know the engine weighs more than the stock one...and my car IS pretty low...but, damn, I don't remember it being THIS low. Will post pics when I get the front cover back on.
  14. ...it's very vague...but, I believe Darius wrecked his R1, not his Z.
  15. The factory rear end has been shown to handle 10 second passes for awhile...it doesn't seem to be a problem for most guys/gals. You could always do the halfshaft conversion to make it even stronger.
  16. Hmm...I haven't heard that it's been wrecked, but, I have heard it's undergoing a widebody conversion.
  17. Learnt? Don't you mean raped? I work at a dealership and those prices even make me cringe!!
  18. You can also go to http://www.pandasoftware.com and get a free virus scan.
  19. 2 Gal of fuel should be roughly about 15-16 pounds.
  20. How much was it from JC? I can't seem to find it on their site
  21. How can I get a hold of MAS? Do they have a site? Thanks Georgia! If that's not it, it's close enough. Does it have provisions for the hinges?
  22. Cremm, At this point you should seriously consider buying and reading the JTR manual. It's not GREAT, but, it's all there is out there and is "adequate". You can find it at http://www.jagsthatrun.com It should answer many of your questions before you can even think of them.
  23. Thanks Davy... I really do like the looks of that Hood, though...I'll keep looking.
  24. Crem, You might try posting this in the Chevy V8 forum instead...less you get tempted to go to the "dark side" Haha. Just kidding guys
  25. I've seen that hood on other V8 Z's...can somebody tell me where to find it?
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