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Everything posted by nbesheer

  1. there was a video somewhere on here (a youtube video) of a LD28 S30 and it was pretty quick, I don't know if It was turbo or not but I don't think it was. as previously mentioned you don't need a huge HP number to have fun, we had a S10 with a 4 banger but it had a stick shift so it was all good.
  2. The rivet idea seems like it would look pretty cool
  3. That looks pretty cool. and as for aircraft spruce... GRRR their actually about a mile away from me and they wouldn't hire me as a purchasing assistant!!!!. But quick question, you said you had it in wrinkle finish, will the sticker stick to that ?
  4. What the H is that sticking out of your hood, Also did I miss the thread where you got that Vue air dam properly mounted ? I saw that original post hmm, I go check back.
  5. Okay I am having a brain fart I cant remember what TC stands for I am stuck on "true control" lol but I didn't see anything in that kit with TC on it. Summit only has poly bushings and when I click on suspension parts at MSA its blank, should I just search for OEM bushings for the "TC". Computoman leave me a heads up with any problems you run into please.
  6. Oh I understand that I won't be able to do it all in one day, but work is 2 miles away so I figure I could do one wheel get the hang of it and then if I don't have time either ride my bike to work or slowly drive my car to work lol. I just don't want to take it apart and realize I don't have something and have to put the old stuff back in.
  7. Okay so my first week of work I got 60 hours of work in lol. SO I'm going to be buying my new suspension finally. So this is what I have down so far. Struts/Springs http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/TOKICO-HP-SHOCKS-SPRINGS-280Z-NISSAN-280ZX-79-to-83_W0QQitemZ160129522839QQihZ006QQcategoryZ33590QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem Bushings http://store.summitracing.com/partdetail.asp?autofilter=1&part=PTP%2D14%2D2003%2DBL&N=700+4294925130+4294839050+4294865789+4294907666+4294925044+115&autoview=sku (does that bushing kit include every bushing I need to replace because all mine are bad.) and someone suggested I get new ball end joints (?) and something else, and someone on this forum mentioned that tockios are not warrantied unless you use bump stops and boots is this true. Are there any bearings I need to replace other the the wheel bearings as I got those already. I just have to make sure I have everything when i start because I only get 1 day off a week
  8. well I didn't know if it was an actual bulge or just the CF got twisted or something (I have no idea how CF is applied made or anything else) so I didn't know.
  9. omg i did not even see that, and now I can't not see that. now is that just a problem with the way the fiber is positioned or will it still have a bulge if it was painted.
  10. I like the metal in the hood vents might do that with mine. Not a fan of the CF look though. But wh is that hood poorly done ? what do you look for ?
  11. That looks cool, not so much the front air dam thing, but what tail lights are those 350z ? also i think it would look really cool to get into a 350z and see a 240z dash
  12. What exactly is the purpose of these, to make less rotational mass ?
  13. I agree with the flare nut wrench idea, $17.00 for a wrench isn't that bad when you look at how much everything else costs :|
  14. Hey, if I don't already have something planed for that day I could help, I don't have much experience with that sort of thing. These next 2 months are really busy for me with birthdays weddings and events, and I started my new job but if I don't have anything planed for that day I would gladly help you. But like I said, I don't have the experience so if you cant someone else I understand.
  15. I would rather have the extra garage because theres more space to do stuff.
  16. Wait aziza you have power seats ? whats up with that I was under the impression that the Z's only had 2 options, turbo and non turbo ? Well I guess the turbo package had the power seats then. But yeah i agree cruise control is nice.
  17. HAHAH, I was just curious I didn't know if maybe they kept the clutch in there because it was all the way to the floor to make production more simple or something
  18. Alright I use those tips probably not for a bit because I don't ahve all thsoe supplies now and no cash to get them
  19. Okay so I got old hood vents from the junkyard sanded them down a bit and painted them with generic flat black paint. Then i put gloss clear coat on it and I can't really wash them, they look like crap in some places after washing it. Also I got OEM mirror housings that I sanded and painted the same way and they look like crap, I don't get it and i clearly don't know how to do this so any help would be cool. Also if I were to have someone paint it how much would that run, just 2 mirrors and 2 280zx hood vents ? EDIT this might have been posted twice my browser messed up.
  20. Well this might be coming out of left field but as far as I know when water freezes it freezes from the top down. so the surface is frozen then I suppose when the rest freezes under it I pushes ice up and not water, where as water can flow out of a hole sheets of ice might not.
  21. Just to let you know I was at Pick a Part in Ontario and there is a 82 280zx with analog dash sitting there if you need parts from it. BTW cool looking car kinda looks like the inside of mine.
  22. At the pick a part theres a 280zx with an auto transmission but it also has a clutch, is that normal or is has it been swapped for an auto ?
  23. If autozone has Raybestos pads they stop pretty good, it's what i have, I got the most expensive ones not sure if they are QS or GS or what ever their called.
  24. Well this is what it looked like before I painted it so maybe you'll rethink. http://img523.imageshack.us/img523/7735/11qr6.jpg haha, but no it's better then a big spot of primer.
  25. Trust me when I get a job it will be done right. Also i had some extra hood vents lying around that I am going to paint black, hopefully it will look cool on the red. But who knows.
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