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Everything posted by 280Zone

  1. I am not sure where the tranny came from, I guess I am going to have to do some more searching.
  2. Flat black and it is a 75 too huh? Charlie, in addition to my flat black Z I have a 75 with teh V8 conversion done. If you need specifics I can see what i can do to help. A lot of my wires are covered with plastic wire loom but if I can get to them I can tell you what I find. Robert
  3. Fiberglass hoods have been used for years on both race and street cars. If you are interested I have these hoods available. http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=101130
  4. I am having a problem getting my electronic speedometer hooked up to my 700R4 Trans. I bought a Auto Meter convertor that converts a cable connection to an electronic pulse, however the problem is that my 700R4 trans has no cable connection (I should have looked before I bought). I did find that where the speedo cable usually attaches to a transmission, is an oval plug with two terminals inside. Can I use those connectors to trigger my Auto Meter gauge? If so which is which.
  5. Yep, that is the one I was talking about. Dave at Arizona Z Car had purchased the molds when they went out of business. Dave told me he had never used the molds. Dave has since sold his fiberglass molds (I assume this was included) to a company in Ohio. The last I heard was that the new owner would be sorting through all of the molds he bought to determine what he had this summer. Hopefully he will make it through all of them and will offer parts to the public in the future.
  6. I have heard of a Vegas company that went out of business that had a full body kit. Do you have pictures of the body kit? G-machine suspension is a popular company that makes suspension products for American muscle cars.
  7. Bondo won't work for bonding ABS to metal (if that is what you mean).
  8. Motorsports catalog shows them as different part numbers as well as the cross member being different.
  9. It is a pretty common practice called "shaving" cut and weld in panels to cover holes and indents. Here is my before; http://www.desertzassociation.com/membersrides/Robert/75z/pic/pic5.jpg during; http://www.desertzassociation.com/membersrides/Robert/75z/pic/pic4.jpg and the after; http://www.desertzassociation.com/membersrides/Robert/75z/pic/pic8.jpg
  10. Most speakers come with templates. If you already own the speakers you are installing you should be able to draw a line around them on paper.
  11. that depends on if you want it functional. Here is a car with no fuel cell. http://www.desertzassociation.com/membersrides/gary/pic/pic17.jpg
  12. Check out John's at http://www.ReactionResearch.com he sells quality parts.
  13. I have a nibbler and it is very good for cutting whever you want to go, but straight lines are a challenge. I have expierenced no or minimal distortion. I use the $20 unit from harbor Freight.
  14. MSD 6AL wiring is as follows. Heavy Black to Battery negative Heavy Red to Battery Positive Black to coil negative Orange to coil positive Red to switched 12 volts Green and violet Plug to Distributor & nothing to the white wire or White wire to points or amplifier output nothing to the green violet plug.
  15. There are at least two of us here in AZ that are planning on runnig A/C. DMSV8 is well on his way with all of the components installed. Also check out the VintageAir units.
  16. Glad to hear there is yet another Hybrid in town. I am out on the other side of Town (in Chandler) but we have other Hybriders around town. Check out http://www.DesertZAssociation.com for the local Z car Club. http://www.firebirdraceway.com and http://www.speedworldmotorplex.com for local weekly racing opportunities. Oh yea don't forget this is the wild west so you won't be the only one "packing" more than a laptop.
  17. Yes they are worth it and it doesn't hurt that you are replacing brake lines that are 30 years old or so.
  18. A link to one I have for sale if interested. http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=101130
  19. Keep your car the way it is and pick up a shell and get started. In my mind there are stock looking cars and then there are the wild ones (like Dan's in the picture above). Stock cars get comments like "Wow nice car" or, "oh that's nice". Wild cars get comments like "HOLY CRAP that thing is mean!" and DAMN, I can't believe that!". Fitting a Ford 9" inside the stock fender lines is going to be VERY narrow. All in "what you always wanted".
  20. Dan is not a powdercoating guy, he is a paint and body shop owner here in AZ. He would also like to remind everyone that these flares have been configured for his car that has been back halved and fitted with a Ford 9" rear end. He is also not sure of the end cost for the package. Dan stays pretty busy at work so he doesn't get to visit here much so i thought I would add what I know about this topic.
  21. contact dmsv8@netzero.com if you are interested in a set of very wide flares. He has fabricated a set and would get molds made if there is any interest.
  22. Christian, I still have the car dolly if you need it.
  23. Georgia, yes my vents are from a camaro, sometimes a little hard to find but keep your eyes on ebay. Demon, is also correct, I had done mine with Dupont DP90 awhile back and it started to fade to white, I had it repainted using a different catalyized primer. It is holding up better but it doesn't see much sunlight either.
  24. but I am kind of partial to the flat black look. http://www.desertzassociation.com/membersrides/Robert/75z/pic/pic9.jpg
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