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S30Z Bushido

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Everything posted by S30Z Bushido

  1. i think you might be needing some flares in the future
  2. zx six spokes up front, slots in the rear. me likey! 8)
  3. that sounds like your average uneducated honda riceboy...
  4. how much did it end up costing you in all for the whole conversion? i'm looking at doing this in the near future.
  5. thanks man, i could have done it better, it was just a 10minute job. i used to run no bumpers on the front, it looked cool...but it definetly looks better with a bumper. imo i think the grill opening is too big to not have something split it up...
  6. niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice! love the blacked out emblems also. very wangan midnight-esque. 8)
  7. maybe this will help you decide....
  8. wow, looking good man. i'd like to hear more about the wrx steering rack install!
  9. daytona blue is a sweet color.
  10. i don't think that Z32 would be that sluggish, they are heavy...but the VG accounts for a substantial amount of thier wieght. i think that SR20 is a definate upgrade from the VG30DE... here are some weights i got off of some other web sites. stock N/A Z32 = 3200lbs. VG30DE w/ tranny=475lbs. SR20DET W/Tranny=328lbs so the Z32 above would come in with a weight of around 3053lbs, which is still on the heavy side... but with a few bolt ons it would make quite a nice power to weight ratio... on3go, i have seen a few pics of that white z32, it's definetly bad ass...
  11. i came across this while browsing Yahoo Japan Auctions, quite interesting. Notice the R34GTR wheels...drooooool not bad for 6 grand american... but i'd rather have an SR in an S30
  12. sounds like a good find! how much did it set you back?
  13. all of the RB powered Z's, except for one (Expert Nakamura) have a rwd GTS-T tranny bolted up to it. i'd love to see the drivetrain of a wrx stuffed into an s30, that thing would be a terror
  14. nice and clean euro bumpers for me please.
  15. cool, how much did you pick it up for? btw, did you get your g-nose yet?
  16. i don't think they make a rwd tranny for it, i think it only comes in awd. i love the way those motors sound, very mean. i want to here the new 2.5 liter...
  17. i can awnser a few of your questions... Gto kits refer to the Ferrari 250 GTO, check out the kit car forum for more info. Victoria British is good a good magazine, tho kinda pricy. Motorsport Auto is another good catalog. If you want big wheels you will most likely have to setup a coilover suspension as it allows for more clearance for wheels. i hear that the best performing tire size for a car the size of 240z is a 225/50/15, but i'm sure others on this board will disagree with that. Can't help you with the V8 questions, others will chime in about those questions probably.
  18. wow, looking very good man. are you planning on coating the header with anything? kind of off topic but i was wondering if you have fabricated the cover for the intake mani on your hood, i'm curious to see what you have planned for that.
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